• Member Since 8th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen May 25th, 2022

Not Enough Coffee

"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." ~ Marcus Aurelius

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Future Writings, Reflections, And A Little Gay Sprinkled In · 7:44am Aug 9th, 2021

So, perhaps you have read that latest story of mine? Well, for those who have, this is sort of a follow up to that and my future writings. I'm not going to lie, I've been pretty much stuck in writers block hell for the past half a year after finishing chapter two of Hymn For The Blind. It was written from a depressive moods caused by a family member trying to push themselves onto me. I have mentioned this in other blogs, and in comments around the site, but it really fucked me up something fierce.

After writing that chapter I was pretty much spent. I let loose all of those feelings caused by that event in that chapter based around what happened to me, and I had little motivation or reason to write anything else. Yet, here we are now, and I have another short one-shot out. Sadly, it was yet again caused from sudden mood fluctuations I've experienced these past few days.

I was reminded of my suicidal ideation when I worked at my previous job. I used to think what it'd be like to go home to write a suicide note for the hell of it. I wanted to see how it felt, what I'd write, and what it'd mean to me and the imaginary people in my head who would stumble across it. I never went through with it, but it dug into my mind more and more until the mood fluctuations decided to give me pity and make me feel a little less insane.

And, in another fit of emotional turmoil, I spilled my guts out once again. Thus my latest story was born from the fruits of my tainted feelings. And with a little help from someone special to make sure it read well, and not horrid like some tween's first story.

I am, of course, referring to the light of my life. This person is someone I've known for almost as long as I've been on this site, someone who I've talked with more than any other, and have grown to have a strong attachment to. Without them, my world would be a hell of a lot emptier and darker. I am of course speaking of my wonderful boyfriend, who makes waking up everyday worthwhile.

Each and every time we talk it's like having dessert for dinner, because they are just too sweet to me. They honestly have made me feel happier than I have felt in such a long time, and I'm so happy to have them in my life.

It's obviously the incredibly gifted and wonderful Ice Star.

It's been the best few weeks in this last few years since we started dating. You're simply divine. 💜

I have another one-shot in the works, and you one-hundred-percent know Ice Star is gonna be there to help make it as great as all the other stories he's helped me revise and perfect.

Comments ( 10 )

Gosh fucking darn it, here you are making me sound all special and sappy.

I love you too, dork. Full homo. 🖤

I'm always sappy around someone as special as you. 💜

You’re making me sound more unique and loved than the friggin’ Special Olympics.

Love you again.🖤

Love you too. 💜

You're special to me, I'll keep saying that.

Yeah, sorry I only edited half of it before falling asleep. But, you know, it is what it is.

I can only do so much.

S'all good. I'm thankful for all the help and friendship you've given me.

and you one-hundred-percent known


Also glad to see you writing again, Coffee! Glad that you're much happier and better off than at your previous job. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, that last place was honestly more of a hellscape than the fires that surround me. Thanks for reading my junk, broski! I'm happy to be writing again.

I’ll keep listening to it.

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