• Member Since 30th May, 2020
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago


Just a lonely 27-year-old autistic, strawberry blonde, ginger man trying to make things for people to enjoy.

More Blog Posts57

  • 1 week
    New developments

    Hello all who care, I am posting this blog to inform you that new details about Tael have been told to by from the original creator of her through a proxy. I am now going through the fic and changing what needs changed, just about every chapter from chapter 3 onward will be changed... Again... This time though its because of DisplacedWriter forgot important details about Tael when he gave her to

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  • 6 weeks
    Expect Chapter 26 in June

    As the title says, I will release Chapter 26 on the 1st or 2nd of June, this is to keep the release schedule to 2 months between chapters since technically chapter 25 had 3 months of dev time. This ensures that a chapter will always be on the fic’s anniversary in February. Don’t worry about this chapter being shorter or less developed, the first 3k words were originally from Chapter 25 but it got

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  • 12 weeks
    Having trouble writing, Big writer's block

    I’m still working on chapter 25, but I’ve hit a big writer's block issue, I’m going to give this chapter a bit more time to make sure it’s perfect. Also having Covid isn’t helping me think either I don’t know how I got it but it’s being a real nuisance, waking up with a sore throat every day coughing a ton and getting rid of the flem in my throat is really annoying.

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  • 17 weeks
    Update on the new fic i WAS going to make

    My game is canceled, I have thought it over a million times and I just can’t wrap my head around coding and making assets and stuff in that nature, so I’ve decided to cancel making my game and just stick to writing. This does mean that my new Legend of Xephers MLPFIM crossover fic will be shelved indefinitely, unless I pull a series of real published books out of my rear related to My game idea.

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  • 21 weeks
    Happy 3rd Anniversary The Legend of Equestria: A Displaced Hero!

    🎉It’s finally February again, It’s been a rough year for me and the fic with so many delays and issues, also that big crossover happened and was cool to write. But on to serious matters, Chapter 24 Is almost ready to be released but I need another day to Perfect it, Today I had some bad things happen that kept me from finishing the chapter.

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[Life Update] My pet's declining health · 5:30pm Aug 19th, 2021

I have a 13 or so year old dog named Sugar, recently she has been unable to jump up onto my bed or climb stairs to get back to my room when she leaves. I can see the signs and am sad to say, she's on her last legs, and when she goes I won't be updating my fic for a while at least a week at most a month or two. I will try my best to come back from the grieving but, I'm autistic and emotional, this will pretty much emotionally kill me, I wish you all a good day whenever you read this, I'll be updating my Displaced fic soon unless you know what happens.

Try to have a good day, -Men10doh

Comments ( 2 )

I'm sorry to hear that. Hoping she goes peacefully and also praying that you have strength to move forward in time.

i'm real sorry to that i know how it feels as well to see your pet go take all the time you need:fluttershysad:

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