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More Blog Posts139

  • 41 weeks
    SMoTE Update

    Next chapter isn't going to be uploaded this Friday. Sorry, I usually try to have three chapters prepared before posting but I got lazy and some personal things came up. I'll try to get them all ready quickly though. Thanks for your patience!

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  • 42 weeks
    GoFundMe for Majin Syeekoh.

    Majin Syeekoh has been going through a tough time and they need help, They’re a third of the way to their goal right now, and if you can spare a dollar or at least wish them well, it’d help them a lot. You can find a link to their blog post for more details below and decide what you want to do then.

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  • 82 weeks
    And I Thought Kevin Smith Ruined MOTU...

    Masters of the Universe has a new upcoming toyline... The Crypto toy line.

    4 comments · 361 views
  • 85 weeks
    I'm Not Dead, Just Dead Tired.

    I live in constant pain, but I live none the less!

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  • 102 weeks
    Life Update.

    So…. Yeah.

    Long story short, quite a few things happened. SMoTE is still not getting regular updates, at most I can try to squeeze a chapter out a month. This isn’t because I’m too busy with my new job or anything, because I apparently don’t have one.

    So yeah, if you read my last blog post then you know I was planning to delay SMoTE updates because of some amazing job opportunities.

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    11 comments · 615 views

The Plaid Plagiarist Returned?! And I hope they come back soon. · 10:27pm Sep 24th, 2021

Well, I’m sure some of us were expecting this.

If you don’t know who they are or why I’m posting this blog, follow this link.

TLDR: Someone plagiarized three stories, made a second account, plagiarized their own plagiarisms, and got banned on both accounts. Then they made a third account and got banned again.

Since then they made two accounts, both of which I’ll tell you about today.

But before I talk about either of the new accounts, I want to clarify my thoughts about Plaid and their plagiarism. I’m sure we can all agree that plagiarism is bad. I’m not going to defend what Plaid did or say they even deserve another chance. Instead, I’m stepping forward as someone willing to give them a chance, and I’m hoping you can too.

What Plaid did was wrong and he was rightfully punished for it. But didn’t MLP teach us that everyone deserves a second chance? That if you say sorry and actually try to be better, that you can change? That everyone deserves at least one second chance?

Well, I think Plaid deserves a second chance, and I’ll explain why.

I found Plaid’s fourth account early by going through his older accounts. Those of you familiar with Plaid know that they were a mass-follower, but one of the first people he’d always follow was Ghost Alvasa, a Displaced Author who published a story about Levi in Equestria. And wouldn’t you know it, but Levi is one of Plaid’s favorite characters.

So, I was able to find Plaid the fourth, and PM’d them a few weeks after. I sent them a message through my alt account hoping that they’d reply.

Hello, (Not Plaid Plagiarist) how are you doing? I saw your blog post about your new Levi story.

If yor wondering going to happen in this levi story will. Lots of variants of levi show up and he and s scoqed mats become guns and sword for hire and thay set up there base of operations known as the gild but it turns in a.
frat brothers and sisters gild where party and work out

Interesting… How much have you written?

A bit of an implication here. I wanted to make sure that this user was actually writing a story and not plagiarizing again.

An hour or two later, Plaid replied,

I have written 3 chapters

By now, I was both skeptical and hopeful that they actually wrote their own story. So, I decided to ask,

When do you plan to publish it?

And they immediately replied,

I have purplish it I’m just waiting in till it gets approved

I see. Say, you have an interesting way of typing. Is that Scottish by any chance?


By any chance, you wouldn't happen to be (The Plaid Plagiarist). Are you?

They replied with three separate messages in a matter of minutes.

I no longer go by that name but yes I am Scottish in real life.
I'm trying to be good and this not take enyone else's work

Please don't report me

This is my good and peaceful account where I don't bother uther fanfic witters I leave them be

Sensing a bit of desperation in his replies, I tried to reassure them that they wouldn’t get reported.

Alright, I won't report you. So long as you don't plagiarize again, you'll probably be fine. If MLP taught me anything, it's that a lot of people deserve another chance.
Glad to know you're writing your own work now.

Of course, none of you would be seeing this if there wasn’t more to this story.

The reason I takeing uther work I hade a bad case witters black but I have found a way to enspierd is by whiching the Simpson playing in the background

Um… That’s a terrible excuse, but it’s something.

Second red flag was, after several days, those three chapters were never released. Granted, it’s possible that the mods just rejected whatever story they wrote. Considering their accent and how they type, it might not have passed their judgment. Or maybe the rating was wrong for it. Maybe they didn’t remember to include any mentions of MLP in the first chapter.

Who’s to say?

Well, on August 21, they were banned again. I don’t know how it happened exactly, but I’m pretty sure it’s because they accidentally followed one of their old accounts, or their blog posts and comments clued in people who were looking for them.

Going back to G.A.’s page, I found a brand-new account, Plaid Plagiarist Five, and went through the same song and dance on a PM. I confirmed their identity and, amazingly, also got them to show me the story they were working on.

They posted a heavily edited version on the I Just Want a Comment thread, where Crimmar said, “This has to be a shitpost cause you don't write the worst thing ever written on accident. This shit is meticulous in its horribleness.”

Which… It… It’s better than what I read, believe me…

Actually, you don’t have to believe me, because I can prove it to you.

// Chatter zero the return" to equestria
// Story: House of Ackerman


"Grand" brother Levi?.

Hang on one-minute brother" big Macintosh? I'm just finishing up some letters to my wife and family,

"Of our progress of, getting back to" Equestria and is the "Giant Portal gun and I'm I right in guessing"that the Giant portal gun is" ready to go.

Yes, it is ready" Grand brother Levi but"there is a problem with it".

lets me guess it won't take us to" the to the right"universe I'm I right brother big Macintosh?.

Yes, that right" grand brother Levi?.how did you know?

.i was wildly"guessing and I don't mind which" Equestria I'm in and as in the" land I love.
So I'm, guessing "you don't mind which universe of Equestria we are in as long as we get you back to "your beloved, wife and "family I'm I right,
.eyup that is"correct" brother big Macintosh and if you may please tell the rest of our" brothers and" sisters" that we are, leaving "tomorrow night".

The edited version, which G.A. helped them type, is leagues better, but unfortunately failed to meet the requirements set forth by the admins.

Five college friends were sitting outside in the campus gardens and were chatting about their futures, but one of them was thinking of ways to get back to his kingdom and family.

His name is Levi Ackerman and he has been at East Tokyo University for three years. Levi had become the most popular student because of the ways he looks and dresses. Levi's looks highly favored everyone's favored titan slayer from the highly popular anime and manga Franchise Attack On Titan. There was also some sort of allure about him that made all the Brony and Pegasisters on-campus simply go crazy over him. This means his life is very stressful and annoying. Due to all of the attention he garnered, he rarely ever at all found quiet time for his studies or time to figure a way back home.

"Say, Levi... I have always wondered why all the MLP fans on campus chase after ya?".it is because big macintosh I have equestrian magic flowing through me and as for the aot fans, Its because I'm the real Levi Ackerman and I'm or so the king of equestrian.

“For some strange reason Levi I believe everything you said?" because back in high school, I found a book about rulers of other universes. and on one Page I found a king that looked just like you.

That explains,"so much and why the mlp fans are always after you and worship you like a god and that's the reason why they always trying to join our club?. There's another reason they the "mlp fans what to join our club?."

what's is that Levi?.its because all the mlp fans what to come to Equestria with me and become my

Family bodyguards and servants?. "You know, Levi that does not sound too bad at least you would by giving them jobs most of them don't even have jobs?.

You know, what eran? that is a good idea and it will make our, club more powerful. Oh and Barney please take these letters to every mlp club in the country and the world welcoming them to our club?.what about the aot fan clubs can they join too?. Yes, they can?.

Not too long after posting the story in this thread where you can read the entire edited story, he posted a blogpost. I can only imagine that this was a response to multiple people PMing him questions about being the Plaid Plagiarist or not, since The Ranger PMd me asking if that was Plaid’s new account.

I was honestly surprised to see how forward they were in their blogpost.

Hi in the past I used to be Scottish Brony.
I'm very sorry Stelling others work.
Please don't report me.
This account is Christian account
I will only follow other writers if they follow me 1st.
I find witing because I have only got one hand in hand I lost it in a car crash 5 years ago

If they’re telling the truth about their injury, then I feel sorry for them. Of course, that joke line about it being a “Christian account” may point to it not being the case.

Anyway, it wasn’t long until they were banned for Ban Evading, and I went to G.A’s account to find Plaid’s (I’ll just call them Scott since we all know their name already) account.

And… They haven’t come back yet. They’re usually back within a day of getting banned, but considering how they admitted to being Scott before the ban hammer struck, then does that mean he’s finally given up?

I honestly hope not. I hope Scott does come back, and I hope they can learn to make a story that can pass moderation.

I can understand if some of you aren’t as willing to give Scott a second chance. He did plagiarize after all.

But didn’t Luna get a second chance after trying to create eternal darkness? Didn’t Celestia hold out her hoof to offer Discord a new beginning. Wasn’t it Twilight who showed us that even little communists deserved second chances. If there’s one thing that MLP taught me, it’s that everyone deserves a second chance.

Yes, they’ve done some bad things, downright ban worthy things, but so have some of our favorite characters from My Little Pony. And weren’t most of them at least offered a path to redemption.

Now, I know a lot of you aren’t willing to forgive and forget. I know I wasn’t.

I actually started typing the beginning of this blog back when I first found out about their fourth account, fully expecting Scott to return with more plagiarized stories. The truth is, part of me wanted them to be the bad guy, to be a plagiarist that I could “expose” so that I could post another blog, brining more people to my page and getting more attention. And I feel awful about that.

I hid my intentions under the guise of wanting them to reform while secretly preparing for failure, and… That’s kind of sick.

I shouldn’t have plotted and planned to benefit from their plagiarism, and I was wrong for that. And now, here I am, genuinely trying to advocate for their new chance, a chance I hope a majority of you can give Scott.

And Scott, if you’re reading this, I hope you can publish that story some day. I'll always support someone who puts effort into writing a story that's uniquely theirs.

Comments ( 12 )

Its pretty cool of you to admit what you were going to do. Props!

I am more then willing to give people second chances, but only if he is willing to apologize to the people he plagiarized, issue a public apology to the community AND serve at least a month Ban.

If he can do all that, THEN will I be willing to give him a second chance because that would show how serious he is about it.

At first I was skeptical about them. Then I realized their latest alt is my seventh follower. Feelsbad :ajsleepy:

just an fyi he was the one who'd originally came up with Levi in equestria and asked me to write it while acting as an idea consultant, I change it from his concept to mine as I had my suspicions and don't be fooled he is still trying to do the same thing. I'm glad you created this as I would never have thought otherwise

Hey, GA, did you block Scott's fifth account? Cause I don't see H.o.W following you anymore.

Yessir I sure as hell did. After I read your post I immediately went and black him. Had I know that this was him I would've blacked him from the start. The bastard actually got me to help edit his latest attempt, which was far worse than anything that I've tried to read.

Whoa.... That's a scary thought.

So, you saw chapter 2 of his story and tried to help?

No i saw chapter one and he's grammar, spelling, and everything else is terrible

Yeah, tell me about it. I remember seeing it and wondering, "Where are the quotes? Why is this person's dialogue on the same line as that one? Shouldn't there be a question mark, or any punctuation mark, here?"

on August 21, they were banned again. I don’t know how it happened exactly, but I’m pretty sure it’s because they accidentally followed one of their old accounts, or their blog posts and comments clued in people who were looking for them.

*stares at words*

*whistles and looks away guiltily*

What? Once I knew who they were, I wasn't about to get plagiarised! Plus, I was fed up of being spammed with terribly written prompts for "storys you should rite." I swear, at one point it was airing on the side of online harassment...

Hahaha get wrecked. Ponies for life!

Came back from an extended vacation from this site, and found that 4th account messaging me. By the time I saw it, it was already blocked.
Then I sorta fell down the rabbit hole and led me here. To think they were talking to a dead account. XD

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