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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran

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Nine Years · 1:18am Nov 3rd, 2021


Give or take nine years ago to this day, I boldly created an avatar on GeneralZoid (IIRC) and shortly thereafter a FimFic account. I had ideas, and I wanted to share them with the world.

How that went is for the jury to decide.


I’ve had my ups and downs, successes and failures. Stories landed, and ones that were near-misses. Stuff that went viral, stuff that whooshed past. Long fics that were completed on schedule, and others that weren’t . . . y’all know what I’m talking about, and I promise you that the next chapter is in progress :heart:.

And if you’d told me that in nine years, I’d’ve written over a million words of pony fic . . . over two million words of ponyfic, well, I’d’ve laughed in your face, and yet, here we are.

Someone who’s on the ball will have already clicked the appropriate links and found an exact count, and I could do the same, but I won’t. It’s not just a number, after all, it’s an experience.

Hopefully a good one, at least generally.

You who have been following for years, or you who have just followed after coming across something, you know that I’m not consistent, I’m like Spiderman, I do what I want. Maybe it’s a SoL, maybe it’s a comedy, who knows what might come next? Some authors I respect only know one side of the Biscuit.

The other is overcooked and crunchy and maybe I’m overthinking this metaphor.

Not that long ago, somebody asked me what I was doing for my 200th, my bicentennial fic. And of course I was a bit cagey, and questioned how you’d even count? That’s not a leading question, by the way, how would you? I got stuff here and there, I got complications and anthologies and who really knows? I sure don’t?

But there’s a button with a number that says 199, and if I hit ‘submit’ one more time, it’ll ratchet up to 200, and that’s as good a way as any, isn’t it?

Since I’m writing this blog, I get to say that it is. :heart:


Also, now that I’m thinking about it, I was looking for a fanart of a pony writing and after I found this one (she’s cute!) it occurred to me that there’s a closer-to-home pony writing picture:


It’s been a fun nine years. I’ve met a lot of cool people, discovered cons, bought a bunch of pony action figures (to be fair, I was doing that before I got a FimFic account). I even watched the new MLP movie on Netflix! Izzy’s just as adorable as I thought she was gonna be, and Sunny is just . . . wow. Izzy got most of the best lines (naturally), but when Alphabittle says “Big talk for a little pony,” and she replies, “I think you’ll find I’m average height.”

Also the mugshots were great.

Also also Pony Gadhafi.


Seriously, if you haven’t watched it yet, you should.

Besides writing stories, the mechanic blogs have been fun, too. I’m glad y’all like them . . . well, most of y’all like them anyway. [Speaking of mechanic stuff, I could go on about that right now, but maybe I’ll wait for a later blog. Next diagnostic adventure I’ll be telling you about is a massive network failure on a Chrysler minivan.] And fanart . . . I haven’t gotten as much as some, but what I have gotten that I bet most people haven’t is poems. More than once. And that’s awesome! Y’all rock.


I’ve won contests and lost more contests, I’ve gotten a couple stories on Equestria Daily, had a long-running feud with Present Perfect about batponies, and as recently as yesterday geeked out about background ponies with someone on Discord. My first follower is still active on FimFic (well, I think it’s my first, it’s the first one who who shows up on the list) . . . man, that might have been back before I was thanking people for following me.

Remember that one guy who downvoted everything I wrote? I outlasted him. :derpytongue2: Somebody finally made up for him, and the one story of mine that had no downvotes finally picked one up after several years . . . somebody doesn’t like working mares.

Speaking of which, I’d be remiss to not tell you that the Not-A-Contest is still going on, and you can still write stories about ponies or other Equestrians working on Earth. It’s was my goal to have more of those stories than peach fics (as a form of contrition), and we do . . . but not twice as many.


She is the night

I know y’all are on the edges of your seats wanting to know what my 200th story is gonna be. Well, let me tell you, it’s one I’ve been promising since all the way back in 2014 that I was going to write. And I also said I was going to have it done before Bronycon. Now, I know me (and you know me) and I was clever enough to not say which Bronycon, but then I can’t even hide behind that any more, can I?

I also teased it a while back, probably in one of my state-of-the-author blogs and nobody guessed what it was (or if they did, they didn’t say in the comments).


Now, as it happens, while today is my 9th anniversary, my first story wasn’t published until Nov. 26 that year, so of course to honor that day I won’t be posting this story until then so I have to ask myself what the holdup was. Probably figuring out how to submit a story, or how to write a short description that’ll pass moderation.

Seriously, I’ve had more fics fail moderation for that reason than any other.

Yay, nine years! Time to celebrate; time to put more spiders on the cake!

(yes, I love that gif)

Here’s looking forward to the next year!




Comments ( 89 )

Would have been nice if this blog post was also a nice round number. But 766 is a perfectly cromulent number, with prime factors of 2 (obviously) and 383.

Boots for the boot pone

Happy anniversary!

Authors I respect only know one side of the Biscuit.

I'm not exactly sure how to take this. :trollestia:

I am so glad you're still around.

Wanderer D

Happy anniversary! We're all better for you being here, man. Now take a break and come have a drink with me and Rob.

I still have my biscuit shirt and plan on wearing it when I see you next/at the next pony con I make it too.

Happy to know ya bud. n_n

We wouldnt hold you to make the next story about Bicentennial Pone.

It would only be a little miss.:fluttercry:

Happy 200 AB. this sure sounds like a pinkie party is needed. :pinkiehappy:


I suddenly feel like a peach. But they're out of season now.

So nice to see Silver Glow again. That year with her was one for the ages. I wonder if she has achieved her dream yet?

Happy Anniversary, Biscuit! The first fic of yours I read was probably Celestia Sleeps In and I never looked back. Here's to many more years of pony words. :twilightsmile:

200 stories in 9 years -- I'd say that's good cause for a toast.

Now, if only we can drink toast.

Author Interviewer

dang :O

also, so used to seeing your avatar everywhere, kinda forgot it was original flavor ponymaker :V

200th, huh? Wow, no kidding. Congrats on both making it that far and lasting this long. >^_^<

Congrats on 200! I still have an Admiral Biscuit t-shirt you gave me a Trotcon one year, and even though I barely consume any Pony content anymore, everytime I wear that shirt, I think, "Man, those were good times. I need to go and read some more Biscuit." Here's to 200 more?

Happy Anniversary!
So glad to know you and I love your mechanic posts.:rainbowlaugh:
Love the bats, and that one with her on the lamp post is perhaps the fluffiest bat I have ever seen.:raritystarry:


Congrats. It’s amazing hours long all of this has been around. I still remember riding silver flows journal for the first time.


I'm not exactly sure how to take this. :trollestia:

I won’t name names, but someone who could be considered a bad horse mentioned at EFNW something about a trollfic being right up my alley, and I said that I write other stuff, too.

I am so glad you're still around.

Thank you! I’m glad you are, too. :heart: Even if you’re probably still lowkey trying to ship me and Bad Horse. :derpytongue2:


(boot is not irony)

Congratulations on nine years, two hundred stories, and 2,363,401 words!

I didn't realize it until now, but my 9-year anniversary was a week and a half back, but it turns out I celebrated it anyway. My anniversary was October 23rd. I seem to recall having a visitor that weekend... It only took me nine years on Fimfiction to finally meet someone from here. Happy it was you. :heart:

To many more years, and many more stories! :pinkiehappy:


Happy anniversary!

Thank you!

We're all better for you being here, man.

You wouldn’t say that if I posted my REDACTED story as my 200th :derpytongue2:

Now take a break and come have a drink with me and Rob.

Maybe I will . . . it’s been too long. Way too long.


I still have my biscuit shirt and plan on wearing it when I see you next/at the next pony con I make it too.

It’s comfy and easy to wear!

This year, I’m still planning on Trotcon, and for next year it’ll be Trotcon and EFNW and maybe something else, dunno yet. I’d love to get back to Canada but I have enough trouble getting across the border normally, and I envision given the current climate, if I try they’ll just toss me off the bridge as a precaution (and I can hardly blame them).

Happy to know ya bud. n_n

Same! :heart: When us filthy Americans are let back into your friendly country, I’d love to do Toronto again.


We wouldnt hold you to make the next story about Bicentennial Pone.

(technically the other end of that . . . non-centennial?) “I hate your tea, let’s have a war.”

Would be interesting to do a ponified version of Bicentennial Man.

It would only be a little miss.:fluttercry:



Happy 200 AB. this sure sounds like a pinkie party is needed. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you! I celebrated by working two and a half hours of overtime and had nachos. One of those things was better than the other :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, and I had zebra cakes for dessert which is vaguely pony related.


I suddenly feel like a peach. But they're out of season now.

Millions of peaches, or so I’ve been told. The good news is you can still get them in a can.

Huh. I could have written “Twilight Eats Canned Peaches” as my 200th, and thanks to the movie we know how unicorns open cans. <poke poke poke poke splat ‘ta-da!’>


So nice to see Silver Glow again. That year with her was one for the ages.

Wasn’t it just? I could never do it again, and I regret nothing about it.

I wonder if she has achieved her dream yet?

I think so, yes. She’s the kind of pony who does. The journal may be over, but somewhere in Equestria there’s a warrior-poet fighting feral clouds.


Happy Anniversary, Biscuit!

Thank you! :heart:

The first fic of yours I read was probably Celestia Sleeps In and I never looked back.

First for many; in fact, my first follower favorited that one. I’d like to think I’ve grown and matured (at least a little) since that one; if you look back you can see how I discovered being a SoL author who favored background ponies, and I don’t regret that one bit . . . I don’t think any of my followers do.

Here's to many more years of pony words.


Thanks for so many sweet, adorable, hilarious, and just plain awesome stories Admiral!


200 stories in 9 years -- I'd say that's good cause for a toast.

It is . . . never could have imagined nine years ago that I’d be here. Who knows where I’ll be nine years from now? I sure don’t, and with the benefit of hindsight, I can say with certainty it won’t be where I expect.

Now, if only we can drink toast.

If Sweetie Belle made it, you can, at least in theory.


dang :O

Also next time we cross paths expect a hug. And maybe some kind of batpony art you don’t want and will hate.

also, so used to seeing your avatar everywhere, kinda forgot it was original flavor ponymaker :V

Nothing like the original basic ponymaker avatar, it’s one step above a stick figure and I think not only suits me, but is associated with me and I don’t regret that. I’m a traditionalist at heart.


200th, huh? Wow, no kidding.

I know, right? It’s crazy, and yet here we are. Never expected it.

Congrats on both making it that far and lasting this long. >^_^<

Thank you! :heart: You told me nine years ago I’d have 200 fics here--or anywhere, to be honest--and I’d have laughed in your face. Or the word count; without checking, we’re around 3 KJBs of ponyfic which is also insane and I can’t really wrap my mind around it.

D'awww. Happy horsiversary, ya big lug :pinkiehappy:


Congrats on 200!

Thank you!

I still have an Admiral Biscuit t-shirt you gave me a Trotcon one year, and even though I barely consume any Pony content anymore, everytime I wear that shirt, I think, "Man, those were good times. I need to go and read some more Biscuit."

The shirt’s comfy and easy to wear :heart: And even if you’re just on the very fringes of the fandom these days (which I do understand; sometimes there’s stuff I used to really like and I think about it every now and again but don’t go back to it), know that if you want to dive back in, you’ll find stuff here and now some other places as well . . . maybe I’ll blog about the other site I’ve got fic on someday.

Here's to 200 more?

The pragmatic part of me wants to temper your expectations, tell you there’s no way I’ll write another 200 ponyfics; the rational part reminds me that I already did 200 which is honestly more than I ever could have anticipated, so . . . who knows what the future will bring, who knows where Pony will go, we’re all along for the ride, and maybe in fact the ride never ends.


Happy Anniversary!

Thank you!

So glad to know you and I love your mechanic posts.:rainbowlaugh:

Those are fun, and they’re both learning experiences for me and for my readers, and an excuse to post somewhat-related pony pics . . . in short, a win-win!

Love the bats, and that one with her on the lamp post is perhaps the fluffiest bat I have ever seen.

Batponies are best ponies, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Fluffy bats are just that much more adorable and huggable, this is just an actual fact.

9 years and 200 stories. Holy crap. Congrats, dude! :twilightsmile:

I even watched the new MLP movie on Netflix!

I was starting to wonder if you'd seen it, kinda figured you'd make a whole blog post about it. Or did I somehow miss that one? :derpytongue2:

Izzy’s just as adorable as I thought she was gonna be

Yee! Izzy is my new favourite pony. :pinkiehappy:

You're welcome, and yeah, your mechanic posts teach me a good deal as I am into cars and I'm always loving to learn more.

Bat ponies are indeed best ponies, they are the fluffle bats who have all the floof and are therefore most adorable/huggable, verifiable by science.

Happy anniversary! :)

Huh, I've been here longer than you? Woah. Time flies, my droogs. Time flies...

Remember that one guy who downvoted everything I wrote? I outlasted him. :derpytongue2:

- for some reason this part makes me smile. Have good and long life! I hope your specific light will illuminate many more lives well into future. We all live somewhat confusing (at least for us?) lives, so actually having your own character (mostly good reactions to various... ah, not-so-good situations) well-developed not very common right now.. I wish you remain like you are today, insightful and, generally, supportive for longest time.

A lot of ppl can post pony pictures, fewer can post good ones, but knowing author actually not unlike those very beings {not in physical form but in... soul?} makes most of charm for me.

Congrats! And thanks for writing those many words, I've been enjoying them.

And the mechanic blogs. I was thinking of you these last couple weeks:
Ford 8000 with a fire somewhere around the starter when it was being parked for the night (salvageable, fortunately)
Power steering went out on another one... while I was driving it. A replacement was finally found. In Texas. It arrives this morning. Hopefully the supplier also found a replacement park brake valve.
A third... trying to track down the cause of brake light failure. And being unable to physically reach up to where the brake light switch is that one can barely see if one contorts juuuust so.
Must have been designed by a unicorn...

Yay old medium-duty trucks!

Wether it's Silver Glow or fighting and mostly winning against mechanical faults or your slice of life stories, your presence on this site has made it much richer. I'm glad you found FIM and I'm glad you found fimfiction, and I'm glad you write your blogs and stories.

Thank you for being you and the worlds you've let me visit :)

Author Interviewer


Also next time we cross paths expect a hug. And maybe some kind of batpony art you don’t want and will hate.

y u do dis

General Zod icons are the greatest.

Ever in your corner Biscuit, ever.

I have seen a few fandoms dying out, and for a few last years my greatest fear is "there will be no ponies someday".
And for some time I am finishing all my post with the same words:
Please, continue!

How that went is for the jury to decide.

The verdict:

Congratulations on your ninth anniversary, those impressive statistics, and your fine followers!

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