• Member Since 24th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen May 16th, 2023


If Friendship is Magic, Imagine what Love could be!

More Blog Posts33

  • 113 weeks
    Talk About It: Tell Your Tale

    Hey Folks!

    So, Tell Your Tale (TYT?) has been going on for a while, and I’ve been watching the episodes as they came out. I don’t make it a point to watch it, I just happen upon the episodes as they release. I personally consider it attached yet very unrelated to FiM as the show itself has been making quite clear, so I don’t really have complaints in that aspect.

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    3 comments · 221 views
  • 113 weeks
    Talk About It: SoarinDash

    Hey Folks!

    Right. I don’t have a death wish, I swear.:twilightoops:

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    7 comments · 325 views
  • 114 weeks
    I did a thing…

    Hey Folks!

    It’s been a while, huh?

    Moving on, I did a thing. I don’t know what to say about it other than the fact that it’s a thing and I am the all culprit behind this heinous crime.

    …I think I can explain better if I first show y’all what I did…

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    2 comments · 177 views
  • 124 weeks
    Updates... and more!

    Hey Folks!

    So, I decided to do a little update post.. thing today 'cause, well, I haven't been doing all that much on here as of late.
    I guess a life/incoming-stories update?

    Short and simple way to put it would be: I've got a case of the infamous 'Writer's Block'.

    Hurra! What an unexpected turn of events, huh?
    Not really.

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    6 comments · 258 views
  • 125 weeks

    Don't, whatever you do, READ this POST!

    I'm warning you.

    Click off.

    Don't do it.

    This is your final warning.


    Turn back.

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    8 comments · 199 views

New Zipp Storm Story by Yours Truly...? · 3:17pm Nov 15th, 2021

Hey Folks!

So, I have a new story planned and it's gotta do with my personal favorite from G5: Zipp Storm.

This next one is a bit on the relatable side for me, and hence I started writing it. It has a few heavy subject matter, a lot more so than my other stories at least, (Not like those were very different from one another). My other stories have gone into personal issues you need a few supportive words to help you through, but it mainly happens in your head. Such as; being tired both mentally and physically, or finding your place in the world, or questioning yourself and your role, or the empting feeling inside, all from prior stories of mine.

This next one is a tad different. It's a bit of personal projection, I suppose, not all of it though. Had to come up with plenty of ideas on my own to make the plot run forward. This also helps explain why I consider Zipp to be my all time favorite in the MLP G5 cast.
I don’t want to bore you with details so here you are, as you probably expected: a preview! hurra!
Also, you know me! No dues dates, if I have one I’ll pass it and ya’ll will be upset.

Preview of; The Truth Behind The Storm

Having felt isolated and alone, Zipp tries to talk and interact with an annoamous user, who reached out to her. Having nopony else to turn to with her problems, she quickly befriends this annonamous user undergoing the name Cinamtic. But could she truly trust this Pony or was he up to no good?

Inspired by Craving Clossness by Caedro. But has plenty, if not more personal elements added to make my own story, just figured they deserved to be credited for inspiration.

So yea, hope ya’ll are pumped for that one!

(Also did you notice the sever lack of jokes? Welp that’s ‘cause I’m posting this one later in the day, like sort of at night here, when my fusses have turned off)

That’a all from me Folks! See ya’ll at the next one, ay?

MSz Out!:rainbowdetermined2:

Comments ( 3 )

Aww thanks a lot! Love to see what you think of it!:pinkiehappy:

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