• Member Since 25th Feb, 2012
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I Thought I Was Toast

Insanity is just creativity to the nth degree.

More Blog Posts66

  • 59 weeks
    Been awhile.

    Hey, everyone. I swear I'm working on more Batty. But between working on the new book and one of my editors being beyond busy, I've often had to choose between getting the book editted or having them look at Batty. Next chapter will be out soon enough, hopefully. It's another one shot for the Echoes of Family story looking at a day in the guard as Tempered.

    1 comments · 267 views
  • 99 weeks
    Good news and apologies.

    So! Good news is the next chapter of She Drives Me Batty is almost done, and with the book released, I can make sure to focus and get you guys that. I do want to apologize for taking so long on it, though... The actual red tape behind getting the book out was hell on me these past two months. Writing the book? Not a problem. Fun as heck, but I've been stuck doing business and other stressful

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    0 comments · 362 views
  • 99 weeks
    Release day! Remember to like, coment, and sub— Wait a minute…

    Ok, so, technically, release was yesterday, but I was really busy with a few other irl things.

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  • 100 weeks
    Cover Art!

    So, folks, there's gonna be three last blogs on the book, I think... This one, one on release day, and one for when I get paperbacks, hardcovers, and the audiobook in order and out. As it turns out, the magic of digital printing means I can publish physical copies no sweat. I just need to look a bit more into them first.

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  • 103 weeks
    Trotting off to Trotcon

    It's a bit of a last minute thing, but I'll be heading to Trotcon with a few friends of mine if anyone wants to consider meeting up. I'm likely to be spending a lot of time either looking to play Are You a Changeling or at whatever corner they're got for fanfic writing if they have one. Hit me up with a comment if you're curious about meeting and have any questions on Batty and where it's going.

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Mooncrest Family Portrait · 10:34pm Dec 5th, 2021

So the cover art for the coming anthology of side stories to Batty's sequel is done and it's too cute not to share right now, proper timing and marketing be damned.

We've got Morning, Night, Tempered, the Twins--Rolling Thunder and Red Dawn--Aunt Mercy, Diamond Tiara, and, of course, little Pushing Daisies. The artist was also nice enough to give updated Cutie Mark References so yay!

Big thanks to EifieChan: Link Her stuff is absolutely great.





Comments ( 2 )

I saw someone share it on Discord a little bit ago and immediately knew which story it belonged with. Very recognizable! :raritywink:

Beautiful work, gotta love a batty family

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