• Member Since 24th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen May 16th, 2023


If Friendship is Magic, Imagine what Love could be!

More Blog Posts33

  • 113 weeks
    Talk About It: Tell Your Tale

    Hey Folks!

    So, Tell Your Tale (TYT?) has been going on for a while, and I’ve been watching the episodes as they came out. I don’t make it a point to watch it, I just happen upon the episodes as they release. I personally consider it attached yet very unrelated to FiM as the show itself has been making quite clear, so I don’t really have complaints in that aspect.

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    3 comments · 221 views
  • 113 weeks
    Talk About It: SoarinDash

    Hey Folks!

    Right. I don’t have a death wish, I swear.:twilightoops:

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    7 comments · 325 views
  • 114 weeks
    I did a thing…

    Hey Folks!

    It’s been a while, huh?

    Moving on, I did a thing. I don’t know what to say about it other than the fact that it’s a thing and I am the all culprit behind this heinous crime.

    …I think I can explain better if I first show y’all what I did…

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    2 comments · 177 views
  • 124 weeks
    Updates... and more!

    Hey Folks!

    So, I decided to do a little update post.. thing today 'cause, well, I haven't been doing all that much on here as of late.
    I guess a life/incoming-stories update?

    Short and simple way to put it would be: I've got a case of the infamous 'Writer's Block'.

    Hurra! What an unexpected turn of events, huh?
    Not really.

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    6 comments · 258 views
  • 125 weeks

    Don't, whatever you do, READ this POST!

    I'm warning you.

    Click off.

    Don't do it.

    This is your final warning.


    Turn back.

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    8 comments · 199 views

Update on Sotires · 9:51am Dec 21st, 2021

Hiya Folks!

So this is another update on thing like stories that I'm working on, one shot that are in the works and Stolen Childhood!

Let's start off with what most people expected to hear from, Stolen Childhood chapter 5, which btw is coming out quite soon. The chapter in itself is in the last stages of writing, then comes a little editing form my part and lastly will be the publishing bit.

I suppose I do actually have a due date that I'm going to be upholding (maybe). The reason for it being so lagged behind is mainly cause of other works, one being The Truth Behind The Storm, but since that's done and dealt with, I can focus more on other stuff. Oh and not to mention the Jinglemas story. It was a reach out of my comfort zone so I suppose it also took a lot of my time, but since it finished now, I only have one thing pending, this new chapter.

So, y'all can expect it around a little after Christmas, maybe even on Christmas Eve:trixieshiftright:

But what I particularly have in mind is perhaps 31st this month? I've got a ton of exams rising, most finished by now, but some still are coming, and I also wanna spend my time with family for the holidays... maybe pop on here for a nice read or what not.
So yea, Mark your calendars Folks! It's gonna get REAL!

As for stories I'm working on... I have got one in my mind, its an AppleDash, of course,, and I wanna get it done for the holidays, or a little after that... but it doesn't seem like that's gonna work out this year.
Oh well, maybe I'll try it next year:pinkiesmile:

Like I said, a lot of other things have been piling up a tad, so workload had been something to struggle over, I'll say so much.

One thing I do have to say is...

Go Check Out Stolen Childhood!!!

Oh... um I-If you want...:fluttershysad:

It's free, fun and easy
Jeez, I'm sounding like some guy on the internet trying to promote his something or the other:rainbowderp:

TStolen Childhood
A filly deprived of a loving, caring Childhood, has to grow up and manage adult-like tasks. Will she be able to do it all on her own, or will she have needs of her own? And will said needs get fulfilled?
MistyShadowz · 17k words  ·  15  1 · 692 views

See it's not that bad, now is it?

Anywho, bad jokes and not-self-aware self promotion aside, I am planning on the next chapter, like I mentioned, and I think.. that's all for now!

If I think of something, I'll see to it, that this is updated or a new post is out.

MSz Out:rainbowdetermined2:

Report MistyShadowz · 106 views · Story: My Last Letter To You · #Update
Comments ( 1 )

Oh, I just realised; I surpassed 20 blogs on here in less than two months!
Pat me on the back, me, that's a whole lot o’ writing, ain't it?:rainbowhuh:

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