• Member Since 16th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen March 22nd


I have one question, for you, and one question only.

More Blog Posts30

  • 69 weeks
    Music and It's Impact on My Writing

    This short blog post is just me talking about how music effects my writing and the importance and impact it has on what I create. I know that I don't have a wide variety of things you can read to see that impact; I write outside of fimfiction frequently, but its not FiM-related so I don't really have anywhere to post it. Gosh though, I couldn't imagine trying to fuse ponies into some of darker

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  • 70 weeks

    Latest chapter is out. It's uh.. out. Lol. I hope its good. Just stuff that needed to happen for the most part. Not much action but it is necessary work that needs to be done. Part of why it took so long is that its the way it is. The other part of why its taken so long is that I suck and was busy with friends. This shall not be a problem for the foreseeable future. As far as I know, I kinda

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    0 comments · 79 views
  • 128 weeks
    slow slow slow

    So, I'm back to working. The winter storm a couple weeks ago had me without power for a week, and I've been slowly settling back in and getting angsty as this college semester approaches.

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  • 131 weeks
    Holiday Week

    Been with family for the last week or so, and have found very little time to work. I'm still getting it done, occasionally, but mostly just letting thoughts stew in my brain.

    Anyways, just figured I throw a short update out, since I know if I had been working like I normally do the new chapter would probably be out by now.

    Be seein' ya.

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  • 131 weeks
    Would like to mention

    I'm about a thousand words into the next chapter again. I figured I might update and clarify. Last time I was a thousand words into the next chapter for GPK, I was writing a short interlude. However, I think after like two years an interlude would be kinda lame. We'll do one later, but for now I'ma keep trying to expand the main plot.

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Would like to mention · 4:40pm Dec 21st, 2021

I'm about a thousand words into the next chapter again. I figured I might update and clarify. Last time I was a thousand words into the next chapter for GPK, I was writing a short interlude. However, I think after like two years an interlude would be kinda lame. We'll do one later, but for now I'ma keep trying to expand the main plot.

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