• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 10th, 2019


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  • 645 weeks
    Short Hiatus: Explained

    Land of the Dead: I've been stuck on one of the canon character's actions and am not entirely sure what to have her do. The chapter afterwards is already mapped out along with everything that's supposed to happen and be explained. It's just this one little pony in the survivor group that has me utterly confused. She tends to be unpredictable in drastic situations.

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Short Hiatus: Explained · 9:09pm Feb 19th, 2012

Land of the Dead: I've been stuck on one of the canon character's actions and am not entirely sure what to have her do. The chapter afterwards is already mapped out along with everything that's supposed to happen and be explained. It's just this one little pony in the survivor group that has me utterly confused. She tends to be unpredictable in drastic situations.

I MIGHT get started on Lemon Drops soon, once I finish a comic and a few dresses. Lemon Drops will follow the story of a stallion that has been around since before Princess Luna was sent to the moon. (You'll find out why when the story begins)

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