• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2015
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  • 130 weeks
    First Blog and Anniversary

    Never made a blog on this site in years, but what better way than to make about an anniversary? This is going to be a little bit of a mess since emotions are running on high. So fair warning I guess?

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First Blog and Anniversary · 4:32pm Jan 7th, 2022

Never made a blog on this site in years, but what better way than to make about an anniversary? This is going to be a little bit of a mess since emotions are running on high. So fair warning I guess?

This month marks my 10th year in the pony fandom! 1/2/2012 marks the day I joined this fandom. Not knowing what it will bring me whatsoever! After all no one really knew how much of a profound effect a show for kids would change one's life? The friends, and memories it would bring in a time of uncertainty! Back then I was in Highschool alone. No one to truly call a friend as I was the quiet kid after learning the harsh truth of the world. The betrayals I have experienced and no one but family to lean on.

Here in 2022 I have made friends I never thought I would ever have. Friends from FA, DA, and mostly from the site that cemented me with a little changeling oc (now sona) Tumblr! With these friends I am still here, if it wasn't for them, I would never have made it this far. Chances are I might be rather cold hearted, or dead by now. The show and fandom have taught me to be myself, to not get so hung up on what others thought about me. It took me about 4 years to fully grasp it, but I got there!

I wanted to let you know even with MLP FIM was over a couple years ago. The show still has a strong influence on me today. It kept my mind open to new things, people, and change. So even with Gen 5 on the horizon after the movie last year. I wanted to say to all the MLP lovers not just those that loved it since the 80s. I want everyone who joined even up to today! To join me in what I hope is another 10 wonderful years of ponies!


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