• Member Since 29th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


You can't give up your laughter, cause you're scared of a little pain~. Writing to relieve PTSD. Enjoy my misery <3 you all. Discord: dougtheloremaster

More Blog Posts114

  • 8 weeks
    Tiny break

    Microscopic really, but I am taking three weeks for personal self care; I've been neglecting my place and personal health to write and I need to get back on track. I hope you understand and are looking forward to my next chapters release.

    Yes, Chapters. Plural. Two stories, one chapter each, both will be published at same time: Mechaniquus and Her Birthright

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    0 comments · 84 views
  • 13 weeks
    Did we make a difference is back.

    Here's how to have your story told.

    Add on discord: Dougtheloremaster. (no, there will be no texts, just a call to interview you)

    Questions that will be asked:
    Fave mane 6? (starlight is fine as well, will even allow ol' sunnybuns [sunset shimmer])
    How did you join the fandom? (internet? TV? Bronycon? Perhaps a friend told one too many pony jokes and you had to see why? Etc.)

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  • 19 weeks
    A little order to the insanity (major spoilers not censored)

    This story is told through three perspectives.
    Chrysalis is the first part, the context through which is explained throughout the other two.
    Flurry is the second part, the context through which is explained through the other two.

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    0 comments · 172 views
  • 21 weeks
    Delay due to researching and you can help!

    Bronycon 2019. A magical time, for those who went. I didn't. Put simply I am researching EVERYTHING I can locate on the fabled convention as the one off requires attending it. Or rather going back in time to attend it. So basically looking up food served, things sold, settings etc. If you are interested in sharing such details, even what panels were located exactly where in the convention center

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    0 comments · 96 views
  • 26 weeks
    Happy New Years

    Happy New Years everypony! Today is my birthday ^^ yay! (do not feel you have to wish me a happy birthday) But though today is my day, you'll be getting a gift <3. Or...that was my plan, but writing has been slower than I would have liked. So, your gift on my birthday will be this update instead: It'll be dropping soon, a very special story with it's own share of easter eggs for members of the

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    0 comments · 51 views

The results are in! · 1:24am Jan 10th, 2022


7 votes for Mechaniquus
3 for The Legend Begins
3 For Nuzlocke

You have spoken and the majority have chosen Mechaniquus, this chapter will be a complete game-changer. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Report DougtheLoremaster · 129 views · Story: Mechaniquus · #update
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