• Member Since 4th Oct, 2021
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Trixie Woolamoon

More Blog Posts90

  • 3 weeks
    Well that sucks

    The referrals section on a story’s stats showing such a dangerous and/or scammy site!

    (Not the story I’m talking about. Just a picture if the referrals section from another story to use as an example and to show)

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    1 comments · 46 views
  • 4 weeks

    Well… That didn’t go to plan

    I was going to turn a Mario MLP G5 roleplay into a fanfiction. But there were too many rushed, forgotten and OOC ideas. There were a lot of continuity mistakes and stuff that seemed forced It would have likely been a mess to upload it, even if it was more for archival reasons so it could be enjoyed when the original RP was all gone…

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  • 5 weeks

    Well, so this basic site called quotev decided they’ll be removing groups. Meaning me and my friend’s RP’s are discontinued. Which means there’s no where for us to do bizarre MLP plots that would be a little too bizarre for a fanfic (in my opinion anyway)

    So, what are your recommendations for sites to move roleplays to?

    3 comments · 42 views
  • 9 weeks

    I'll be busy this week with stuff for a plane trip. So I won’t be active much the next few days. I hope the plane does not crash…

    3 comments · 51 views
  • 10 weeks
    Proof reader needed!

    I need somone to have a look at the first six or seven chapters in https://www.fimfiction.net/story/545924/team-superstars-winds-of-change (you can go a bit further if you wish, but no further than the 10th chapter, anything unpublished under that is riddled with errors as they are incomplete)

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News for my stories (Dark Diamonds and Zap To The Future) · 11:00am Jan 15th, 2022

Dark Diamonds

I have written down the plans for the next eleven chapters and epilogue, three of those chapters are fully written and ready to be published.
Hopefully I can fit the rest of the plot in eleven chapters, I may need to write an extra but let’s just say I’m ready to end this thing.

We are roughly at the halfway point and i am not chickening out till the end! Not unless I summarise it first.

I have also thought of renaming it to one of these:

Diamonds (or Crystals or Jewels) of Stardust

Crystal Calamity

Dark Diamonds of Stardust

Zap to the Future

I’m sorry... I have an idea for what happens yet but don’t have the motivation to write it down. I did start the next chapter so hope is not lost but idk when it’ll be coming out.

Darn writer’s block

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