• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
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A Skeptic & So Also Therefore Now A godless Agnostic Atheist

More Blog Posts78

  • 2 weeks
    Jimmy Carter will soon die.

    I remember Jimmy Carter as a decent man —— ¡much better than a certain other President! He had trouble working with congress, but he would have been known as an average President if it would have been for the 4 Horsemen of high unemployment, high gas-prices, high inflation and the hostages in Iran, all of which were beyond his control. He did more for reducing abortion than all

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    0 comments · 18 views
  • 12 weeks
    ¡My IronyMeter exploded when I learned that Trump, who attempted a coup, accused President Biden of attempting a coup!

    All of the IronyMeters exploded when Trump claimed that President Biden tries to seize power in a coup.

    ¡Trump tried to seize power in a power in a coup on 2021-01-06! ¡Talk about psychological projection!

    Trump was on the Southern Border. He went on about the BorderCrisis he created:

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    0 comments · 39 views
  • 75 weeks
    Avatar 2: The Way Of Water.

    I saw I saw Avatar 2: The Way Of Water on 12,022-12-18 HE, 3 days after I got vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 causing CoViD-19 (please get all of your vaccinations*). I got vaccinated against Influenza in October. I highly recommend it.

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    0 comments · 189 views
  • 75 weeks
    It looks like the treasonist rapist Trump might finally face justice.

    I sincerely hope that he should get pushed up against what little of his wall we built and shot for treason and I oppose the death penalty.*

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  • 76 weeks
    I received my MultiVariant vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 causing CoViD-19.

    I have ribosomes pumping out SpikeProteins as I write. My immune system should have a robust reaction to them.

    By the way, the vaccine comes with free 5G. ¡The reception is great! :facehoof:

    I should have many antibodies when I shall watch Avatar 2: The Way Of Water. ¡I wonder what will happen to Aang and Korra!

    0 comments · 109 views

My girlfriend the wuss is is too afraid to get vaccinated because is is afraid of needles, has the 'Rona and is doing so poorly that she needs to go to the hospital, but is too afraid of needles to do so. Please advice. · 12:24am Jan 23rd, 2022

0thly, my girlfriend is not a QAnonDeathCultist. She is simply a wuss afraid of medical procedures. This has already cost her many teeth in her 40s because she is too afraid to go to the dentist for maintenance and repair (her fear of the dentist causes her much more pain and suffering than the dentist ever could (at this point, her teeth are to bad from neglect that the dentist would probably have to pull all of her teeth and fit her for dentures)).

For the last year, I begged for her to get vaccinated. Everytime we were in a Pharmacy, or Grocery with a Pharmacy, I would suggest that she get her vaccinations (she needs all of the vaccines). I told her that it would only hurt for a second. She would not budge. She is too afraid of needles. At least she masked and kept her distance from others.

Weekend-before-last, her time finally ran out. She got sick with the 'Rona. ¡I was both angry and worried at the same time!:

She could have avoided this (I am vaccinated and boosted and am healthy. I worry that she might die.

The thing about the 'Rona is that it is a very powerful disease. People fight it for a week, and then the 2nd week, either they win or the virus. It has been a fortnight, and the virus seems to win. She should go to the hospital, but is too afraid of medical procedures. I am afraid that she might die at home next week without help.

¿Does anypony have any advice?


We should force everypony to get vaccinated at gunpoint for their good and the good of other ponies.

Comments ( 19 )

Ugh. That's a pretty rough situation. Alright, I would take this with a grain block of salt, but here would be my suggestion:

— If she has a regular doctor, explain the situation to them, and ask if they can prescribe her some kind of anti-anxiety medication like Xanax or Ambien (if she can take it— does she have previous conditions that might prevent it?).
— If she can take it, have your gf take said medication and bring her to the ER, and inform them of her situation and that you likely will only be able to keep her relaxed for so long after she takes it (though it does take a little time to kick in). Even better, call the ER ahead of time and let them know you're coming.
— If the main issue is that your gf is afraid of needles, once you get her in the ER and they get an IV in her, the worst of everything will probably be over. After that, they should be able to do the majority of whatever they need to do through the one line.

Granted, I've never had Covid and don't know what may follow if she's in really bad shape, but I would start with that. If she does get admitted, then you've basically passed that first hurdle. If they need to do more than an IV treatment, they have access to a line that they can give her more relaxants through if necessary.

Again, take this advice with a HUGE grain of salt. There's very likely an actual doctor around here that has better advice— if one of them stops by, listen to them. Good luck!


Thanks for trying to help, but she does not have a Physician because she is afraid of medical procedures.

I wish that I could legally drag her kicking-and-screaming into the ER, but if that would be legal, I would have dragged her to the vaccination-site and got her vaccinated last winter (including all of the vaccines she missed over the decades), dragged her to the dentist, dragged her to the GP, dragged her her to the clinic for the booster in the fall, along with the influenza-vaccine. It looks like the only time I shall drag her is when she will be dead next week.

I have some free advice:

¡Do not date a wuss!

My mom was a nurse for 40 some odd years and has numerous connections that might be able to offer advice.


I am all ears.


She doesn't even have a PCP (Primary Care Physician)? If she got, say, strep throat, or the flu, there's nowhere that she'd go to have herself checked out?



If you want to find someone afraid of medical procedures, look for someone young with toothloss due to untreated gingivitis (gum-disease) and caries (cavities).

Okay, not to sound callous/obnoxious/insensitive, but she needs help. Like, she needs to talk to someone about a fear that intense. A fear of needles is incredibly common, but absolutely refusing to go to any kind of checkup for anything that might be wrong will—and clearly has—lead to serious problems. When (yes, when) she gets through this, you've gotta talk to her about therapy. :unsuresweetie:


If she survives this, I shall try to convince her to get therapy. If she will agree, which is doubtful, it probably will have to be only therapy (I really do not see her going to the office of a therapist). In the meantime, she is likely to die from CoViD-19-Pneumonia.

I do not know about your keyboard, but on mine, "Option :" generates "…" which looks better than "...". The best punctuation comes from "Option 1" and "Option Shift /". For "Inverted InteroBang and "InterroBang", I have to go to "Special Characters" by hitting "fn E". Your keyboard may not have these options.

My mom has suggested seeking counseling as she suspects that your GF might have had a traumatic experience that led to what appears to be iatrophobia.


If she survives, I shall try to get her some online counseling ªI doubt that I could get her to enter the office of therapist).

Well best of luck with all that. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


You did the best you could.

What would have really helped would be a policy of a shot of vaccine or a shot of lead. She would have taken the vaccine over being shot.

¡Do not date a wuss!



Entering the 4th week, my marefriend seems to start to ❤️‍🩹 get better:

Marefriend improves. She is still weak and 😴 tired 😪. I feet that the 'Rona permanently damaged her lungs 🫁.

The lesson to be learned is not to be a wuss and get vaccinated. If she would not be a wuss about medical 🏥 procedures, she would not have gotten 😷 sick 🤒 and have all her teeth 🦷.

Oh, thank goodness. It sucks that it sounds like she'll be dealing with long-term side effects, but the fact that she's getting better is great to hear. :twilightsmile:


Certainly. As too long-term side-effects, those are on her for being a wuss. She could have avoided all of this. I am vaccinated and boosted and I did not get sick.

She claims that she learned her lesson, but I would not be at all surprised if she will wuss out when I take her to go get vaccinated. That probably will not be for a while because she is too weak to leave the house.



Another update on my wussy girlfriend:

She finally went to her Doctrix —— when she could not breathe and was blue, ¡she refused to go to the hospital!

The Doctrix wanted to give to her an injection of steroids. At 1st she refused, but but she agreed to look away and hold still and hold still while the Doctrix injected her.

After the inject, I commented that she could have avoided all of this if she just would have gotten her vaccinations, she could have avoided all of this. She told he to shut up.

I managed to steal a minute or 2 with the Doctrix to commensurate about all the wusses and antivaccers. She used to feel sorry for them, but now she feels that they made their bed and can die in it. My girlfriend wore out my sympathy, patience, and empathy; so now, I feel the same way.

She could not vaccinate her because SARS-CoV-2 is an immune-system evader; so now, the vaccines may not trigger an immune response before she fully recovers. I am pretty certain that my girlfriend will wuss out again, when we go to get her vaccinated, in March.

Well, she already ended up having her doctor inject her once. If she gets cold feet in March tell her either she's got to do it on her own or she's gonna have her doctor tell her again and end up doing it anyway.
You've probably said that already, but it's all I can think of at this point.


The thing is that she was already in the office (she was in the office because was sick and tired of being sick and tired), and I and the Doctrix just had to keep her still. She did not go to the office knowing that the Doctrix would suggest an injection of steroids.

Getting her vaccinated would involve getting her to go to a clinic or pharmacy knowing that she will get vaccinated. She would probably chicken out.


It has been a week since she tested negative and had no symptoms. She has permanently damaged her lungs.

In March, she should get vaccinated. I predict that she will chicken out. ¿What will you predict she will do? I shall tell whether she will get vaccinated in April.

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