• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
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"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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Rusalka Swordlight's racing career · 2:18am Feb 9th, 2022

As I much I want to talk about Oscura's Formula Equestria championship win in 2013, I'd rather dive into a pool of Rich Energy. So I'm gonna talk about one of DangerDean's millions of friends. Rusalka Swordlight.

Like her friend Danger, Rusalka started in racing career like any other future racing star (minus Deledda) in karts from 1994 to 1996, winning multiple titles across Equestria. Her first form of car came in Equestrian Junior GT championship in 1997, with a Porsche 993. Picking about 2 wins and 8 podiums in the 13 races to finish 3rd. She would also compete in the same from 1998 to 2001, switching from Porsches to Riley & Scott. In the 62 races across the 4 seasons, Rusalka claimed 20 wins and 42 podiums. She would compete in the fully-fledged Equestrian GT Championship. Driving with BMS Scuderia Equestria, like Danger. She would win that year's Spa 24 Hours in 2002 (despite being involved in a paint trade with a human nuclear bomb) and again in 2004. But while Oscura was beating Danger in the 2003 season (and not literally) Rusalka wanted to have a crack at Le Mans in 2005, driving a Dome S101, she would finish in 4th behind both Audis and a Pescarolo.

Then in 2006, she got a call from McLaren to be their test driver. Her pace throughout the free practise session was enough to sign on for the 2007 season, she didn't anything that season, but 9 podiums was good for 5th in the standings

In 2008, Rusalka got her first GP win at Melbourne and took 2 more wins and 8 podiums to finish 2nd in the standings, In 2009 however, she put on a very serious claim for the title. Now paired up with a crimson viking (aka DangerDean) she would win 6 out of the first 8 grand prix to have a comfortable cushion over Danger. But Danger would amass 5 wins and 12 podiums for runner-up status. Rusalka won 10 GPs and 11 podiums which was enough to become 2009 Formula Equestria World Champion

After Danger buggered off to the Prancing Horse, Rusalka was now teamed up with Beatrice Radiance, who amassed 5 wins and 10 podiums at Red Bull. (good thing that these Red Bulls didn't crash into Ferraris I'm looking at you, Miss Galaxia) Through 2010 to 2013, she would bag 13 more wins and 38 podiums in a really good stint with the Woking outfit.

Signing with Tigron GP from 2014 to 2017, teamed up with Samantha Arclight from 2014 to 2016 and Azura Dragonsfire in 2017. She would achieve 4 wins and 10 podiums, but on track the Tigron cars were basically the eqivilent of Corvette ZR1 without it's supercharger. Despite scoring 8 podiums including a win in the wreck of an outfit that was Nemesis, she would go back to Le Mans from 2019 to 2020, winning her LMP2 class in 2019 and in 2020, she would sign with Alpine, but crashed out in the 24 Hours.

She has raced with Prancing Horse in the Formula Equestria League Series in 2021, amassing 453 points so far, with 9 wins and 22 podiums

So far Rusalka has achieved 31 wins and 84 podiums and a world title under her belt (which is 4 less than Danger btw)

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