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  • 85 weeks
    Black Sabbath Review

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    Date Of Release: February 13, 1970

    Black Sabbath was an English heavy metal band that formed in Birmingham, England, in 1968. The band's members consist of: (1968 - 1978 Lineup)

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Fantasía Pop Review · 6:51am Feb 19th, 2022

Date Of Release: September 10, 2007

Belanova was a Latino grammy award winning Mexican Electro pop/Pop band that formed in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in the year 2000. Band members consisted of:

  • Denisse Guerrero (Lead Vocals)
  • Edgar Huerta (Keyboards, Programming)
  • Ricardo "Ritchie" Arreola (Bass)

They have won a Latin Grammy award for "Best Latin Duo or Group pop vocal album", for the album Dulce Beats. As well as nominated 2 more times for their albums Fantasía Pop and Sueño Electrico 1. They have also earned gold certification for all of their studio albums.

Belanova has been one of my favorite bands that I have discovered recently. My first run in with them was when I heard their song Rosa Pastel a couple years ago. A song which I've never heard anything like before, a wonderful mix between rock and pop. Not to mention Denisse's lovely singing. They are truly a band who's sound can't be replicated.

I started off listening to their album Dulce Beats which leaned heavily towards Electro pop as well as Dream Pop. I absolutely adored that album, from there on I listened to their entire discography. That brings me to today as I wanted to do a review on probably their most famous album, as well as my favorite Fantasía Pop. An album that centers around themes of love, dreams, and fantasy.


Bailá mí Corazón (My Heart Dances)
The Opener of the album and like any good opening song, it let's you know what to expect for the rest of the album. I particularly like the intro, it's the melody of the song but it sounds as if it's coming out of a small radio. Edgar's keyboard is amazing on here as well. The power chords that the electric guitar plays during the chorus and pre chorus are subtle but sound awesome. Denisse's singing on here surprise, surprise is amazing!

One, Two, Three, Go!
My second favorite song off the album, this song starts off with Ritchie's catchy bass line carrying throughout the song. The dance beat used all throughout the song adds a fun vibe to it and makes you want to get up and dance. Denisse's English chants add a childlike aura to the song, which ties in with the lyrics. Lyrically this song is about a girl being aggressive towards a guy she has a crush on, for example there's a verse that goes, "You don't understand, I know what I want. Hey there kid, you will be mine. I only have eyes for you". There's a sense of young love to it that I find charming. This whole song is extremely catchy as well.

Por Esta Vez (Just this Once)
The piano used in the intro perfectly sets the mood of this song. There's a melancholy aura to this song as well as hint of somebody looking back at a bad memory. Lyrically this song is about a woman running into a guy at a coffee shop and saying hi to each other and how their days are going. Sounds normal so far, that is until the chorus hits. The line, "Just this once, I don't have to lose, there's nothing to fear". Which leads me to believe this woman has had a history of bad relationships and she finally met someone who won't be like the rest, or she finally met someone she can fall in love with. Regardless of which is true I can't help but sense some sort of sadness out of this song. Especially with Denisse's singing and the piano used throughout.

I don't know what it is about it but I find the clapping used in this song amplifies everything. The bass line while simple still manages to make your head nod. The keyboard on this song in particular is amazing. Lyrically this song is about a girl who falls in love with a rockstar. She acknowledges she's just an ordinary, plain girl that will never be able to actually get with him but that doesn't stop her from fantasizing about a life together. The chorus I particularly love, "I know I'm just an ordinary girl. Who sees you all the time on television. You are so impossible to reach, a dream. You are my song to daydream to, I love you". It's so cute.

Paso El Tiempo (I Pass The Time)
This song showcases just how beautiful Denisse's singing can be. Particularly at the chorus she hits these high notes with such ease and still makes it sound lovely. The dance beat on this song is fitting as the song starts with the lyric, "I pass the time in my room". I can just imagine somebody dancing in their room by themselves. As the song progresses the music intensifies, an aspect I find very cool! Lyrically this song is about a girl self reflecting in her room about her ex partner and how sorry she is that their relationship failed. Saying things like, "I'm sorry if I failed you" and "I'll never forget you".

Vestida De Azul (Dressed in Blue)
If there's one thing I love about Belanova it's their Synthesizer use on songs, this is great example of that. The electronic sounds mixed with the bass and acoustic guitar creates a fun, dream like atmosphere. The chorus on here is very catchy, Denisse's singing only makes it better. Lyrically this song is about dreaming. In particular Denisse sings about walking around the ocean shore, in a blue dress with the person she loves.

Cada Qué... (Whenever...)
My favorite song off the album, this starts off with some awesome chords being played by an electric guitar as well as a dance beat. The bass line on here is also something to take note of. This song right off the bat has a melancholy aura to it. I particularly love Denisse's singing on this song out off all the songs off the album. The way she delivers that heartbreaking chorus just hits different. There's a point in the song where everything dies down and Denisse sings about reluctantly having to end a relationship.

I especially love towards the end when she sings the last verse of the chorus three times in a row, each time emphasizing the pain she's experiencing. Lyrically this song is about a girl falling in love with the wrong person. She sings about how she feels when around them. For example she'll say things like, "You cut my air off, everytime you get close" or "Since I saw you, I knew you weren't the one for me". All of it leading to her deciding to break off the relationship.

Aún (Still)
A fun song, Aún is more about fantasy unlike all the other songs. The way Denisse sings the word Aún is cute and reminds me of a wolf howling. Lyrically this song is about finding your happy ending. The keyboard and synthesizers used in the song add to that fantasy aura they were going for. Ritchie's bass line is a driving force in this song as well.

Bye Bye
The most electronic song on the album this song reminds me heavily of songs made by the band DEVO. Once again Ritchie's bass is awesome and serves as the base for the whole song. This song is very tounge and cheek. Lyrically this is about leaving a unstable relationship but unlike past songs this does so in a fun, almost mocking the partner kind of way, which I find funny.

Toma Mi Mano (Take My Hand)
If there was one word to describe this song it's beautiful! Only a piano and Denisse's singing are used on this song. This is also the most unique song on the album. This song is sung in way that makes it as if Denisse is talking directly to you. This is more of a comfort song if anything. Lyrics like, "Take My hand, everything will be ok, you shouldn't be crying" and "I'll be here for you like yesterday, like today, you know where to find me". It reminds me heavily of the song Best of You by the Foo Fighters, as that song is also song as if Dave Grohl is talking directly to you. The cherry on top though comes in towards the end of the song, as the piano dies down rain sound effects can be heard, which is just a lovely touch.

Dulce Fantasía (Sweet Fantasy)
Toma Mi Mano bleeds directly into this song, as the piano and light synthesizers from the last song start this one off. As the name suggests this song sounds sweet, especially so due to the acoustic guitar that is used for the song. The piano is wonderful here as well. Lyrically this song is about a girl questioning if the relationship she got out of was the right decision after all, and if they were both at fault for it's decline. Denisse's singing is soft and is a great way to end off the album.

Final Thoughts
In conclusion, Fantasía Pop was a wonderful album all around. It's a fun, catchy, and cute album that revolves around themes of love, dreams, and fantasy, that make you want to get up and dance. So far I can honestly say this is my favorite pop album. Something about the songs Belanova makes gives me a great sense of nostalgia. I can just imagine a teenager dancing to music videos on MTV in their room around the mid 2000's when I listen to these songs, which is oddly specific but I digress. If you're into pop music and or want something unique and fun to listen to and don't mind Spanish vocals. I highly recommend this album, it's a real gem.

If I had to rate it out of 10: 10/10

Favorite Songs:

  • Bailá mí Corazón (My Heart Dances)
  • One, Two, Three, Go!
  • Por Está Vez (Just This Once)
  • Rockstar
  • Paso El Tiempo (I Pass The Time)
  • Vestida De Azul (Dressed In Blue)
  • Cada Que... (Whenever...)
  • Aún (Still)
  • Dulce Fantasía (Sweet Fantasy)

For those interested in checking it out here's a preview song:

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