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Short for Lord Regulus. I hope you will enjoy what my brain comes up with. You can throw money at me here: Ko-fi

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Fun with Zecora and Fleur de Lis of the Lunar Guard · 11:24am Mar 7th, 2022

Taken the day after I uploaded it. Again, thank you all for pushing this into the box. You all are amazing.

Thank you all so much for giving my roughshod rhyming crackship a chance. The response was amazing. Even if I don't win the contest, I appreciate all the kind comments and reads I've been getting. While Achivement Unlocked: Alicorn Princess popped off and stayed in a commanding 1st place for longer in the featured box, it didn't really spread any love to my other works. This time around, I received overall fewer views, but I did get a smattering more reads on my other fics. Either way, it feels good to know people enjoy what I do. It makes trying to rhyme for two weeks so worth it.

Speaking of, you may have guessed that because of said Crackship being sailed, I haven't had time to work on the next chapter of Electro Swing. To all of my Electro Swing readers, I apologize once again for making you wait. I do hope you enjoyed it in the meantime. I have been working on something involving Electro Swing, but not in a normal way. Just know that there is something in the works coming down the line that should be out towards the end of the month if all goes well. Look forward to it!

With that out of the way, as promised, In celebration of the success of The Guard of a Different Stripe, and to tide folks over since there won't be an Electro Swing this week, I’m doing the promised writing prompt from my last blog post. This template is going way, way back in the long, long ago of 2014 when I first published Forbidden Melodies and did this prompt for Octavia and Steeplechase. I will be breaking rule 4 as I don’t feel like bothering anyone with such chain-letter energy. If you wish to tag yourself, feel free to leave a comment with your characters answering this in a blog post. Now, enjoy this or some other easy-listening music and have a bit of extra fun with these two characters. Be warned, I didn't edit this extensively since it's a blog post and I wrote this all up today over the course of a few hours. You can PM me if any mistakes stand out GSP-wise.

1) Choose 2-10 characters that are in a relationship.
2) Don't change the questions.
3) Let your characters answer.
4) Tag 5-10 people
5) Have fun.
Zecora and Guard Fleur de Lis
Who are you? Age / race?
Commander Fleur de Lis of the Lunar Guard. Age: 25. Race: unicorn. The rest is classified.
Good heavens, you give such rigid answers.
Where in Equestria are your manners?
W-what? The interviewer asked a question and I answered it.
Yes indeed, this is true.
But loosen up, will you?
I am a Zebra that goes by the name Zecora.
Purveyor of exotic and wondrous flora.
... And how old are you?
In my country, it is often viewed.
That asking ones age is most rude.
Don’t get onto me about manners when you told them even less than I did!
Now who's your lover? What’s his/her age/race?
Zecora the Zebra, Alchemist of the Everfree. I know she is older than me...
I believe Fleur has said enough.
She has covered the most important stuff.
Now you’re just being evasive. You know, come to think of it, the file we have on you only has a rough estimate of your age as well...
And of such things I will never tell.
Okay, so either 32 or 33. Not sure, but if she is being like this, she might be 50 for all I—Hey! Stop hitting—It was a joke!
What makes your lover so special?
Wait a moment. I just noticed they are using the word lover in these questions.
Yes, indeed. It is most true.
Does... does the term bother you?
I mean, no. It’s just... very loaded.
Of the one I admire the most in the world.
She is a mighty, brilliant, and charming girl.
Fleur is a regal flower of strength and power.
Her towering height fills me with delight.
*Looks away trying to hide her blush*
I-I’m not that much taller than you.
Indeed. You are at least a head higher.
I could brew something if you desire.
I’m sure with enough time, we’d find success,
You could even rise above the Sun Princess.
*Looks back with the blush quickly fading away*
Wow... you weren’t kidding when you said you had a thing about tall mares. While I’d welcome the strength boost, I’d also like to fit through doors.
While I admit that I enjoy such a fantasy,
I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t kink shame me.
Sorry. I guess we all have our things. Right, I should probably answer. What is special about Zecora is her cleverness. The dossier on her being a “sage” of sorts really undersold her. Honestly, I think she should be stationed in Canterlot. By all rights, she’s the most brilliant chemist in Equestria.
Your approach, fair flower, is terribly clinical.
This is not a debriefing where words are minimal.
While I appreciate your praise of my humble craft,
To only like me for my potions seems rather daft.
Look, this is way out of my element, okay? I was prepared for dealing with something trying to steal love, not give it! We’ve only been on two dates, and one of those, Rarity was with us. I know you made me feel like I’m more than a piece of eye candy for ogling stallions and that I find your straightforwardness endearing, but that’s what I think of you, not what you are!
I believe she has stumbled upon the answer to this question.
Perhaps it would be best to move on with this intimate session?
Have you ever doubted your lover?
I never doubted her for a single second,
It was doubt in myself that felt inadequate.
What? But why? We went 2 and 1 in my favor in our sparring session, but it was very, very close. You’re a great fighter!
Fighting prowess is not the source of my doubt,
It is my lust for you that makes me a lout.
I told Rarity that I am a shallow mare.
Virtuous romance is not something I can declare.
Well, all we have to do is get to know each other better. We are gathering information about each other before set out on our mission to see if we’re compatible. Maybe a little lust is just what we need to help us along the way.
*Smiles and leans into Fleur’s side. Savoring the touch of her chiseled form.
Have you ever used pickup lines on your lover? Which ones?
Oh please. Everything she says is practically a pickup line.
Oh? How so?
You rhyme everything all the time. It’s like you speak in beautiful ballads.
While you may find it odd how I say what I say,
My native tongue has a metre that works this way.
Though pardon my forwardness, this might be too reactive,
But are you saying you find my words to be attractive?
I... I can be a fierce warrior that also likes poetry, okay? Next question!
Which is the most embarrassing moment you've had with your lover?
Do we have to revisit this? The wound is still fresh.
I would rather not reflect on my terrible mess.
C’mon, Zecora. I told you already that the fight was close. I almost burned through my magic to take you down. Only Prince Shining Armor has been able to make me do that.
I would never begrudge a battle lost,
There’s a literal line I crassly crossed.
The time I applied the salve as a paint,
And the time I failed to practice restraint.
Zecora, I accepted your apology already.
But I took advantage of your lowered defenses,
Such an action is—
*Quickly shuts Zecora up with a kiss on the mouth using generous amounts of tongue.*
There. Now we both seized an opportunity. Now, stow it and let’s move on. I don’t like awkwardness, especially when the matter is settled.
*The zebra blushes as red as a beet,
As she fails to suppress the heat in her cheeks.*
Do you believe in waiting until after marriage to have sex?
Yes. It exists as an option.
Umm... the question is rather too early to ask,
I’m unsure if my heart is prepared for the task.
It’s a simple question, Zecora. There are plenty of ponies that christen their marriages with their first night in bed. I believe for all the talk of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, she waited until after the wedding.
While I must insist of your misunderstanding,
I find an explanation far more demanding.
Now, please do not take this question out of turn,
From where did a such private matters did you learn?
The most awkward debriefing of my life after escorting the couple to their honeymoon carriage. And what was that about misunderstanding?
Please, I beg of you, move on from this prompt,
This line of questioning must be stopped.
Do you have any desires that you would like to try with your lover? If you do then what is it?
Finally, a question worth asking! So, I know it has been a few days since our sparring, but the way you were able to pin me to the ground despite my superior strength and size left me baffled. Maybe if you could share strategies, I could think of some better defensive positions to... Why are you snickering?
For a fighter so seasoned in the field of battle,
Your innocence in other matters tempts a cackle.
There are a few positions I would like to apply,
But I believe it is too early for us to try.
Too early? I’ll have you know I am quite flexible and pride myself on being—Would you stop laughing already?
Do you know your lover's weak spot? Does he/she know yours?
I haven’t quite figured that out yet. You’d think it’d be like fighting an earth pony and winning through precision while dealing with their natural stamina and strength, but Zecora is swift like a pegasus, strong like an earth pony, and precise like a unicorn in her own way, and that’s without her alchemy! I’m not sure what I would do if she used that against me.
While I have yet to discover a flaw in this mare,
There is always one weakness that unicorns share.
All you must do is wait for a few sparkles of light,
In that moment, you hit the horn with all of your might.
I underestimated her knowledge in battle and she knocked my spell right back into my head, knocking me out in one hit. I never let her close again unless I could face away from her.
Though, really what’s most surprising to me,
Is having weakness for poetry.
I-I wouldn’t say that’s a weakness. It’s something I find... endearing about you. That’s all.
If I forced myself not to rhyme,
Would it make it more special at times?
Wait, force? You mean you’re not just doing that on purpose?
As I said, my homeland’s speech has a metre,
My rhyme scheme is not an added feature.
When I first came here, I could barely stand,
The lack of words that rhymed in this land.

It is fine for the rest to speak as you do,
But for the words I speak, it feels strange not to.
The language I speak back home is like a dance,
I say a phrase, the others will advance.
Perhaps I should learn some myself. Wait, what were we talking about again?

What happens if you find your lover with another man/woman? How would you interpret that? Familiar? Friend? Cheating?
It would be painful, but I would understand.
After all, our relationship just began.
The question isn’t what if you found out I was cheating, it’s what if I was with another pony or creature. These two here are gendered terms for another species.
Oh, I see. How silly of me.
And what do you mean you’d understand? I wouldn’t do that to you. I wouldn’t do that to anypo—anyone I love! We guards must uphold the Harmonious virtues of our nation. Even if we just met, I intend to remain loyal to you, showing kindness and sharing laughter all the way to whatever end we may reach. That is a promise.
*Guard Salute*
While I am touched by your words most deeply,
But did you just say that you love me?
I was giving an example! But… I mean… can we move on?

Any fantasy with your lover? Pervy answers allowed.
Why is this just getting progressively worse for me?
For all the  moves you put on the changeling,
I did not expect such a prudish swing.
Look, I’ve never done anything with anypony okay? Nopony’s ever saw me like you did. They all just liked me because I’m pretty, not because I can blast away boulders with my hooves!
We have already explored my heightened kink,
What have you considered that makes you flush pink?
I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it. Socks?
Commander Fleur, Are you unsure?
Is it okay not to know?
Why, of course it is, you silly mare!
We’ll find out together as a pair.
Thanks. I could probably use the help with—wait what?

Ever had fights?
Didn’t we go over this?
The answer was hard to miss.
Of our sparring matches, I lost the matches two to one.
But for your meaning, our relationship has just begun.
Yeah. I mean, I guess we’ll eventually have one…
Unfortunately that will be most certain,
So do not worry about such a burden.
We are two different creatures, alright?
We will eventually squabble and fight.

To say there won’t is a mere foals’ fable,
And if we weather it, it means we’re stable.
Right. But I am not looking forward to it.
*Nods and leans once more on her marefriend.*

How was the love confession?
*Quickly pushes herself off and looks anywhere that isn’t at Fleur.*

How do you feel about your lover's family members? Do you know them?
Umm… how far in this relationship is this quiz expecting us to be? I honestly haven’t even considered what my parents think about me dating a zebra.
This was clearly not meant for such new love to tread.
At least you don’t need to impress mine. They’re both dead.
What? Wait, you can’t just bust something out like that during a stupid quiz like this!
Speaking of families, do you wish to start one together?
I apologize, Fleur, I didn’t mean for a shocking reveal.
It happened so long ago now that it is not such a big deal.
Of course it’s a big deal! Just because I’m prepared to put my life on the line for the good of Equestria doesn’t mean I am unaffected by death! And you say it like it’s a joke?
I am deeply sorry, I did not mean—
If you didn’t, then why did you say it like you expected a laugh?

Umm… about my question, girls. Girls? And it looks like they’re arguing. I guess there’s the first fight.

 *One heated argument about the importance of family later…*

We're finished! What are you going to do now?
This was way more exhausting than it should’ve ever been. I'll take backpacking in the Frozen North over doing another one of these again.
And it appears we managed to weathered the storm,
And look, our relationship is not yet forlorn!
I’m sorry I got mad. I don’t like joking about death when I could lose somepony under my command if I screw something up.
I play through such pains with a joke,
Though I should've thought before I spoke.
We both face death in our dangerous walks of life,
I cope with the danger by levity through strife.
You’re right about that one. If you need to stay in the Everfree to continue doing work for the good of Equestria, then maybe I should request a reassignment to Ponyville under Princess Twilight. I’d feel better if I could guard her royal alchemist myself.
Do not be hasty with such life decisions,
Still, I would welcome your change of commission.
You’re always welcome to come with me and stand guard,
That way, we both may ensure we are never harmed.
That’s so…
*Looks away, takes a calming sniff, and looks back*
Okay, I think I might seriously have a thing for poetry…

That's it! See you in the next blog!
- Rego

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