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I like things that are spooky or cute. Now with kofi.

More Blog Posts37

  • 70 weeks
    Technology prevails- Dark Skyes is now a reality (kind of)

    So you may have remembered this from 8 years ago. A kickstarter where several bronies were scammed out of their chance to play this… very odd dating game with some bizarre characters.


    But no more I say! I will let this injustice continue no longer! We have the technology. We can make Dark Skyes ourselves!

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    2 comments · 556 views
  • 70 weeks
    Broad Daylight Appendix C: A Glossary of Robitcs

    Emotional setpoint theory: A model of the workings of pony emotions first posited in the 13th century by Lovelace, one of the first mad scientist, during a period where robots were still hypothetical. This model posits that ponies have exactly five discreet emotions (Aggression, Love, Fear, Apathy and Sadness). Any other emotions exist as a setpoint between

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  • 84 weeks
    A Skeleton in the Closet

    You want another one in this AU?

    TA Skeleton in the Closet
    Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon throw the most literal Nightmare Night party possible.
    Epsilon-Delta · 24k words  ·  84  1 · 1.2k views

    That's right! It's Silver Spoon vs. Freddy Krueger more or less, turning that one line about dream demons into a 30K word halloween adventure. This is basically my take on a seventh Nightmare on Elmstreet movie but with ponies!

    1 comments · 270 views
  • 86 weeks
    1,000 upvote special is go.

    Looks like I made it to 1000 upvotes, at last proving myself not to be completely worthless.

    I know what you’re all saying “that’s not remotely impressive. Shut up!”

    But ah! If you limit it to just fanfics published this decade then uh…

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    9 comments · 376 views
  • 90 weeks
    TV tropes page?

    Looks like somebody made a TVtropes page for A Witch in Broad Daylight. So I guess you can check that out if you're into that sort of thing. Shout out to the mystery guy what did it. They wrote a whole lot of entries too.

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Broad Daylight: Bloodstorm Cartel, Oaken Field, North Equestria · 12:55am Apr 10th, 2022

Bloodstorm Cartel:

Leader – Screwball (Formerly Bloodstorm).

Headquarters – Endless Paradise Island

Though the namesake coast of the pirate coast is largely uninhabited, there exists a large chain of islands stretching from the arctic to the equator. After the devastation of the griffon nations, these islands fell under the control of pirate fleets or became autonomous city-states. Due to the increasing influence of the pirates, the island eventually became a haven for criminals that even Oaken Field would not accept.

Bloodstorm was one of many pirate captains, set apart by his extraordinary strength and ability to control the weather. How he obtained such an ability remains unknown to this day. During his lifetime, he imparted this ability to several pegasus underlings, though it is unlikely any of them still live.

He was able to terrorize any coast in the world with tornadoes or even small hurricanes, bringing entire city-states to their knees. With control over the winds, his warships could move far faster than even a steam engine could at the time.

Soon he was able to reunite the dissident factions and pirates of the various islands under a single banner. The Bloodstorm Cartel became more of a nation than a criminal organization, with Bloodstorm commanding the second largest navy in history.

Raiding and sometimes outright occupying coastal cities allowed him to gather incredible wealth. He used his growing influence to take over most of the criminal organizations within Equestria itself. He spent heavily on developing the pirate coast’s industry and scientific research, allowing what would become the Made Science Cartel to flourish.

Though his reign was brutal and aggressively expansionist, he remained popular among those living on the pirate coast for a long time due to the incredible wealth, industry, and technology he brought to them.

he was infamous for sending his minions to scour ancient ruins looking for magical artifacts. Though he amassed an arsenal of ancient relics, many ponies once part of the cartel believed he’d been searching for one particular artifact which he never found despite significant effort.

In his old age, perhaps due to this failure, Bloodstorm became increasingly paranoid and reckless. He killed off most of the pegasi he taught to control the weather in fear of a coup or that one kept the artifact he sought hidden from him. He suffered multiple devastating navel defeats following his own overly bold assaults to push deeper inland. Ironically, he eventually created his own worst fear with several of his admirals and public opinion on the pirate coast turning against him.

In 1335, his second in command tipped the SA off to his location. In a joint effort between the SA, the infamous assassin Deathblow, and several of his former underlings, Bloodstorm was killed in one final battle.

After his death, infighting ensued among his many descendants and admirals causing the cartel to splinter again into a hundred dissident factions. Some of these splinter groups include the Mad Science Cartel and Ghost adder.

With no clear frontrunner, it may have stayed that way forever and the menace of the pirate coast was relegated to history by most experts.

However, in the 1340s, one of his daughters name Screwball revealed herself as a witch. Due to her extraordinary strength and cunning, she was able to reunite many of the splintered factions into the new Bloodstorm Cartel. Her excessively cruel treatment and relentless hunting of any sibling who claims to be a fellow heir to the throne has dissuaded many of her would-be competitors.

Though she has not yet regained half the size of the old Bloodstorm Cartel, she is still considered one of the most extreme threats to national security and controls vast, underground networks.

Oaken Field

Leader – Moondancer

Headquarters – Everfree Forest

Oaken Field is the de facto capital of the autonomous province of Everfree, which includes the Everfree Forest and Festering Scar. Though technically a part of Equestria, this region is essentially free from law enforcement. The region was established specifically to allow lesser threats so that the SA can focus its resources on the numerous, greater dangers of the world.

Eventually, the number of refugees that fled to this region became numerous enough to form their own city and eventually a small government. Though Oaken Field does not maintain total control over the Everfree province, it is by far the most powerful and influential power in the region. Oaken Field maintains its own army, law enforcement, and what little infrastructure exists in the Provence.

By the 14th century, the free city had become powerful enough to which groups are allowed to live in the Everfree Forest and which are forbidden from even there, forced to choose between the pirate coast or the Festering Scar. Though a sanctuary for mad scientists, werewolves, necromancers, certain cultists, and more, Oaken Field still will not tolerate liches, ghosts, or demon cultists… all of which are deemed too dangerous to be part of society.

North Equestria:

Leader: President Starlight Glimmer and/or Prince Novus Crystallium LVIII

Headquarters: Trotonto

The largest (by landmass) nation that splintered off from Equestria during the royal era. It comprises the northernmost provinces of Crystal Vale, Great Pines, Emerald Pines, Diamond Ridge, and Sugarloaf. It also governs the artic north known as the Far Reaches.

Throughout history, even into the Democratic Era, North Equestria has drifted in and out of independence. The Crystallium family has maintained a long game of political red light green light with their southern brethren.

When Equestria is too weak to maintain its borders, they quietly take back control of the pseudo-nation. Whenever Equestria becomes strong enough to ask what they’re doing, they immediately surrender control of the government in exchange for retaining their ceremonial role.

Equestria has largely allowed them to take back autonomy whenever disaster strikes, confident they’ll rejoin the fold as soon as it's over. Thanks to this, North Equestria has never once had a violent revolt or reunification through its long history, nor has it ever fought a war against its southern neighbors.

North Equestria has been under Equestrian rule since shortly after the Toxco War. Whether or not the ponies self-identify as Equestrian or Northern Equestrian is a matter of whether they were born before or after said war.

Report Epsilon-Delta · 800 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Screwball has a pretty rad backstory. Also she's criminally insane, which is always fun.

Alas, poor Bloodstorm. Trying so desperately for eternity that he nearly destroyed his legacy. (At least, I assume that's what he was trying to do...)

Also a nice bit of background on the less securely held parts of Equestria.

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