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  • 14 weeks
    Returning Home Rewrite Story Update and announcement for my first stream!

    On March 11 at 7:00pm Central Standard Time (US) I will be start my first stream on YouTube, I am so nervous. I'll be playing Modded Baulder's Gate 3, I'll probably do a full playthrough, a link to my YouTube Channel as well as the stream is below, I hope to see someone there.

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  • 14 weeks
    Streaming Announcement

    Hello Everyone, I just want to let everyone know I will be streaming Baulder's Gate 3 on YouTube in a few days, check back in for an exact date later on that, and I will be streaming a few games on my Discord server often. A link to my Discord Server can be found bellow for those that haven't joined it. In other news I'm looking at Streaming on Twitch but do know that I will not be doing any face

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  • 16 weeks
    So I did a thing.

    So I'm currently out of a job and can't find one... and I need money. So in these desperate times I've finally decided to make a Patreon. If I'm being honest I didn't want to make one but I need money for food and bills so I'm asking for help. I'm not exactly sure what I'll be posting there, maybe some old story ideas that I wrote out but never went anywhere or maybe some stories I can't post

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  • 16 weeks
    How far should I go?

    So this a question to those reading my rewrite of my story Returning Home, how far should I go with world building? And to be clear I'm specifically referring to the politics involved with Equestria.

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  • 19 weeks
    (Not so) Short announcement

    So quick announcement, I'll be putting most of my stories on hold for a while as I finally have the time to pick up writing more often and I want to get my rewrite of Returning Home out. Now the reason all my stories are being put on hold for this is because I'll be not just rewriting the story but expanding upon it. For those of you that didn't follow the development of Returning Home, or came

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Is FimFiction dying? · 2:16pm Apr 14th, 2022

So over the past few months I've seen that a lot of the long time community projects on this site have been coming to an end as well as a lot of long time members seeming to have disappeared or chosen to leave, this added with the slowed update's of many long time stories has lead me to wonder what the fate of this site will be. For now I can say that this site is still alive but in a few months who knows if that will be true still, I personally have no plan on leaving and while I may not update as often it's mostly due to me working as much as I do to make enough money to support myself.

While I may not be planning to leave there is a chance I will start moving some of my projects over to as it will give me the ability to post more than just My Little Pony content. I want to work on more Star Wars and Undertale content to name but a few of my projects so don't be surprised if a story suddenly pops up on this site that states it's a sequel to a story on Fanfiction as I have a few story planned that may do this. To be honest I'd prefer to move to Archive of Our Own as they have a larger and far more active community but there are several problems with that site. The first is that to post, follow, and get notifications on stories you require a membership. I can't afford a membership so it would not be worth it to me regardless and the second is that I do not want to force those that read my stories to get a membership to receive the same benefits that you get on sites like Fimfiction and Fanfiction for free.

The long and short of this entire post is that no, this site is not dead but many of it's best and brightest are moving on and the community that was once strong is starting to die out slowly. We are entering an age where the MLP community is slowly starting to fade as authors loose interest in their stories and readers move on to bigger and brighter fields. I hate leaving off on such a sad note but I suppose all good things must come to an end sooner or later however I refuse to go quietly into the night, I have stories I've yet to finish and plans that have yet to come to fruition and I plan to keep going. I hope those of you that read this will stick with this community and keep reading not just my stories but the stories of other authors on this site.

Walter D. Arceaion

Report Arceaion · 1,160 views ·
Comments ( 16 )

We'll do our best, hoof to heart. Still got more stories to tell, whether here or in other fanfiction sites.

seems like there's not much new members so it's just what's left of us, whether you move to or not i'll continue reading your stuff

>>"can't afford a membership"

Ao3 accounts are free though

>>"We are committed to providing the AO3 as a free service for any fans who wish to use it, regardless of their financial situation."

from the website

If you move your stories, could you make your stories downloadable as well? I love downloading stories, and I have at least 1 gigabyte of fanfiction and web originals on my phone, but fanfiction has no download function....

I see tons of people come in on the site's user page, I greet them all, too.

I really don't see where people get this the fandom is dying nonsense from as someone who's basically been working in the background of the fandom since it was started I can tell you that while things have slowed down they have most certainly not stopped the only way I could think you could possibly think the fandom is dying if he is if you're so focused on one particular aspect of it that you see the slowdown as a sign of something bigger than it is if that's the case you need to stop take a step back and look at the fandom as a whole are there fewer conventions yes but what if there are are still active and busy is there less art being posted yes but what is being posted is still quality and enjoyable are there fewer stories once again yes but once again those stories are still high quality and enjoyable because the people posting those stories are passionate about what they do what has happened is the people who weren't really invested in it have dropped off this has left those who truly have a passion for this behind and they continue to produce works that inspire such passion in others thus perpetuating the cycle and basically continuing the fandom that's how it works it's the reason why the Star Trek fandom still exist that's the reason why the Star wars fandom still exists the previous generation passes the passion on to the next
Edit: I apologize for the run-on nature of this and for any errors in it it was done using speech to text because that was the only way on my phone which is how I'm posting this to get all of that out quickly and easily before I had to go into work sorry I may come back later and edit this to put in proper grammar and punctuation

It's not dying it's just time for a new generation

then we're losing more than we're gaining, are you sure it's not just those who backed out coming back for a bit to check things out on a new account?

The site is not free, you either need to pay a membership or be lucky enough to have your name drawn from a raffle to receive an invite. The Invite list is 19000 last I looked which was about three days ago

When I look to see if a community is 'dying' I focus on community projects and how many are being ended in comparison to how many are starting. To be clear Fimfiction is far from dead but the community around it is slowing down and I feel that the time we have left is starting to trickle away. It will take a long time, maybe a few years, but with the show over the momentum we had is slowly starting to fade and I've seen it a lot in the recent months with older parts of the community. I reckon we got a long way to go and I'm in for the long haul but we can't lie to ourselves and say that everything is the same and the party won't stop because sadly the party does stop. Of course there is a chance that it could pick up again and I truly hope it does because I love this community and I love what we have here.

Another reason I made this post is because I was once part of the Lego Bionicle community and when the time came for Bionicle to end we deluded ourselves for years before finally admitting the series was gone and by then the admission completely broke the entire community. The few of us that are still apart of the Community are the die-hard fans and that's because we love the series too much to give it up.

While that is true, it's not like they only send a few hundred each day. A few days ago it was 19k and 5000 per day, though now it's 24k and 2000 invitations, but the rate of sending also changes so it probably will take some time, but if you make send in an invitation request, you should be able to get an account after about a week or so. I understand that that may feel like a long time though.

I did get on the list, I've been on it for about a month.

I mostly just view it as metamorphosis of sorts. There have been peaks and troughs as the show progressed, many either joined or left as they gained or lost interest/inspiration from the events of the show/comic. The halting of official support and dearth of new content beyond a single movie has lead to a larger trough, but I think things will press onward, albeit at a slower rate. Many of my favorite authors have publicly or privately left as time has progressed, but there are new things to discover and new fics to read. While it might be a while for a period of growth in the fandom to begin, I don’t think that such a large fandom can really die. The media still exists, and there will always be people who continue to discover it years after its release. It’s an unfortunate state of reality that all things must end, but entropy takes a staggeringly long time to finish the job.

And your greeting mean a lot, thank you for supporting this fandom.

Hey I know this post is over a year old, but if you look at site stats, it would seem that the site isn't dying exactly. The audiance just seems to be sort of changing, over the past two years alone the amount of new users just keeps going up. Over the last month alone 9000 new users joined, which is the highest number of new users to date.

Here in 2023, it seems more and more stories are being added and being updated.

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