• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

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And somehow, FOME thought he could put this in the Discord server WITHOUT my posting it... · 6:26pm Apr 25th, 2022

Comments ( 18 )

That's awesome

Translation for those who don't speak Card Game:

Cerea's well trained, and while she may object to qualifying as a knight, her actions speak louder. She can block your opponents' spells with the sword... and your spells by insisting that she doesn't deserve them. And every time something goes awry, her conviction grows. ("Conviction" here means "willingness to smack someone," because translating to Magic: the Gathering comes with some functional limits.)

I’ve been a big fan of Eestee’s works, and I have a good friend whose not really a pony fan but really enjoyed this one. I tried to read it as well but it was just a tad to dark and sad for me to stomach. Guess I’m a big old softee. I may try abd give it another go, hope that theres some light past the darkness at the beginning. Can anyone tel me if the story lifhtens a bit from the intense early chapters, and if so when?

Maybe should be a four cost

I wasn't aware that the game was still played, but Wikipedia says both this & Duel Masters are still active.

Pokemon hasn't got them all.

Definitely seems like a good card to play in commander if you run a counterspell deck of sorts

I was going to give a Stupid Complicated Game Alert pointing out that she counters your own spells too, which itself is the "in Denial" part kicking in. I should also note that her sword is less blocking the spell and more piercing it.

cool, I'm 'a read now

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Well, while the attention's there...

If you'd like to see and/or criticize other pony-based Magic cards, I have quite a few to offer and put up a new blog every Sunday. I've even paid a visit to this particular Equestria before.

To be completely honest, I feel that the tone of the story has remained fairly steady. There *are* lighter parts and small victories and such, and I feel confident that it’s heading for some kind of happy ending, but if the struggles of the early chapters were not your thing I can’t really pick a later point where it shifts significantly enough to make it more to your tastes.

The story remains a long struggle for Cerea to find acceptance and a place in this new world, and she has done so character by character. But while those connections make for fierce friendships among ponies (and others) who are willing to fight for her, there’s still no shortage of those they have to fight against, even in these late chapters.

Is that even legal?

Define legal. For tournament play? Of course not. Is it a perfectly reasonable card for your kitchen table with friends? Of course! FoME isn't selling it and that's the biggest "law" type legal issue. Don't let the big companies fool you into thinking that they get to control what you make and use personally.

I like it! What's Vigilance, BTW? Been years (decades?) since I played MTG.

Attacking doesn't cause her to tap.

Super interesting. Exactly the sort of card that's up my W/G Commander deck's alley; minus that [abomination] of a blue mana. Bold choice to expand the Ward-2 to cover controller's spells in the effect, too. Not too expensive to overcome, still enough to make opponents think twice in early game, and leaves her open for equipment still with no penalty.
Creature does not have to tap to attack. Don't remember when it finally got keyworded but thank goodness for it.

I now have far too many really cool card ideas to read through.

I dunno', I think it needs something to reflect her absolutely destructive self doubt. Like... "Centorea, Hero in Denial can only attack if at least one other creature is also declared as attacking."

This is worded as "CARDNAME can't attack alone", sometimes with "or block" in the appropriate place. (Citation with regards to it being available in her colors.)

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