• Member Since 5th Nov, 2016
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More Blog Posts21

  • 29 weeks
    You know what I just realized

    Dressing up as Santa is cosplaying and like, people went to someone who dressed up as Santa. If you think about it malls were kinda like the first comic cons.

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  • 91 weeks
    Peace in chaos

    I'm in a Carl's Jr hanging with my family.

    An odd arrangement of words foresure and especially in a website about writing but, I feel like it's odd choices are needed in this mundane life.

    So here I am, eating with my family. And it's, nice.

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    2 comments · 184 views
  • 99 weeks
    Slight frustrations

    Okay I know a lot of people aren't really making stories which is totally cool because I used to just read too! But oh my god, I don't think is just me but if you do write, do you ever get the feeling what you write might seem like a copy to someone else's work?

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    1 comments · 192 views
  • 99 weeks
    Feeling Great!

    Good news!

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  • 107 weeks
    Update And Another Shill To My Discord

    Hello All! I'm happy to say current work on *The Throw Away* is undergoing work on future chapters along with Artwork! Yes I know very exciting, I will try to create daily chapters for the story, but be warned that in doing so not all chapters may hold up to the same word count.

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Writer struggles · 4:20pm Jun 8th, 2022

Okay I know I've touched upon this already but omg as you keep having new ideas and drafts as stories it slowly becomes infuriating to scroll through concepts yet to be published JUST so you can reach the published stories to update. It's like I'm going slowly mad while scrolling through decrepit, stagnant stories that are left in limbo.

Anyway new chapter of Throw Away will release soon, enjoy when out!

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