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ACAB | ♠️ | A teacher, student, writer, and opinionated reader. Responsible for cleverpun's Critique Corner. | Donate via Ko-fi

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Abortion is a Human Right · 6:28am Jun 26th, 2022

Hey, how's it going?

Just stopping by to point out that abortion is a human right. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.

For anyone who needs transportation to another state for...reasons, https://elevatedaccess.org/ provides free airplane rides to people in need.

There is also a list of resources at https://abortion.cafe/ including: guides to give yourself an abortion, including guides on how to use pills; tips to avoid fake clinics; financial resources; and guides to avoiding electronic surveillance.

And remember: stop calling them "pro-life"—they're actually "anti-choice".

Comments ( 33 )

I prefer to use the term pro-birth, but the sentiment is the same. Interestingly, a friend of mine pointed out to me that the recent ruling is actually stomping on religious rights- abortion is a right in Judaism, defended by scripture. Turns out they only want religious freedom if it's Evangelical Protestantism.

Deep #2 · Jun 26th, 2022 · · 6 ·

This is an awesome service! I didn't know it existed.

your body your choice

Author Interviewer

I don't even think "pro-birth" suffices. If they were pro-birth, they'd at least try to ensure women could live to actually give birth.

I'm right there with you Cleverpun. What annoys me is these exact same people who are anti-choicers are usually the same people who use the "my body, my choice" argument to rail against vaccines. Including not giving vaccines to their kids. Which, y'know, can also lead to them dying, because if herd immunity drops low enough for those diseases, kids can, y'know, die from the diseases the vaccines would prevent.

I will never understand the incongruity of the party who talks about rights taking them away from half the country. Your rights are only important if you're an antivaxxer without a vagina or a gun, apparently.


I'd strongly suggest reading up on Prosperity Theology, AKA Prosperity Gospel. A lot of modern Christian conservative and regressiveness movements make a LOT more sense once you know that idea.

Short version: Bad things happen to bad people, good things come to good people. It is one of the most toxic AND widespread ideals in all of Christianity. It's victim blaming taken to eleven, and on a societal scale. There's NO accidents, NO luck, NO choice without an IMMEDIATE AND DIRECT effect. Just divine rewards and punishments we tiny, insignificant mortals cannot begin to grasp.

To be blunt: To these folks, the world has figured out the trick to eating cake without getting fat. (IE, the sexual liberation from cheap & plentiful contraceptives & safe abortions.)

And they HATE IT, because it goes against one of their core believes in how the world SHOULD work. The Grand Dietitian is simply not serving True Cake fast enough, so they want to make sure society helps Him along by building cake factories, and have it enshrined in law that you MUST eat it "Properly." "Properly" being the traditional, you-get-fat way, of course.

Because that way you know who is eating cake, BECAUSE they got fat!

So... yeah. A meme about a century old, might just be the reason why so much of the world sucks right now. That meme, that thought-virus is in its death-throes, and trying to bring us all down with it in one last attempt at society wide re-infection. Because to some minds out there... it is THE lens though which they view the world, and it cracking as society moves on is TERRIFYING to them on the level of Grand Cthulhu cracking the sky, peaking through, and giving them personally the double birds before just... leaving without explanation. :pinkiesad2:


The actual problem here is not abortion, but Prosperity Gospel.

The "Pro Life" line is a bad faith smoke-screen, because the world simply does not accept "God Willed It So" as combined proof, argument & solution anymore. The way "Pro Life" always ignore the baby once born isn't some weird bug or limited resources, its the entire reason they want this sort of system in the first place.

It's never, ever actually about babies or what's best for the world. It's about punishing women for the "sin" of having sex and daring to enjoy it without the "punishment" of having a baby.

The baby being born or becoming aborted isn't the actual problem. The baby is the solution to the problem of The Wrong People not suffering enough for these shitheads to consider THEMSELVES Blessed.

In which case I shall use 'anti-choice' from now on.

I'll be sure to give that a look. I'll admit my on real prior encounters with prosperity gospel were through John Oliver, who looked at it on an episode of Last Week Tonight, and Phil Collins, who wrote a song that satirises it.

Nah, if you want to bother them, try anti-freedom.

I'm certainly using that from now on. How ironic that many of them are connected of a party which historically has exhibited a laissez faire approach to government.

Thomas and Barrett are Catholic extremists, so at least within SCOTUS it may be more accurate to blame this on traditional Catholicism. Incidentally Catholicism and fascism have a long and loving history together. :trixieshiftleft:

That is true. Italy springs to mind.

Deep #14 · Jun 26th, 2022 · · 2 ·


Not surprised at us getting a few dislikes.

Not that those people will reveal themselves, of course :trollestia:

I'm used to it. Cowards like hiding behind the thumbs.

Ignoring the human right idea, which I find odd because it mandates access to another’s labor, even RBG SAID RvW was bad law. The court isn’t supposed to just write a law. The ruling just says states can decide. If you disagree with a law, you have steps to overturn it, and considering how strongly people feel about this stuff, it wouldn’t take much to get it on the ballot.


I've been wondering about the lack of arguments as-such, honestly.

Like, I might be wrong, but the down-votes come in so fast but in low numbers, and without any comments attached, that I'm morbidly curious if there's one-two near forgotten bot accounts that just instantly ZOOM in on the word 'abortion,' or something.

...Could be folks not wanting to burn bridges but still being a little peeved we're not celebrating the quote freakin' unquote "victory," of course, but it seems unlikely just how quiet folks have been about this whole debacle. I'd expect at least ONE person crowing by now and getting down-thumbs into oblivion, but... nope?

5667919 Health care is a human right. Even if we are assuming that you are not entitled to a doctor's time, there are numerous abortion pills and procedures that can be taken at home. The abortion bans being passed across America specifically include those pills and procedures.

Even if Roe was a "bad law", it still worked. It protected people's freedoms. If it was truly a "bad law" (whatever that means), a replacement law should have been put in place at the federal level before revoking it.

To claim that this is about "bad precedent" is also very disingenuous. It is blatantly obvious that this was motivated by political and religious extremism, not legal precedent or convention.

Deep #19 · Jun 27th, 2022 · · 5 ·


My theory is that most anti-abortion people on here are just scared to openly debate users. And I sort of don't blame them since this site is very left-leaning. It's practically a mini LGBT site at this point haha.

Still, I'd appreciate the users debating us instead of leaving dislikes.

5667831 Very well said.

It is a theme lately, that liberal and progressive people continue to give right-wing extremists the benefit of the doubt. They feel a need to offer these "ideas" logical debates and counterpoints.

But as you eloquently pointed out, the cruelty and control are the point. All the doublespeak, gaslighting, and flawed logic are features, not bugs.

It took me a long time to realize it myself. Once one understands it, however, the actions of conservative extremists make perfect sense.

Deep #21 · Jun 27th, 2022 · · 2 ·


I don't even get how it was a bad law or that "abortion isn't protected by the constitution."

Brushing your teeth at night isn't specifically protected by the constitution, but it's obvious that we should all be able to do it anyway haha.

Deep #22 · Jun 27th, 2022 · · 4 ·


You are 100% correct because I've seen a lot of conservatives openly say that they hate abortion since it lets hookup culture and liberals get away with their "sins."

Yet those same people refuse to take responsibility for something as simple as getting a shot or wearing a mask to save other people's lives, assuming they don't care about their own. It's maddening.

such a fucking good analysis my dude

such a fucking Banger. Pretty fucking crazy Genesis released good-ass shit from the 60s to the 90s.

There's a saying, scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds. I think it's a bit extra, but liberals certainly have a bad habit of shielding these types.

Even discarding the doctors time you are confiscating material and time used to make these medicines. There are a lot of things that could be done to help, including stopping big pharma from renewing copyrights indefinitely with tiny changes, which would drive down costs with off brand alternatives, and forcing hospitals to list their prices so they can’t charge per person like they do now(pretty sure Trump did one or both of those and they were immediately repealed by Biden because Cheeto-dictator is evil. My aunts diabetes shot costs jumped back up in march or so of 2020 after that repeal.)

you’re arguing from an extremely authoritarian standpoint, and I hope you realize that. Housing, healthcare, these things have to be created and maintained. By making them a right, you are demanding the enslavement of entire sectors of the world’s economy. I’m an electrical technician. Your right to housing does not entitle you to construction costs or maintenance. Even if you gave a house to those in need,Eventually it will fail, and your house won’t be considered livable. Do you then get to force me to repair it? Do you get to force plumbers to fix the pipes?

What feels right isn’t always viable. It’s why people look for more answers, like the guy who turns shipping containers into livable space. I’m not saying don’t ask for or seek options, just that you understand the collateral of your plans

5667980 Lol.

If there's maintenance costs, material costs, upkeep costs, then why not just have the government pay them? Why are you assuming that people are being press-ganged into giving away their labor for free?

You admit that pharmaceutical companies are gouging people, but then assert that we should pay those prices anyway? You are claiming that health care is not a human right. But you're also mad that your aunt is paying inflated prices for insulin? Which is it?

Insulin costs in America are astronomical compared to other countries. People take out credit card debt to pay for insulin in the US. Meanwhile, in countries with good government healthcare systems, insulin is a fraction of the cost.

You are making up a scenario to be mad about, instead of addressing the issue:

Socialized health care works.

It protects people, it saves lives, and everyone involved is still compensated fairly. Doctors in the UK or Brazil still get paid for their work. Pharmaceutical companies still sell their insulin there for a profit. What's "authoritarian" about people not dying? What's fair about your aunt having to pay out of pocket for medicine that keeps her alive?

It's all very odd. You can observe a similar phenomenon with LGBT stories, which often suffer from downvote bombing.

Ok, to start, I am 100% pro-choice.

The government has no business knowing anything about your body or what you do with it, so long as it doesn’t directly impact the rights of others. Forcing someone to carry to term regardless of their wishes is a gross violation of someone’s self-determination, ie their right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

When a state makes an anti-choice law, they are forcing their religious values into someone who does not share those same values. Non-viable fetuses are, by definition, not alive, and they even blatantly call it “potential life” in the opinions. At best they are parasites, and at worst they are cysts. Now, before you go saying “that’s not a fair comparison,” cysts can have anything in them. That means they can have hair, teeth, brain matter, even functioning organs, like a heart.

Until viability is reached, an abortion is not terminating a life, it’s removing unwanted or even dangerous tissue. That’s not my opinion, that’s what medical science says. Even after viability, if there are deformities that will complicate that fetus’ post-womb existence, or complications that are dangerous to the health of the mother, then the ability to have an abortion should still be a right. A person is not obligated, nor should they be, to risk or outright sacrifice their life for another person.

Even if the states that want to outright ban abortion had social programs in place to help mothers who can’t afford the hospital bills associated with giving birth and raising the child (which I guarantee you, they don’t) they would still be infringing on that person’s fundamental liberties.

Now then, back to the privacy from the government matter, because this is what RvW being overturned is actually all about. RvW was a lynchpin ruling that essentially stated that your body is none of the government’s business unless you’re using it to violate the rights of others. By overturning the ruling, it opens up all kinds of crap that states can do to their citizens, like banning interracial marriage, or gay marriage, or even going so far as to saying that displays of affection between couples that meet those criteria are “indecent,” and thus also illegal. RvW being overturned affects a lot more than just women, though in the shorter term, they will undoubtedly bear the brunt of the consequences.

That brings me to the controversial statement of the day: “RvW was bad law.”

It was, RBG even said as much. The ruling came far too quickly, using shaky legalese. The reason that happened is because that was all it was supposed to need, because it was only supposed to be a stopgap ruling that would keep everyone safe while congress worked to pass an actual law, or to actually amend the constitution.

Do not get me wrong. I think RvW was a good thing. It was essential in helping to establish women’s rights and, tenuous legality or not, it was the ruling we needed, when we needed it. And yes, we did need it, but only to hold us over until we got what we actually needed, which was for congress to pass a law protecting that right, or for them to amend the constitution to permanently enshrine that right. We still need them to do that, they shouldn’t have waited 50 years.

I prolly ranted sideways on this one, so the tl;dr is: RvW being overturned is bad.



“Regressive” is probably the best term we could ever use for crap like this, or for people who somehow think that going backward is the only way forward. I’m kind of surprised the term hasn’t been getting used, since it is accurately descriptive and has a straight-up negative connotation. I think I’m going to start using it from here on out.

Having grown up in Prosperity Gospel churches, this is spot on.

This is a good article on why conservatives so frequently act so inhumanely and deliberately cruelly toward anyone they consider "Other".

The Cruelty Is the Point

That has never once been true, though. They've certainly claimed to prefer laissez faire government, but they have never hesitated to support big and bloated government when they could use it to torture and silence their opponents and enforce their own beliefs on the world. When they claim they want "smaller government", what they really mean is that they want the parts of government that keep them (and their depredations) in check small and useless, while keeping the parts of the government that enables them to oppress others big and powerful. I mean, just look at how much money and resources the "party of small government" keeps funneling into the military and law enforcement industrial complexes.

That's true. Notice how they refused repeatedly to let medical and infrastructure bills worth billions of dollars because of 'the deficit' yet raise no such concern with military bills worth trillions of dollars, despite the fact those strain the economy more. This has resulted in a highly lopsided economy where America can churn out tanks and helicopters and rifles by the bucketload but magically lacks the funds to fix its own health system.

Turns out aircraft carriers are useless against Covid.

Those words still ring extremely true today. Much of America suffers thanks to the actions and words of snake oil con artists.

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