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Darth Wrex


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  • Wednesday
    Song of the Week

    Hey everyone, it's time for Song of the Week. This song is the story of my life.

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  • 1 week
    Song of the Week

    Hey everyone, it's time for Song of the Week. Listen closely to this song.

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  • 2 weeks
    Song of the Week

    Hey everyone, it's time for Song of the Week. The cycle of love.

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  • 2 weeks

    Yep, you all know the drill. My time off starts today.

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    Miraculous: Tales of Silver Claw

    Greetings and salutation, my name is Wrex and this my review. Pick a jewelry and power up, because I'm reviewing 'Miraculous: Tales of Silver Claw', mostly Self-explaining. This fan fiction follows the Miraculous series, but with a major alteration: Sam Notcis, a OC, is given the Original Miraculous of the Wolf. I was deeply impressed with the alterations done to include both an original

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Land Before Time Retold Part 2 · 12:59am Aug 8th, 2022

Greetings and salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. It's time for another Land Before Time Retold review. This time with 'Time of Great Giving' and 'Journey into the Mist'. Much like the first two stories, these take place during the respective movies. One major difference from the first two times is the surprising tag-alongs Aylene has. I found the twists majorly surprising. These stories shows fear isn't the best course of action, rage is poison in many forms, and courage is in all of us. I found no problems in this story. I proudly give this story a 10 out of 10.

Comments ( 44 )

Cool! I read that story. I can’t wait to see what happens in the retelling of the Stone of Cold Fire movie. I hope Aylene meets the two Rainbow Faces who know about humans hopefully if Littlefoot gets hurt badly she would need to get him to a vet on modern day Earth to save his life. A vet who can keep her secret with her brother.

Thanks found it on deviantart.

It's pretty good

You know I might make a Land Before Time Retold/Hot Wheels Acceleracers crossover story with Aylene and her family living in the Acceleracers universe. She turns 16 years old and her parents tried buy her a car for her birthday, but she finds the HW Prototype 12 car that was one of the 1st cars that Tezla created and is much faster than Vert’s Reverb. Also the Accelerons had traveled to Littlefoot’s world and created a track there with an Accelecharger.

Yeah, but I’ll need to get permission from the author of Land Before Time retold series to do the story. The setting I was thinking was after Stone of Cold Fire as for Acceleracers a few months after Ultimate Race. Besides there are a lot of mysteries on both sides in the retold series on why were humans in the Dinosaurs’ world, where did they go and are there still any left in the Land Before Time world, and what are the time stones actually cause to me it seems more like keys to something bigger. For the Acceleracers side what happened to the other World Race drivers before Vert, Kurt, Taro, Wylde, and the Teku and Metal Manics we’re called in to race the drones, how long did Vert’s dad knew about Tezla and his doings, are the Silenzers a top secret US military team part of a special branch of the military to protect Earth as a whole from threats beyond native threats in this case the Racing Drones, what does the Wisdom Circle that Vert got in Ultimate Race suppose to do, and are there more Accelechargers to collect and Racing Realms to into. Also I think Aylene‘s time stone can open the portal to the Land Before Time for her car without the need of the Wheel of Power. It’s quite powerful and it might attract attention as in Racing Drone attention who would do everything to get the Accelecharger that Littlefoot’s world has.

But still I think Monkey will panic when he sees a hungry carnivorous dinosaur look Aylene and the gang for its next meal and that title the Walking Terror if that’s what it is called I kinda forgot. By the way what if Sharptooth came back to life in the same state that Drones turned Kadeem into. A half racing drone half dinosaur hybrid! Now that’s scary!

Yeah. It’s kinda well… sick. Besides Sharptooth was quite mentally unstable from the 1st story eventually we learn more about him from his brother who happens to be Chomper’s father that told Aylene that Sharptooth was later plugged with a brain disease that made him go of the rails even more making him a fully blown monster until Aylene and the gang took him out for good. Besides his body would of been just decaying bones by now and is at the bottom of that deep water hole so the drones can’t retrieve his body. It might’ve been crushed from the depth it sank down to cause an adult T-Rex male weighs quite a lot.

Please... No more corpse talk.

Oops sorry… guess I got carried away. But anyways I have no plans in bring that monster of a dinosaur back. Also the story will be K+ so older kids and fans of both series can read it. But I add some humor to it like Monkey being chased by a T-Rex, Drones getting smashed into scrap metal by Littlefoot’s grandpa and Cera’s father, Porkchop being Porkchop as usual, and many other things including the gang kick drone butt. Also Aylene will get an upgrade gaining Toa Inkia Kongu’s Laser Crossbow weapon going up against RD-L1!

Yeah I’m surprised that Kongu had a crossbow weapon when he became a Toa. Beside Aylene will need an upgrade to deal with the drones’ armor. Something to pierce through their armor and powerful too. After all they’re just robots. By the way I just thought of something! What happens when you put Cera in car with Porkchop, Monkey, and Sparky?

Probably she and Monkey will just scream when they come to the portal, “PORKCHHHHHHHHHHHHOP!!”

Yeah Porkchop always like to do things his way. As for Littlefoot he relates to Vert pretty well because from Breathing Point we learned that Vert lost his mom probably to medical complications a long time ago probably when he was just a kid. Littlefoot lost his mom too thanks to well Sharptooth so those two can relate as both their dads being leaders of different things is relatable. Except that Littlefoot doesn’t know his dad Bron is alive and looking for him and now leader of a herd. Not to mention they have hearts of leaders. Well Vert did lead a team in the World Race.

Aylene would think Littlefoot as a little brother in a way, but you know she’s very well smart knowing about the dinosaurs the many different kinds. I think she can grow to become a palaeontologist or a Zoologist since she like animals. But she’ll sharp her driving skills if she going to keep up with the Teku, Metal Maniacs, Silenzers, and especially the Racing Drones.

All I can say is good luck

Could you provide a link to the story please?

I can't. My stupid table malfunctions on it

Well here’s some dialogue between Vert and Aylene when she tells him what happened to Littlefoot’s mom.

Soon Aylene told Vert about what happened to Littlefoot’s mom and the final battle they had with Sharptooth. Vert was amazed at this, but also saddened and felt sorry for Aylene and Littlefoot as they watched Littlefoot’s mother die right in front of them. He knew the knew pain of loosing someone you cared about all too well.

Soon Aylene said to Vert as she looked at the glass of water with a solemn look on her face, “I still have dreams about her in my sleep. If did something to help her she would still be here with us and Littlefoot wouldn’t have lost his mom to that monster.”

There was a short silence before Vert spoke saying to Aylene, “I understand how Littlefoot feels. The thing is… I lost my mom too when I was a kid.”

Aylene looked up at Vert with a sorry look on her face and said to him, “Sorry to hear that. Did she?”

Vert then said to Aylene as he told her, “She passed away to health complications, but doctors say it was a rare extinct disease that took her. I was torn up about loosing her and well I pretty much tried to hid how much I missed her through skateboarding and surfing, but deep down she always will be apart of me. At least I have my dad and… well… I’m kinda proud of him being my father since until recently I found out he got quite an amazing job. Leading a team in protecting Earth from evil alien threats trying to concur the planet.”

Aylene had to agree with Vert’s comment about his dad and it was quite a cool job to have. She wished her dad had a cool job like that. But then Vert had a thought and said to her, “Speaking of dads Aylene do you know who is Littlefoot’s dad is?”

Aylene shook her head and said to Vert as that never crossed her mind, “No idea. I never got the chance to ask Littlefoot’s mom who is Littlefoot’s dad is or what is his name nor did a I ask Littlefoot’s grandparents. But there was one thing for sure he wasn’t with us when that big earthquake happened when they were heading for the Great Valley.”

Then Vert said to her with a unsure tone and look on his face, “You think… he could still be alive out there somewhere? Looking for his son.”

Aylene looked at Vert and said to him with a unsure, but hopefully look on her face, “I’m not sure, but if he is I’m sure he is still looking for Littlefoot.”

Meanwhile in the Land Before Time in far reaches of the Mysterious Beyond…

Meanwhile in Littlefoot’s world in a jungle a adult male longneck was walking through the jungle looking for something. This longneck had similarities to Littlefoot that meant one thing as this male was Littlefoot’s dad. And he was searching for his young one child after he learned of his mate’s unfortunate fate at the jaws of Sharptooth from old Rooter.

So far he hadn’t seen anything or any clues to where his child is, but wasn’t going to give up until he finds him. As looked up at the sun he said to himself with concern, “Where are you?”

Oh, okay. It's just I tried searching for it on Fimfiction and I couldn't find it.

I've read that series. I've even done some art of it.

Oh, it's not a MLP fan fiction

I do more than MLP

Okay, sorry

I just assumed, since you didn't give a link and posted it on here that it might be an MLP fanfic

Like the end part with Bron still looking for Littlefoot.

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