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Super Trampoline

"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!

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Tomorrow (Saturday) night I check off a brony bucket list item in Arizona! · 8:37am Oct 8th, 2022

Because of the car situation of the previous blog and my punishment for doing everything last minute and not checking the details, I'm sitting on a bench next to a random parking lot in the middle of la where flixbus does their pickups and drop offs with a 5-hour layover until 6:00 a.m. at least shortened 50 minutes thanks to cops shutting down the 101 freeway in the middle of the East LA interchange for some reason so we sat in standstill traffic for half an hour and then the driver backed the bus up along the side of the freeway with other cars for 20 minutes until we could get to where the split was with the five. Anyway, I've then take the bus in the morning from LA to phoenix! Why you might ask?

I'm heading to Arizona Pony convention PoniExpo it's probably going to be a hot mess with like 10 people showing up because a small group of and I say this as nicely as possible, very autistic bronies are trying to pull off a Pony convention in a small market city for the first time in the year of our Lord 2022, but I'm going to check off an item on my bucket list of playing a piano set on Main stage tomorrow night!

The convention itself hasn't tweeted since September 29th which is always a great sign when you're convention is October 7th through 9th, but it my friend and fellow musician in charge of Music bolt did post a Twitter picture showing at least two people on the dance floor so with any luck I will be playing for at least one person. I would have been there today, but I was supposed to do one of my acting gigs but I didn't because I don't have a car anymore and I had to get covid tested the day before and that's a pain when you live in OC and they only have two covid testing locations in Culver City and Burbank and so I just was really depressed and masturbated all day as an escapism method which reminds me to post about how I figured out I'm into BDSM because I figured out it represents my desire for executive functioning skills keeping my shortsighted in the moment he didn't stick urge satiating skills in check but that's another post for another day. And since I didn't even show up there and I'll be in Arizona tomorrow I can't get tested for working Monday so I can't work Monday either so I'm missing like $500 a pay mostly because you'd be surprised how much a person can masturbate if it means not facing reality but in brighter news I was starting to gain a good bit of weight again and I was really not about that shit so I've lost like 15 lb the last few weeks I figured the health benefits of not being as morbidly obese outweigh the detriments of using amphetamines for weight loss. Have some other stuff I need to find happy medium on I don't want to make this a post about doing drugs like all my posts are and I will not be doing that in Arizona because they don't take too kindly to that and I really need to take a break from stuff and I thought I had a 14-hour bus ride to sleep on but it turns out much of that was layover.

Anyway yeah, I've practiced more than I usually practice for conventions which is to say about 15% as much as the time I spend masturbating versus the usual 5% yes I know I'm extremely entitled.

I have other stuff I need to ramble about but I'm tired of rambling. I'm tired of running away but again I don't want this to be a vent blog I just wanted to say I'm playing piano for a very small exclusive audience likely in Arizona tomorrow so I don't disappoint my friend who was one of the higher-ups and so I could play piano for people and take a break from being My own worst enemy.

Bunch of new songs I've been working on I've been experimenting with just random interpolations of song snippets in other songs and wild key changes in just doing whatever the fuck I want because no gods no Masters nothing matters so break The rules baby what's the worst they're going to do? Actually don't answer that we've seen what state violence is capable of but yeah. I know this sounds depressing but I'm actually in a really good mood despite ostensibly being in the early stages of physical withdrawals because I am kind of pissed off with myself more than usual and I'm hoping it's enough to have some positive effects and get my shit together a good bit I know I'll always be fucked up but I'd like to be a little less fucked up take advantage of all my privilege and stuff in love hearing and rambling so yeah I love you all if you happen to live in Arizona come see my set have a blessed evening I'll post a live stream link I'll check I think it's at like 7:00 p.m. Arizona time whatever that is I feel like they're one of the states that doesn't fuck with daylight savings but hopefully all of them will be that soon so they'll have to find some other way to be quirky

Oh and I continue to immensely love how fucking creative I am on this stuff I literally in about 3 seconds came up with this aphorism when I was texting my friend about my follies (including managing to be only about 30 seconds early for an 11:25 p.m. bus):

When you swim in the bullshit as much as I do, you're bound to swallow a turd sometimes.

Comments ( 3 )

I have absolutely NO idea where/when there is any kind of Pony gathering, but if you need someone to ferry you around the Phoenix area, let me know. I should be available. Two points of warning: my car interior is 90% dirt from my job and my A/C doesn't work.

Okay, I looked it up. While I have things I could be doing, burning a day at a tiny con for $5 is an acceptable substitute.

Yo awesome! My phone number is (714) 496-3119

Long story short I'll be arriving in Phoenix around 5:30pm haven't seen where I'm arriving or going yet in usual last minute style

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