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Forget not that I am a derp.

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One Dozen Eye-nniversaries · 3:28pm Oct 10th, 2022

Twelve years. Dang. A lot's happened since 10-10-10, but Friendship is Magic is still one of the best unintentional birthday gifts I've ever received. It must be if I'm still playing with it. :derpytongue2:

Here's to many more years of the horses. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 25 )

Shit's wild. It's been a huge part of my entire adult life - I have no idea where I'd be or what I'd be doing without it.

Happy birthday! Glad to be in the fandom with such as you.

I appear to be a lifer. Probably be writing, reading, and occasionally watching ponies until I die or Hasbro shuts the door. :moustache:

Have a happy and horserrific birthday! :ajsmug::yay::rainbowkiss::twilightsmile::raritystarry::pinkiehappy::derpytongue2:


Happy birthday! May the horsewords be plentiful and the pones overflowing.

...Friendship is Magic is still one of the best unintentional birthday gifts I've ever received.

Bloody brilliant. Now that's what I call a heck of a coincidence, and good timing. Have a good'un, birthday boy. 🎉🎂:pinkiesmile:

Happy horsieversary!

Happy Birthday! n_n Here's to many more.

Merry Equestriversary

Cool! Happy Birthday!

Heck of a thing to be reminded of on the way back from UK PonyCon. One I welcome, though. Part of my life for very nearly five years now, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

And a very happy birthday to you too! :yay: What a day for it to land on indeed.

Happy Cake day! Happy for you and happy to still have you around! :pinkiehappy:

If we became ponies when FIM started, we're older than the CMC now :applecry:

Happy comemoration day of coming into the world screaming and covered in someone else's blood. May you enjoy many more... if slightly cleaner.

It's a busy day. The internet tells me this is also the tenth anniversary of None Pizza Left Beef, and the 65th birthday of Rumiko Takahashi. Today is some kinda internet culture nexus here :rainbowderp:

:pinkiehappy: 🎂

I approve of your continued existence, card man. I demand more of it.

Happy B-day! :pinkiehappy:

Happy birthday, hope you had a good one!

Happy Birthday, hopefully you had a nice relaxing day today :pinkiesmile:

Happy orbital completion day.

What a long, strange trip it's been...

Also Naruto Uzumaki's birthday and, bizarrely enough, World Mental Health Day.

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Thanks, all! :twilightsmile:

I know it's coming off a bit belated, but Happy Birthday! May there be many more of them and many more years in your future, all of them happy! :)

Happy belated birthday, FOME. Didn't realize FIM launched the same day as my brother got married. Suppose I had more pressing things to consider that day. :derpytongue2:

Happy belated shared birthday!

(Sorry, I'm behind on blog posts.)

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