• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


A major fan of FlutterDash, comedy, adventure, and other MLP things.

More Blog Posts80

  • 19 weeks
    Some Writers Are In Need Of Help

    Hey, so apparently, there's a big controversy going around the site at the moment. It seems it started with a little argument between two members, Blaze-sabre and Skywalker215, where Blaze-sabre joked that his stories were cut-and-paste of the show he crossed over with. Unfortunately, Skywalker215 took him seriously and reported the guy, Blaze-Sabre to a modulator. From what I gathered, the mod,

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    0 comments · 187 views
  • 25 weeks
    A Special Annoucement!

    Hey there, everyone,

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  • 51 weeks
    In Preparation For The Danny Phantom Graphic Novel

    Attention all viewers.

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  • 57 weeks
    I'm 37 Today

    Today is my birthday! :twilightsmile:

    I've officially turned 37! I better watch myself. I'll be forty before I know it!:rainbowlaugh: Of course, this birthday is a little more melancholy seeing as how it's the first one since I lost my father last year.:fluttershysad:

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  • 63 weeks
    To All FlutterDash Fans

    Hey to all my fellow FD shippers!

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New Story Coming Next Week · 3:00am Oct 28th, 2022

My latest story has been taking more time than I think. In addition to the eye surgery I had gone through earlier this month, I've also been focusing on Halloween. The funny thing is that I usually have no problem thinking kinky around this month, but this year, I've been feeling a bit dry and been more in a mood to be terrorized than titillated (ironic isn't it that I'd experience this kind of Writer's Block, huh?). However, I feel like I'm making good progress on it and it's nearing completion. I promise I'm going to try and go for a release next Friday. So keep your eyes out. I know that Summer has been gone for eight weeks now, but I hope you're in the mood to see some "Beach Beauties".

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