• Member Since 10th Nov, 2017


What fun is there in making sense? -Discord, Lord Of Chaos.

Favourites 395 stories
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Total Words: 13,537,216
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • Favourites 395 stories

  • Featured stories! 3 stories These are stories of mine that have been featured, regardless of how surprising it is that I would have any featured,


  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

A Notice of Hiatus

Jackson Brunner was walking home from work when he slipped and fell. He then awoke in a palace made of crystal that seemed to be long abandoned. Exploring these halls, Jack feels a strange sense of foreboding. Almost as if something horrible had happened here.

And that's not even the strangest thing about this situation.

No, things will only get stranger from here once the new owners of the palace show up.

Times this story has been featured:
August 16th - August 20th, 2023 (briefly got top spot on the 16th!)
Pretty much every time I upload a chapter lmao

Chapters (16)

Ponyville faced an ordinary day, but then night came, and with it a massive gateway into another world. It closes before any action can be taken, but now the Mane Six and Canterlot nobility are tasked with finding out what they can about the gateway. Who created it? Where did it lead to?

And most importantly, did anything come through?

Takes place after Season 2
Now 20% cooler with a TVTropes page!

Chapters (36)

On that fateful night on the moon, the princess of night is truly no more, and from those ashes, rises a new entity that is forced to take over her mantle, all her good and her sin.

Destiny weaved by the harmony itself laid before her. A part of the grand story, to be a tutorial villain, to be an exposition giver's sidekick, and to be slaved away beside the golden throne, then retired to a hut in god knows where, lost in history.

"Fuck that I'm out"

And so begin a new tale.

  1. Half of "dark" tags are there as precaution because i will skimps over a bit but very rarely. for example Non-consensual will be use one time on no-name one-time oc character in a flashback. as far as i planned currently.
  2. This is my first time writing a long novel. I promised to post the full plot outline somewhere if I somehow unable to finish it.
Chapters (31)

Please, vote or comment your opinion if you care about this story.

So, I got blasted by some mages in my world, and now I'm in a completely new one. I'm something called a 'kirin', and I've lost my opposable thumbs. Surprisingly, it wasn't a polymorph spell either! My magic has gone completely wack. I burned down a forest. And apparently I'm the first ever Kirin to have alicorn magic, which sounds awesome right? Well, not when you're constantly combusting into flames! I never wanted this! And for some reason these ponies keep treating me so nicely. Even after I keep screwing everything up. How hard is it to act like normal for once in my life?

What? There's nothing wrong with me! Please don't send me back...

Cover art by: Ziper Ace
Featured on: 2023 - 4/13, 4/17, 4/22 and quite a few more... Thanks everyone!

Chapters (17)

The forest was his new home.

From what he saw, he didn't belong in the town outside of his forest, but he also knew he didn't belong inside of it. His new hole filled legs and black body seemed to make sure he didn't fit in anywhere.

He had planned on trying to figure out what had happened to him without drawing attention, but when he saves three fillies from danger, he knew that his time to think about it was almost up.

The ponies would want answers.

He had none.


Cover art done by the incredibly talented Mix-up! His DA is here.

Chapters (3)

On a visit to the Everfree forest, Fluttershy encounters a creature she has never seen before. It’s tall, it wears clothes and nopony can understand it. Can the ponies of Ponyville make friends with this new creature, even when they do not understand eachother?

(28.1.2017) Did I...Did I get featured? :rainbowhuh: I think I got featured! :pinkiegasp:

Huge thanks to lordelliott for helping me proofread and edit. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (37)

From all her time working as a mail mare, Derpy has acquired quite some expertise in cardboard boxes and uses her talents to create the most indomitable cardboard box fort right in Anon's garden. All is fun and games until Equestria's aristocracy gets wind of it and decide it poses a credible threat to their power and reputation.

Originally written for the Kinderquestria thread, where the cute, childlike innocence of ponies is taken to it's absolute comedic extent.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Hears The Narrator

After her odd encounter with the mysterious entity, Twilight has grown rather accustomed to living with the voice of a narrator following her life. Although she still doesn't understand his presence, she has begun to accept him as a friend. But the confusion only grows, as the Narrator finds himself following the stories of other ponies. And Twilight will soon learn that she is not the only one who can hear the voice of the handsome, talented, witty, charming, manly gentlecolt yours truly!

Chapters (11)

Have you ever heard strange voices in your head? Have you ever felt like your life is being observed or controlled by some omnipotent being? Twilight Sparkle has, and it's driving her up a wall; the FOURTH wall! Watch the hilarity ensue as Twilight hears the soothingly manly voice of yours truly!

Chapters (1)

When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*

Chapters (1)