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Interlude - The Rising of the Bully Huntress

Once upon a time, in the floating capital of the pegasi, Cloudsdale, there lived a young filly named Rainbow Dash. Her parents doted on her, showering her with love and granting her every desire. However, Rainbow Dash remained unsatisfied. She yearned for something more, something that would make her name known throughout the land.

On that fateful day, her parents took her to witness the incredible Wonderbolts, renowned for their speed and agility. Rainbow Dash was awestruck as she watched them perform breathtaking aerial maneuvers.

"I want to be awesome just like them!" From that moment on, she was determined to make something of herself.

Rainbow Dash trained tirelessly, pushing herself to the limit. Her impulsive nature often led her to take reckless risks, her daredevilry resulted in a terrible accident, leaving her injured and stranded. In her moment of despair, a timid pegasus filly named Fluttershy came to her rescue.

"We can be friends," The shy filly softly offered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Rainbow Dash, filled with gratitude, looked into Fluttershy's gentle eyes and nodded. From that day forward, they became the closest of friends, inseparable in their adventures through the skies. Fluttershy's unwavering support provided Rainbow Dash with the strength and support she needed to pursue her dreams.

However, one day, Fluttershy mysteriously disappeared. The normally tranquil halls of the school were filled with worried whispers, but no one took any action. Rainbow Dash's heart pounded with concern as she realized her friend was in trouble.

Determined to find Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash followed her instincts, leading her to Fluttershy's solitary home on the outskirts of Cloudsdale.

Noticing the sound of somepony crying from the bathroom, Rainbow Dash makes haste, fearing for the worst. The sight that greeted her that day was nothing short of heart-wrenching.

Fluttershy lay in the bathroom, her delicate frame crumpled on the cold floor, a knife coated in crimson liquid clutched tightly in her hoof. The other foreleg was bleeding profusely from a self-inflicted wound.

"Why, Fluttershy...?" Rainbow Dash's voice quivered with anguish. "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

Fluttershy looked up at her closest friend, her gaze made the strong-willed rainbow mane pegasus flinch, as mustered the strength to speak. "Rainbow Dash... I couldn't bear the pain anymore. The bullying... it became too much."

Rainbow Dash sat at Fluttershy's side, her heart shattered at the revelation. She had been blind to Fluttershy's silent suffering. Filled with remorse and anger. Fluttershy's fragile form trembled as she mustered the strength to share her painful truth.

Through still tear-filled eyes, Fluttershy gave her response and whispered "Rainbow Dash," She began, her voice barely audible. "I... I've been bullied for as long as I can remember."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in shock. How had she been so blind to her friend's torment? Guilt washed over her like a tidal wave, threatening to consume her.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, tears glistening in her eyes. "They call me names, taunt me, and say terrible things about me. They laugh at me when I try to speak up. I... I thought maybe if I hid away, they would leave me alone. But it only got worse."

Rainbow Dash's hooves stomped in anger, her own tears threatening to spill. She had never felt such a mix of emotions before—rage, helplessness, and a burning desire to make things right for her dear friend.

Fluttershy's voice wavered as she continued, her pain was evident in every word. "I couldn't escape their cruel words, even outside the school. Every day, I'd dread going out. It was a never-ending nightmare."

Her voice cracked, and she struggled to hold back her sobs. Rainbow Dash instinctively wrapped her wings around Fluttershy, offering comfort and solace.

"They said I was worthless," Fluttershy choked out, her voice barely above a whisper. "I started to believe them. I thought... I thought I didn't deserve to live."

Rainbow Dash's heart sank as she absorbed Fluttershy's words. She had always seen her friend as a delicate and gentle soul, she cannot even begin to imagine how much Fluttershy has suffered, what kind of the immense strength it took for Fluttershy to survive each day, battling against bullying while hiding her pain from the world.

"Why didn't you tell me, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash's voice quivered, a mixture of hurt and understanding. "I would have done anything to protect you."

"I was scared, Rainbow Dash" Fluttershy's teary eyes met Rainbow Dash's gaze, filled with a mixture of gratitude and regret. "Scared that if I shared my pain, it would burden and hurt you. I didn't want to lose the only true friend I had."

Rainbow Dash squeezed Fluttershy tighter, her voice filled with determination. "You're never a burden to me, Fluttershy. We're in this together. From now on, I'll fight alongside you. No pony should have to endure such cruelty like this."

As the weight of her friend's confession settled between them, Rainbow Dash vowed to become a beacon of strength, not just for Fluttershy, but for all who suffered at the hooves of bullies. She would confront them head-on, bringing hope and change to their life.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "Knowing that you're here for me. It means more than words can express."

Fluttershy clung to her, her wounded soul finding solace and strength in their bond. Through the darkness, a path of hope emerged, fueling Rainbow Dash's determination to create a brighter, kinder world, as she vowed to protect her friend and put an end to the torment.

A world where no pony would ever have to face the torment of bullying alone.

Through their shared pain, a newfound resolve shinned within Rainbow Dash's heart. She would not let the bullies win. With Fluttershy by her side, she would stand tall and show the served them justice.

In the day that followed, Rainbow Dash, for the first time in her life, gave up her own selfishness for something beyond.

She confronted the bullies with fiery determination tempered by cool calculativeness. She stood tall, refusing to let them harm her friend any longer, yet she did not fight back, not give in to any of their taunts.

Her shambled pride is nothing when compared to Fluttershy's happiness.

She asked her parent for help, to put a stop to their tyranny. With full support as always, arrangements have been made, favors were called, and Rainbow Dash slowly but surely tear them down socially piece by piece.

As Rainbow Dash's action spread words far and wide, she became a symbol of hope and courage, inspiring others to stand against injustice.

The community began to rally behind them, and the authority got involved not long before. The bullies and their parents were held accountable for their actions, which cascade effects through their school, bringing permanent change to the life of more than a few less fortunate foals.

Together, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy forged a bond despite their differences. Their friendship became a beacon of light that brings change to the school, proving that even in the face of despair, there is hope. With Rainbow Dash's unwavering support, Fluttershy slowly started to heal from the wounds inflicted upon her spirit.

And of course, as time passed and ponies move on. Rainbow Dash, the mare who continue to get unconditional love-bombed by her parents for another decade and spend years in the might-make-right donghole called Cloudsdale flight school, before she moved out of the floating city, would inevitably forget the wisdom her filly self had discovered.

Author's Note:

Dashie's backstory ft. Fattershe


This chapter is pretty short, but I got more content for you, I already post this on crossover group but not much traffic, so here's it again!

Story Outline of Nightmare Moon in MCU