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Well, I was shot. I was shot when I pushed my best and only friend out of the way of a murderous student's gun. And because I was shot, I gained the powers of a god. I became the Cosmic King, the ruler of the multiverse. But because I couldn't control my powers, I split myself up, sending each version of myself to a different universe. One of those happened to be Equestria.

Now, I'm a god surrounded by a science crazy pony who wants nothing more than to break every law trying to understand me, the student-turned-god that shot me and wants revenge for me beating him up, my power hungry predecessor, an evil organization that wants my power to take over the world, a robot version of myself with all my powers and access to each of my weaknesses, and chimeras that constantly attack me.

Well, my name's Connor, and I'm the Cosmic King, and if any of those monsters think they can harm this universe, they have another thing coming.

Chapters (57)

What laws govern the universe far beyond the firmament of Earth's sky? What is the true nature of the twinkling stars that fill the night and dazzle the eyes of ponies? Outside of the influence of Celestia's sun, what mysteries populate the void of space?

When an incarnate cosmic force millions of times more powerful than Celestia and Luna threatens to devour the planet, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are sent on a mission to the Empyrean at the edge of space, to beseech the only being with the ability to save them: the Unmoved Mover, the impetus which drives the mechanizations of all the universe.

Meanwhile, on Earth, the Princesses are forced to deal with the tyranny of their reigning King without upsetting the balance of the galactic hierarchy, lest they themselves suffer at the mercy of the Elements of Harmony.

Editors: SSky and Nerevar117.

Cover art: "Celestial Navigation III" by lordsong on deviantArt.

Chapters (6)