Audiobook hearings 374 stories
  • Audiobook hearings 374 stories - 7 unread chapters Stories which I heard as a Audiobook on YouTube.
    Created by Themisto
    - March, 2018
Found 352 stories in 69ms

Total Words: 7,203,870
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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This story is a sequel to The Death Altar In Twilight's Basement

Twilight once tried to summon evil Sun Gods to teach them the magic of friendship, powering an ancient death alter with some weird magic crystals, only to find out that she had been conned by Flim and Flam.

Now Twilight has too much caffeine in her system and is going on a rampage.

How do these two things correlate? Well, Twilight needed some batteries for her coffee machine...

Chapters (1)

Fish and Lilypad have left school and as young mares have started a business working as divers.
Obabscribbler made and audio version for my 50th birthday. It is on her channel.
Here is the copy on my channel

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is replaced by a firetruck.

I'm never writing another story.

Seriously, this is it.

Chapters (1)

The Spirit Pony is responsible for the End of All That Ever Was. It has always been so. This particular End looks like being a straightforward one – until a certain pink pony intervenes to prevent it happening. Pinkie has a very, very good reason for stopping the Spirit, too...

Now has a reading by... er... me! And another one by hystericaldominolego!
22/11/19: New! Dramatic reading by Scribbler, featuring Quirky Craft and Illya Leonov!

Featured by Equestria Daily
Featured by the Royal Canterlot Library
Featured by Seattle's Angels
"a look into the power of Pinkie ... Highly Recommended" -- PresentPerfect
"a delightful sense of unreality to the whole thing ... 9/10" -- Soge

Chapters (1)

Sunset always knew that she was destined for greatness, but she never dreamed of how great she could become. Not until she had seen it – the mirror had shown her as an alicorn. Ignoring Celestia’s warnings, Sunset goes looking for answers.

When she learns that the mirror is also a portal to another world, well, what else was she supposed to do? But it seems that she hadn’t considered every possibility. She hadn’t, for example, considered that she might get herself trapped on the other side. Nor did she think she’d find herself transformed into a child again.

(Also available in print (temporarily out of stock), as an audiobook, and in Russian!)

A story set in the Who We Become series (earliest story, so a great starting point :raritywink:)

Many muches of thanks go out to ArchAngelsWings, Dessert, Mind Jack, Pasu-Chan,
CharCharChan, w_brown7, and eton975 for proofreading.
Additionally, thanks to Pasu-Chan for providing the glorious cover art :scootangel:

Chapters (34)

Following the return of the Crystal Empire, Twilight begins some intensive research into the history of the Empire and its late king. Modern historians know next to nothing about the enigmatic dark mage. Who was he? Did he have family? Loved ones?

The answers to those questions changes everything the Element of Magic knows about herself, and in doing so catches the attention of a shadow that yet clings to the frailty of life...

Cover art made by Skijarama!
Reading can be found here.
Edited by RC2101_Copey.
Featured on 20/10/2018.
Russian Translation: Here

Chapters (31)

Applejack digs a hole.

Now with a dramatic reading by Neighrator Pony! Check it out here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A FLEet|ng LIght |n thE DArknEsS

Case Report: Summary of Events
Submitted by: Verdant Vines
Location: Ponyville
Date(s): April 16th to April 23rd
Case: Ponyville Mass Disappearance (#3467)
Classification: Top Secret

To whom it may concern,

What follows is an update on the status of the investigation into the disappearance of the entire citizenship of Ponyville.

Nimbus Productions - First Chapter
Scribbler Productions - Full Story

I highly recommend both of them.

A print version of all the stories in this series can be found here.

Chapters (2)

The following transcripts are of a journal found in Ponyville on April 16th of this year. The last recorded contact with the town had been 3 days prior, on the 13th, when a team under orders from Princess Celestia was sent to look into several missing pony reports in the area. When another group of investigators were sent on the 16th, the town was found deserted. The journal’s owner is believed to be the princess’s personal student, Twilight Sparkle. None of the town’s inhabitants have been located in the weeks since.

Nimbus Productions
Scribbler Productions

I highly recommend both of them.

A print version of all the stories in this series can be found here.

Chapters (1)

Maud isn't like other earth ponies. She's special, like her sister.

She can hear a voice, a voice from another world. At first it torments her, then comforts her, then befriends her. Naturally, Maud does the rational thing: she falls in love.

But will it last?

Chapters (1)