Audiobook hearings 374 stories
  • Audiobook hearings 374 stories - 7 unread chapters Stories which I heard as a Audiobook on YouTube.
    Created by Themisto
    - March, 2018
Found 352 stories in 67ms

Total Words: 7,203,870
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Equestria has been saved once again from an evil villain trying to drain all of its magic. The vile villain has been sentenced to Tartarus, so that she may never again harm other ponies with her evil.

However, Celestia didn't quite expect the villain to be a nine year old filly.

Or that she'd have to actually tell the filly's parents.

Chapters (1)

It's a nice day in Ponyville. In the busy market, between two stalls, a changeling is sitting on the grass. Next to him is a sign that says "feed me".

Meant to be a nice little slice of bug horse life. A little cute, a little sad. Hopefully an enjoyable read, either way.

Cover art is by Sapphfyr

Audio reading available here:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Chapters (4)

Being a princess of Equestria is not all cake and mediation. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Princess Luna has to make a difficult choice, but it's for the best... isn't it?

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer is feeling worried about one thing: she remembers when she failed at making Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen, join her and the others. With that, every changeling was reformed but her, who got her chance to escape.

It's been so long since that happened. But Starlight is not going to give up.

And she will fix that issue with a scroll she used some time ago...

Short story depicting a possible way to reform Chrysalis.

UPDATE: Someone is making a comic version of my story on DeviantArt! You can see the cover art here.

Chapters (1)

Rarity sets about preparing for Fluttershy's arrival for afternoon tea. Abruptly however, a certain feline seems to think things would be better were she to be cared for by somepony else aside from Rarity. But just how will the fashionista react to the news?

Casual Reading by StraightToThePointStudio
Note: The reading misses a key line at 4:46 where Opal leaves the room, so it seems like Rarity and Pinkie are talking about her in front of her as if she weren't there. :twilightsheepish:

Chapters (1)

Spike finds something interesting while cleaning. Something that he never thought somepony would treat so poorly. If only he knew the significance of the item he'd just found.

Reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Reading by The Audio Project

Reading by Pony&Wolf Productions

Chapters (1)

Woona had a bad dream, waking up her parents and her sister. Celestia goes to check up on her, while she let Queen Galaxia and King Cosmos sleep in their rooms. The young princess arrives, only to find her little sister shaking under the blankets. Woona asks her sister to sleep with her and she does, keeping the bad nightmares from scaring her.

Celestia is 10, Luna is 5

Chapters (1)

Dom and Rainbow Dash always hang out on weekends, but during one night of drinking in a tavern, Dom drunkenly claims that he can catch Applejack with one of her own apples. Rainbow Dash decides to challenge him and makes a wager of her own, but, in the end, there can be only one winner, and Dom is going to do whatever it takes to prove her wrong.


FEATURED 15TH NOVEMBER! Thanks a bunch, peeps! :rainbowkiss:💛

Chapters (1)

This world isn't as it once was. Humanity is no longer the dominant species on the planet. They now fear the Old World, knowing full well the destruction caused by their ancestors.
This is a world dominated by machines. Humanity simply lives in it.
Yet, even in such a world, some search for answers to questions better left unsaid.
Even in this, daily life is a struggle. A young mare and her human sister know this all too well.

Just a short idea that popped into my head. A Crossover with Horizon: Zero Dawn. Inspired by Tatsurou's PWNY-verse.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio. (Remastered)

Chapters (1)

Hello! I am the late Twilight Sparkle. The book that you will coninue on to read is my knowledge summarised into as little a package as I could possibly manage!
I hope you, dear reader, find this to your liking and that it advances your knowledge of the magical field. Who knows? Maybe I’ve inspired the next me!

Twilight likes books. Twilight knows that not everyone does, but Twilight knows that everyone loves some level of knowledge. So, the obvious conclusion is a short guide to her favourite subject, yes?

Spoiler, Twilight is dead, giving up her alicorn immortality as Pinkie Pie, the final Element of Harmony, died. Her will includes three books of compiled knowledge meant for the reading of your average Equestrian, and not for prodigies like her; the first has been released, and it is magic.

Chapters (4)