• Member Since 15th Sep, 2012


Born in the South and Raised in the Country, finally got to live in the city, but then went to a happy middle ground.

Anthro/Human 502 stories
  • Anthro/Human 502 stories - 0 unread chapters Stories with Anthropomorphic (Bi-pedal/ humanoid-like) Ponies, or Stories with Humans in Equestria (displaced, reincarnated, etc...)
    Created by OBSIDI4N_DR4G0N
    - April, 2018
Found 250 stories in 70ms

Total Words: 27,074,943
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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In the beginning, The Great Weaver brought together the world, from the mountains to the forests. Stitching it together, the Great Tapestry connects all living and nonliving things.

The Changelings found themselves especially connected to this Tapestry. Legend says that the first Changelings fell through the world as it was woven together, only to be caught on the First Weave beneath it all.

But what happens when something else is caught in the Weave?

Prince Phasmatodea, son of Queen Chrysalis, remembers what it was like before he hatched. He remembers being a human. He remembers dying. And he fully intends on avoiding another death.

But being gifted a new life does not matter when one failure, one false step, will lead to your untimely demise in the Changeling hive, for Prince Phasma must survive his toughest adversary from the start: Mother Dearest.

Cover art as of 1/18/21 by Nixworld

Chapters (151)

A couple weeks after her first Nightmare Night in Ponyville, Twilight gets lost in the Everfree Forest all by herself, hoping to find a way back to town. As Twilight searches, she comes across a strange flower that sprays out some strange pink pollen. She inhales it, and gets a pain in her stomach. The pollen made her pregnant with a colt that looks like her male counterpart from another dimension (Dusk Shine from On a Cross and Arrow by Conner Cogwork).

Meanwhile, a kid who has been living with his abusive aunt and cousin make his life miserable when his parents are working in Europe. That young boy keeps getting treated like a slave, and barely gets any food. They even force him to clean up the house that they keep messing up, no matter if he was healthy or sick. Then one day, he gets really sick the day his parents come home, unexpectedly to the abusive aunt and cousin. He had a sickness that couldn't be cured. At least he saw his parents one last time before he passed. He then wakes up as the colt that Twilight Sparkle had given birth to.

Chapters (14)

Steve is the only Crafter left. A terrible war against Herobrine had taken everyone from him. He lives, but without purpose. His happy-go-lucky attitude hides decades of war and scars. He wishes for a second chance, a way to make it up to those he lost. Now, due to unknown powers, he arrives in Equestria. Can these peaceful ponies make a mark on a battle-scarred Crafter, or will the darkness inside consume him from the inside out.

Post Discontinued Edit: Wow, that Description is way off the mark. I can't believe I wrote this. Anyway, if anyone is reading this, then, well, yeah, the story is discontinued. Has been for a while.



Chapters (106)

Apparently someone upstairs found some sort of pity within themselves and decided that I was worthy of a second chance. At least, that's what I assume. Since I've magically been dropped into another world, in the body of a baby horse no less! 

That was four years ago. Everything was all fine and dandy, my life was going good.

Too good apparently. 

Since that's when everything sort of went to shit.

Mega ultra super duper props to: FunkyFresh for helping this story get to how it is today.

4/24: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1038607/some-news

Chapters (66)

Andrew your basic every day guy, hates Christmas, he finds no purpose in the holiday, but one day he gets in an accident and dies, or at least he thought he did he soon wakes up in an old crumbling castle, not only that but he's been turned into a small filly, one with black fur and white hair, as well as having a horn and wings, now in a world he doesn't know and being seen as a monster and hated for it, he will have to learn how to live in a new life, all while having heard about this holiday called Hearths Warming.

Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/272063/Organical

Chapters (7)

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong sex, and lost in the wilderness.

New Cover art commissioned from Lunar Froxy.

Chapters (57)

This story is a sequel to A Mother's Wish

For centuries a certain alicorn has been trapped in another dimension, living quietly, and avoiding being seen by the human eye. When she finally found a way home, her spell went wrong, and it pulled a human consciousness in with her.

That said, consciousness is me, Alex. I woke up one day, only to discover that I had turned into a pony, but I didn't turn into just any pony. I became a pony known as Lauren Faust, the mother to Celestia and Luna. Now I’m living in the Canterlot castle; I have a bunch of royals acting like children, changelings running around, and an ancient alicorn prankster stuck inside my head. All I can say is things get a little hectic.

Prequel is an optional side story.

Rewrite/Return to FimFiction.
You can find the original story HERE

Big thanks to STTPStudio for creating a reading of this story.

Chapters (11)

Warning: Sex tag just for Cloud Kicker's conversations about sex just to be safe. And teen for the Pony swearwords

A Pegasus Pony named Lightning Bolt is really a human. He lands right before Season 1 and learns everything about ponies before the show starts. He gets a job as a weather pony and makes some friends along with having Rainbow Dash as a boss. Determined as he is not to change the show's timeline, little things start changing and soon the fate of Equestria may very well rely on his actions alone.

Chapters (60)

Spartan-B312 A.K.A Noble six. The unsung hero and the only other Soldier designated as 'Hyper-lethal' of the Human-Covenant War. Were it not for her actions on Reach, the events that lead to victory over the Covenant and Flood would never have happened.

But that victory had a cost heavy price with Noble team dead and Six left on Reach as the Pillar of Autumn made for orbit.

Alone against the Covenant she was doomed. But she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

For three whole days, she fought. For three whole nights, she struggled against the full might of the Covenant on Reach. And on the third and final day, she fell.

Exhausted, battered, and beaten she was finally overwhelmed and presumably killed from what the helmet cam footage shows, the only thing remaining of the Spartan after the glassing of Reach was a broken helmet. But even after that, there is one constant that is never broken.

Spartans never die...They just go missing in action.

Now armed with a new equine body and armor to boot in a barren wasteland resembling the one she had just left behind, Six's Journey hasn't ended yet.

Cover art by the wonderful: Panini you can find them here
Holy wow Featured within the first 6 hours
I-I have no words to express how happy this makes me

Halo: Reach Crossover (And yes my Noble Six is female)

Character tags shall be added as the story progresses

Chapters (50)

A horrible event has caused me to forget everything about who I am, and has sent me to the world of Equestria, where I'll crash-land in the Everfree Forest. I don't have a clue what I'm doing here, or what's going to happen, but if I live through my first night, I know I'm in for one heck of a ride! Also, where is all this fire coming from?

Be sure to review when you read, please!

Rated T for Language, Occasional Sex themes, and Violence.

Chapters (13)