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It's not every day you wake up in another country after drinking your weight in Bahama Mamas at an Applebee's in South Dakota; it's not every day you wake up in Equestria, either. But Mego Mars has experienced both, and is about to have the adventure of his life trying to figure out how one led to the other. The kicker? He's suddenly a horse. And not just any horse; a little green girl horse. This isn't how the great adventure movie usually starts, is it?!

Written for Sparktail's AnonFilly contest, which had to focus on AnonFilly, a character I've never really heard of! But the fun thing is that 'AnonFilly' can really be anyone (so long as she's grumpy), and I liked the idea of a cute little pony actually being a big burly trucker doing his best to save Equestria!

Chapters (1)

Teleportation - the best way to travel! Not many unicorns master this ancient spell, and even among those who do, the details of how exactly it works remain a mystery. Some even fear what it may or may not do to the caster, but nopony knows for sure.

After much studying, it is time for Twilight Sparkle to perform the spell for the first time. A simple test: Just move from Point A to Point B. But Twilight is about to find out that there is more to teleportation than she thought.

A lot more.

Set prior to the show canon.
Inspired by (but completely unrelated to) Ocalhoun's story Blink.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is having the worst day of her life. She used to be important. She was the personal student of Princess Celestia. She was a future leader of Equestria. She was the kind of mare that everypony envied.

Today, it's all crashing down around her.

Alternate Universe: What if Sunset Shimmer hadn't gone through the mirror?

Chapters (11)

On secret assignment from Princess Celestia herself, Twilight investigates a powerful magical artifact for clues to the mystery of Luna's transformation in the evil Nightmare Moon. Incautious use of the artifact sends Twilight hurtling back in time. Can Twilight discover what caused Luna's transformation? And will she ever make it home again?

Kickass cover art used with permission from Bitz.

Chapters (11)