• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011


Just an average insane brony, doing average insane things. Professional Fanfiction Writer and Purveyor, relevant links are on my profile page.

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From across the multiverse, a distress call is issued in the form of a summons spell; its target is six very specific beings: Each must be a bearer of an Element of Harmony, they must be similar enough to each other's acquaintances that the Magic of Friendship will work between them, and they must all be changelings.

  • Twilight Sparkle, a.k.a. Princess Amaryllis, daughter of Queen Chrysalis
  • Rarity, having finally reconciled with her estranged "sister" Chrysalis
  • Rainbow Dash, liberator of the hive and just awakening from metamorphosis to Hive Queen and deposer of Queen Chrysalis
  • Applejack, immature queen of the Everfree Hive and enemy to her aunt, Queen Chrysalis
  • Pinkie Pie, rogue queen, and sister to Chrysalis
  • Fluttershy, mother of the Ponyville hive, who is unaware even of the existence of other hives

They will be tasked with a mission familiar to them all, but in an alien world, with strangers that are almost their friends, in a hostile nation, and the fate of an entire world in their hooves.

Chapters (2)

One week after the Fall Formal, Principal Celestia is surprised to learn that a near-catatonic Sunset Shimmer has been calling out for her in the girl's sleep. Sunset has been unresponsive even to professional medical authorities, so what could have prompted her to call out in her sleep for an educator who had only occasionally interacted with her?

Cover art by The Sleepless Beholder

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Pregnant Noses Know

Princess Celestia and Baked Bean, after a nearly year-long wait, are now the proud parents of a healthy unicorn colt. Naturally, little Apollo Bean will receive nothing but the finest as he begins his own princely journey, but babies always have their own set of unique issues, and Celestia will find another new life waiting for her as she integrates motherhood into her already busy schedule.

Elsewhere, the Kingdom of Equestria moves on as well. Chrysalis continues to be Chrysalis—much to Sergeant Hokey Pokey's chagrin—Trixie continues in her new role as Baked Bean's secretary while Miss Wysteria and Sergeant Quillpoint take time to work on their relationship and to take care of their brand-new twins, Twilight Sparkle begins teaching Starlight Glimmer about the magic of friendship after several world-ending events, and even Prince Blueblood finds much to accomplish upon returning from Yakyakistan.

But while forgotten friends and new adventures await, Baked Bean and Celestia know that, come what may, they will enjoy all of the ups and downs together...

As a family.

Edited by Georg, Double R Forrest, Tek, and Sipioc

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Principal Noses and Ancient Roses

Baked Bean, fresh off his victory over the sirens at Canterlot High, is now eagerly preparing for the arrival of his first child with his beloved Princess Celestia while still attempting to perform his royal duties.

But old foes still lurk in the shadows, and Celestia's pregnancy may offer a few unique challenges as well. It will take everything Baked Bean can give to endure the coming storm...

Or maybe he just needs to provide Celestia with a deep-fried pickle covered in chocolate sauce and smothered in sauerkraut.

Zen and Ponies

Cover Art:
Bean In the Oven by Sipioc

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Virga

A Twin Canterlots anthology—first of The Campus series.

So much can happen in fifteen years. Seven young women proceed through university and start out on careers. An unlikely new ruler and a council of friends grow into their roles. Both ends of a magical portal that connects two worlds are uprooted and moved, as carefully as mature trees, to new locations. One is in a wing of the rebuilt Ceremonial Palace, made over for the purpose. The other is on the Campus.

Background and an information packet are available.

Hit “Popular Stories” and (briefly) the featured box the day after publication! Holy moley! :pinkiegasp:

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Forgotten: The Frozen North

This story is a sequel to What A Long Strange Trip (Ending 2)

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria only to discover everypony she knew is now ancient history.

Cover art: G5 Sunset by mira.veike@derpibooru.org

Chapters (38)

People will do anything to distract themselves from their problems. In an age where the situation could be both a hundred times worse and a thousand times better, there are still stories floating around. You know the type: a young human gets snatched from his/her homeworld and dropped in a land far from home, and they have to either shape up or ship out before it's too late.

Replace "human" with "Reploid", and you have a good idea what's happened to me. This land of Equestria is as completely alien to me as I am to its residents. If I can't return home then I'll have to figure out how to adapt to its environs, but my time and options are running out quickly. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm getting desperate.

I am Fairy Leviathan, one of Neo Arcadia's Four Guardians, and I will gladly accept your help if you have any to offer.

There is a Frequently Asked Questions blog on this story. Please read it first before getting into the story. Thank you.

The cover image is Leviathan's official art from Rockman X DiVE. I haven't been able to find a reasonable alternative and circumstances aren't allowing me to commission something, so I'm just going to leave it as is.

Don't know about the 'Human' tag for this one, as it's kind of iffy. Personally I think it's alright, as Reploids are close enough to 'human' for it not to matter, but your mileage may vary.

Has a TV Tropes page here.

Chapters (72)

Izzy likes hanging out with her new friends, especially Zipp. She's learned so many new things from her, like that Pegasi don't hatch from eggs.

Edit: Featured from 1/16/2022-1/17/2022.

Chapters (1)

Everyone always tells Twilight that the ones who love us never truly leave us.

But that's a lie. It's always been a lie.

Things that live must also die. It's simply the cycle of life, and that cycle doesn't care about love or the pain it causes.

Until one day, that cycle is broken by a forgotten figure from her past: a little tortoise who's not so little anymore.

This story is, first and foremost, a gift for the incomparable Mushroom, who clearly must be some sort of undiscovered species of fungus dog since we definitely don't deserve her. I have it on good authority that this story gave her Many Feelings, and I hope it gives them to you, too. :)

This also won first place in the of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting '2021 Gift Fic Exchange' contest portion, which is neat.

Cover art commissioned from the lovely Shaslan!

Chapters (1)

A human happens in Equestria, and Twilight can't convince anypony that it's a big deal.

I don't know what this is. Well, I do, it's a My Little Pony fanfic. In a fanfic website. But beyond that, I'm not really sure what this is. Read at your own risk.

Chapters (1)