Favourites 182 stories
  • Favourites 182 stories - 251 unread chapters
    Created by Haniwa
    - October, 2014
Found 126 stories in 54ms

Total Words: 3,422,681
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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He was always considered an outcast, a black sheep. When his peers find his secret, that he likes to watch My Little Pony, they taunt and ridicule him for it. But, after a freak accident, he is taken away to the land of Equestria. Has he truly found his place? Oh, and he's an ork. That might be an important little detail. Warhammer 40k crossover.

Chapters (4)

The girls get together to have a few drinks. Silliness ensues.

Cover image by De-Masque! http://de-masque.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is up before the sun to feed her pets. There's only one other pony up that early, and she takes some time to secretly oogle at a certain handsome member of the Apple family.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is delighted to learn of her dear friend Fluttershy's crush on Big Macintosh, and enlists the "aid" of Rarity and Applejack to make their romance a success.

Five-star feature on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy, after a painfully awkward dance at a party with Big Macintosh, goes around Ponyville asking her friends what love feels like. This ends about as well as it could be expected to, and Rarity decides to take things into her own hooves.

01/25/12 - Director's Cut released! Rewritten! Remastered! Re... something! Whatever!

Cover art by the awesomely talented Whitestar1802 on deviantART. No, seriously, his art is incredible. Just... just go look at it.

Chapters (2)

A minor accident at Sweet Apple Acres sends Big Macintosh to Ponyville in the middle of applebuck season. At first, things seem fine. But then some of the mares begin acting a little...oddly.

Then very oddly. Turns out every other stallion skipped town for a very good reason.

Chapters (2)

Caramel can't seem to do anything right. When he finds he has a crush on a certain purple unicorn, this proves doubly true.

Story now coming out Bi-weekly thanks to Sanctus, more soon!

Chapters (12)

Big Macintosh's life has taken a surprising turn in the form of a pink pony with a penchant for partying. But even amongst all the gossip and the dozens of parties appearing on his calendar, he still manages to live the same life he’s always lived (to a certain degree). However, sometimes it’s not the great big changes that are the most affecting.

Chapters (1)

This is the story of a certain pink pony who's decided that she wants to have babies like the Cakes, and of the much-enduring pegasus who must explain to her why that might not exactly be plausible for them. Will either of them succeed in their mostly-noble endeavours? Probably not. Dedicated to device heretic, who gave me the idea. Please don't take this too seriously.

Featured on Equestria Daily, and quickly shaping up to be my lowest-rated story yet!

Chapters (1)

"It's called 'Shh'," said Fluttershy. "It's a game about who can be quiet the longest. Sound fun? I'm the world champion."

Fluttershy is not a pony who makes things up. She really is the world champion of "Shh," or The Quiet Game. And now it's time for her to defend her crown, with Twilight Sparkle and Rarity along for the ride.

Chapters (1)