• Member Since 28th Oct, 2013


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Rainbow dares Pinkie to eat a stick full of spiders. Things don't go as planned when Pinkie accepts the dare.

Inspired by Zajice's Pinkie Picture (Source on the cover) when I was cleaning through my favorites.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara becomes an alicorn princess. She gets up to adventures and stuff. Silverspoon is well jel. Also, Celestia has a crush on them. (This story is a parody, obviously. Though I genuinely believe that Diamond Tiara is a character that needs more love. She's adorable.)

Suggest ideas for future chapters here.

Cover picture by Total Krazen.

Chapters (15)

Derpy was just trying to make a sandwich. Vinyl was there too.

Now the world is ending.

Really, it's all their fault.

A stylistic tribute to Terry Pratchett.

Russian translation by Repitter.

Proofread by MrNumbers, Octavia Harmony, and TheMaskedferret.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie just won't stop clopping. It's getting on everypony's nerves.

But Twilight's got a plan. She's going to stop the clopping once and for all...

Definitely not the product of an April Fool's joke. Lookit. It's already over! That makes this totes serious.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changeling Hives, feels a disturbance. Something unusual, something evil... something festive. It doesn't take her long to discover that the source of this dread is a pony holiday by the name of "Hearth's Warming Eve," and it takes even less time for her to decide what she has to do now: She must steal it.

Yes. The whole thing.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Aegis of the Hive

Natural selection. It is the byword of every changeling queen who has ever lived. The chief resource that has always curbed the hives' growth used to be love. Now though, with Queen Twilight Sparkle's bloodline capable of producing love on their own, the old guard of changeling morality has seen fit to acquire this ability for the next generation before removing all of their future royal daughters' competitors.

Some queens are far closer to this goal than others.

Editor in Chief: A Bitter Pill, and Boldish42

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to For the Hive

A few months after the events of Queen Twilight Sparkle's reveal that she and her hive can produce love, the changeling hives find themselves in an arms race. As Aegis Altair watches over her queens haggling with the minotaur emperor, she finds something that just might give Phoenix's Roost the edge it needs to come out on top.

This is a short interlude before hive book 3.

Chapters (1)

Applejack sells apples and Apple accessories. That includes iPhones now. Pinkie Pie buys one for three bits.

Edited/Pre-read by: Gemstone The Unicorn.

Chapters (1)

Dear Princess Celestia, this is easy!

Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they easily defeat every challenge thrown at them with their awesome friendship powers.

Based on this story:
My Little Pony: Friendship is Overpowered (Equestria Girls)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Overpowered (Season 5)

Chapters (26)

Vinyl tells Octavia about the consequences of eating a pineapple. Tavi doesn't buy it. Rated Teen for mild sexual references.

Chapters (1)