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On a regular night of rebelliousness, a colt and a filly come across a strange, dangerous creature. After the later is eaten, the former is injured, leading to a change he couldn't predict. Now stuck living as a creature from old mare's tales, the young colt must leave everything he knew behind, including morals he once held himself to. Meanwhile, an aging mordigan is stuck without an heir, or even a loved one. His searching brings himself to a new land, one from legends.

This story was partially inspired by DisneyFanatic2356's story Precious Blood, a true masterpiece and by far my favorite DisneyFanatic story.

Part of the HoE storyline.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, FEATURED 8/4/22 at the expense of only a few remaining brain cells!
Additional tags include sad, trauma, horror, and drama. Also, some may consider it self-harm, but not in the physical sense, so that won't be added.

Hell yeah, Featured again on 7/8/23! This is incredible! Thank you all so much for an amazing repeat of history!

Chapters (42)

Sunset Shimmer is a girl how love to drive fast. She finds herself throw into a battle zone were she finds Sage a sentient how ask for help saving the multiverse. Soon Sunset along with her new team must stop the robotic Sark and the savage Vandals and protect there home.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls on a Yacht

Join the Ninja Turtles and the Rainbooms, as they cross paths with the famous Carmen Sandiego who discovers a new VILE scheme taking place in New York City. Will the three sides combined efforts be enough to stop this insidious organization or will it lead to a new mutant apocalypse?

TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles2012xEquestriaGirlsxWhereInTheWorldIsCarmenSandiego2019 crossover.

In terms of the Carmen Sandiego show on netflix, this takes place around season 2. If anyone has never watched the new Carmen Sandiego series, you can find it on Netflix. And I would highly recommend you do. Otherwise you won't be able to understand a lot that's going to go down in regards to that series

This takes place after the group vacations on the yacht but before the events of the epilogue play out

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Equestria AquaGirls and Equestria Ninja Girls: Rise of the Young Ninjas.

The Ninja Turtles are celebrating Mutation Day with their best friends and allies from New York and Canterlot City.

Unfortunately for them, the villains who fought the Turtles and Rainbooms in the past are now racing for the prize money alongside with some new villains that the Rainbooms and their ninja friends have never met before.

Can the Ninja Turtles and their friends find a way to stop the bounty before they can celebrate Mutation Day?

This story is edited, proofreaded, and approved by Wildcard25

Quotes created by me, Jebens1, and Darth Wrex

Cover Art created by Bozzerkazooers

Disclaimer: Neither Jeb, Darth Wrex, or I own Equestria Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012), DC Comics, or Fast and Furious: Spy Racers.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief

Join the Turtles, Rainbooms, Dazzlings, and their allies as they team up with a street racing crew to infiltrate an elite racing league called SH1FT3R, serving as a front for a crime organization that is bent on world domination.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) x Equestria Girls x Fast and Furious: Spy Racers crossover.

In terms of the Fast and Furious animated show on Netflix, this takes place in Season 1. If anyone has never watched the new, animated Fast and Furious spin-off, you can find it on Netflix. And I would highly recommend you do. Otherwise, you won't be able to understand a lot that’s going to go down in regards to that series.

Tropes Page

Cover Art created by me

This story is edited, proofreaded, and approved by Wildcard25 and jebens1

Quotes created by me, Darth Wrex, and jebens1

Disclaimer: Neither Jeb, Darth Wrex, or I own Equestria Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) or Fast and Furious: Spy Racers.

Chapters (8)

This is a sequel to My Little Ninja Turtles part 1 and part 2.

After the turtles returned to New York and saved it from the Kraangs that invaded it, Mane 6 decided to spend a few days with their friends from another world. But what was supposed to be a simple visit and fun, ends up becoming a fight and action that none of them were waiting for, now the group needs to stop the enemy and threat that is coming.

(This story is not part of the same Equestria Ninja Girls franchise, this is my own MLP and TMNT Crossover story that I made)

Chapters (14)

It been one week since the Ninja's victory over the Oni and all of Ninjago is at peace that is until the Ninja realize that when Lloyd destroyed the Realm Crystal it pull Ninjago and another realm together merging them into one realm. Now in a new united realm along the rest of his team they knows next to nothing about Lloyd must work alongside a newly crowned and overly curious princess by the name of Twilight Sparkle and Her Friends the Elements of Harmony and the rest of the Ninja to protect this new realm he himself had inadvertently created from enemies both old and new but can they face an ancient evil that almost brought doom to their home once before and may just succeed now???....

Events of this story take place after season 10 of Ninjago and Season 3 of My Little Pony
All creatures are different human or humanoid creatures:
Ponies: humans with/without wings and/or unicorn horns
Equestrian Dragons: dragon people with wings, horns and tails
Changelings: Elven shapeshifters, with horns and insect wings
Griffins: Harpies with talon feet and feathered ears
SeaPonies and Hippogriffs: Merpeople and Avians
Breezies: Fairies
Yaks and Buffalo: Fauns with hooves and horns
while Ninjago dragons and other monsters and creatures from Ninjago
including the Serpentine, Formlings and skeletons will remain as they only imagine them looking at little less Lego

some ships will include; Jaya, Applecole, TwiLoyd, Fluttercord, Spikebelle, Etc
Ninjago Is owned Lego and My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro

Cover image was Created by my friend Fluffeh-Shiba onn Devianart

Chapters (9)

Thanos, The Mad Titan, Goku Black, Equestria's Divine God, Eric Von Shadow, The Reaper of The Cristal Empire, Death of the Four Horsemen, Ban The Demon of Equestria, Link, The Champion of Equestria, Shiva, The Howlite Howler, and finally Dr. Doom, all of these Displaced finally meet to compete against each other in a tournament that will change their lives forever. The prize of the tournament could shake their worlds, one tournament, one dream, one wish, and one Displaced who will come on out.

But in the shadows, someone is pulling the strings, someone who is very dangerous and could kill them all and end their tales right there.

How will they stop this evil? Will The_Chill_Author stop bugging me for TFS references? You're about to find out in The Displaced Tournament! Presented by Hetap...

Displaced Stories and ones who didn't make the cut.

A Forced Hero - By DisplacedWriter

Four Horsemen Come To Equestria - By Anomis

Howlite Howler - By Three Tails

Power Vessel - By Delta-Boio

The Shadow Of Equestria - By Screwball666

Equestria's Divine God - By Shirt Mechanic

DOOM of Griffonstone! - By ShadowStar_IMHP

Against All Odds - By The_Chill_Author (come on and go like it, he's almost at 100 likes!)

And those who didn't make the cut...

Ring eyed Shinobi - By Seeker of Knowledge

The Undying Angel - Show Stopper

Go and show support to all of these amazing authors!

Chapters (39)

there are a vast amount of other worlds out there in the multi-verse, with different forms of life across them all, and sometimes the beings from these other worlds cross paths with other lifeforms from other worlds. Once such paths crossing was between humans and Digimon, however, this story is of a different crossing. This story follows the adventures of a Flamedramon that has been caught in a spatial distortion, which took him from the digital world to the world of My Little Ponies, Equus. And here is his story on how the Fire of Courage became one of Equus’s greatest heroes.

-so aside from Magnamon (who was the star of me 2nd Digimon fanfic), my all time favorite Digimon is Flamedramon. like guys, i have to many plushies and toys of this guy, he's my Digimon partner!!!! so now he's going to be the star of my 3rd Digimon cross-over fanfic that I've been working on behind the scenes.

-now there will be a few surprises in this fic that I won't list here (until it shows up in the fic), but to give you a little tid-bit, this Flamedramon will get new moves, as well as OG Digi-volution. hopefully you all find this cross-over fic enjoyable.

Chapters (7)

You know what guys & girls. we need more Digimon cross-over fanfictions, cause Digimon was my childhood, aside from Pokemon, so i think we need to give Digimon some love'n.

Now i already know i have a Digimon fanfic already, but i think we need MORE Digimon fanfics! so in this fanfic, you'll see one of my OG favorite digimon of all times go through Equestria, and solve problems while also solving his own mystery on why he's in the MLP universe. hopefully you guys like where Magnamon's journey in Equestria goes, and see him demonstrate his power and skills to the ponies, while also learning a thing or two from them.

Chapters (6)