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  • Favourites 665 stories - 268 unread chapters
    Created by Sunny
    - October, 2014
Found 659 stories in 63ms

Total Words: 23,097,214
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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Three years. Three years since that one day that ruined her life.

Bitter, unemployed and penniless, Lightning Dust couldn't go one block without being whispered about until she reached Manehattan. Her last chance comes in the form of an advertisement looking for speedy delivery ponies.

But what will happen when her trial run involves facing her demons?

Just a little oneshot I suddenly got in the mood for doing. I can't believe I got it done in just a few days!

Hope you enjoy! :yay:

Chapters (1)

Applejack is old. Age has taken much from her. It has worn down her joints and muddied her memories, but it has not yet bowed her proud head, nor has it taken away her great heart. When a sick colt has only one hope, Applejack knows what she must do.

Though much is taken, much abides, and so Applejack must walk the trails through the Everfree alone one more time.

Chapters (1)

One of Fluttershy's worst fears has been realized: Gilda's back in town, and once again the little yellow Pegasus is the target of her ire. Due to past events, it seems logical that Fluttershy would be scared to death this time around. But Fluttershy's a different pony, and Gilda's about to find out how different.

Just as Fluttershy is about to find out, after quite a bit of roaring and screaming, just how different Gilda is deep down inside.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was the Iron Wing. She was a war hero, the Slayer of Shadows, the Liberator of the Crystal Empire, the Wrath of Celestia. And depending on who you ask, she still is.

But the war is over. There's little need for a pony like her in peacetime. So she keeps telling herself that she needs to adjust, that she needs to find a new role to fill in the world that she saved. But Equestria seems content to let her remain what she has become, even though they have no need of a warrior.

"This isn't how it's supposed to be", is something she keeps telling herself. But every time she says it, the only thing she can reply is, "so what should it be?"

One whole year after the close of the war, and Rainbow Dash still doesn't have the answer.

Art by NCMares.

Chapters (1)

The reign of Princess Spike was a brief (if eventful) period of time. Throughout it, the royal pony sisters were nowhere to be found.

This was mostly Celestia's fault.

A delayed reaction to Princess Spike.
Because I haven't written anything stupid in a while.

Hugs to Bookish Delight for various pre-reading activities :heart:

Spanish Translation from Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)

There is a war going on. A Civil War.

Celestia believes there could be a lesson hidden about friendship in there.

Luna believes she can totally take on Ironman.

Chapters (1)

Throughout her marriage, Twilight Velvet has ignored every romantic feeling she felt towards other ponies. She was a good wife, and good wives knew better than to dwell on thoughts like that. But as they grew older and experienced other ways of thinking, Twilight Velvet and Night Light realized her feelings don’t cheapen their marriage and the love they share.

With her husband’s encouragement, Velvet finally pursues the pony that’s been on her mind for twelve years.

Many thanks to ArchAngelsWings, mouch30, Mind Jack, and Eddie Grammar for proofreading :twilightsmile:
This story was inspired by the adorable artwork by How Do Ponies Work?, which was used as the cover art with permission. Give her stuff a look, since we all know that's what caught your attention on the story :raritywink:

Chapters (2)

Atop the rubble of the changeling throne, Queen Chrysalis accepts Starlight's offer of redemption. The act sets her heart overflowing with love, and she can't wait to share it with the world. Starting, naturally, with the ponies around her.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie has a bad Hairdra day and winds up peeking further beyond the Vale than she’d have liked.

But, more certain than death and praxis, she’ll make sure everypony else has fun again.

Written for the October 2016 Writeoff, where it won first place.

Note: This story is written in the style of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, a classic work of English literature that is notorious for being hard to read. While this story is not as cementically dense as FW, it is still full of wordplay, literary references, portmanteau words and puns and will be a challenge for many readers. If this isn’t your sort of thing, try one of my other stories. If you’re game, dig in! It can help to read the story aloud.

Image background by Chaz1029, foreground by Mahaugher, with edits to both by GGA.

Thanks to Morning Sun, FanOfMostEverything, Quill Scratch, Baal Bunny, and Not_A_Hat for criticism, suggestions and corrections.

Chapters (2)