• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


More of a reader than a writer.

Favourites 31 stories
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After a recent cluster of calamities cursing her farm, Applejack's livelihood stands on the brink of financial ruin. Desperate, she asks Twilight Sparkle for a loan to keep Sweet Apple Acres running.

But when Twilight's unexpected answer inadvertently causes the two mares to butt heads, the stalemate threatens not only Ponyville's food supply but also their friendship.

With the two obstinate mares sticking to their principles come Tartarus or tidal surges, can Pinkie Pie bridge their ideological gap and save Applejack's farm?

Chapters (2)

Growing up is never easy, especially when you're a dragon among ponies and the closest thing you've ever had to a parent is a slightly scatterbrained young unicorn. When tempers boil over, can this makeshift family pull itself back together?

Chapters (1)

For one who does not count their lives in years or decades, regret can become an almost unbearable burden.

Featured on EQD February 27, 2012

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess. But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects. Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?

Chapters (1)

It’s been over a decade since Twilight Sparkle lost her life. Everypony has moved on, but Spike has retained a special part of her body for safekeeping. Once a year, the lonely dragon gets to hold it and feel her magic again.

Chapters (1)

A masked stallion aids the poor and funds the education of needy foals.
Under the mask is Prince Blueblood, who has sworn an oath to never be recognized.
Twilight Sparkle BURNS to know who the Mysterious "Wayfinder" is.

Chapters (5)

A bedtime story from a lighthearted dragon.

Thanks to ArĂ¡gon, Lofty Withers, and others for helping me out with this fic. Y'all are the best.

Cover image is my own art over this background:https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6b/9d/ce/6b9dce0de80992f4723a444411e1b3be.png

Chapters (1)

Following the return of the Crystal Empire, Twilight begins some intensive research into the history of the Empire and its late king. Modern historians know next to nothing about the enigmatic dark mage. Who was he? Did he have family? Loved ones?

The answers to those questions changes everything the Element of Magic knows about herself, and in doing so catches the attention of a shadow that yet clings to the frailty of life...

Cover art made by Skijarama!
Reading can be found here.
Edited by RC2101_Copey.
Featured on 20/10/2018.
Russian Translation: Here

Chapters (31)

Twilight can't sleep. She has an ancient and unfinished magic spell running circles in her mind. It's only when her friends visit that she begins to relax.

Chapters (1)

This is the moment that she has been waiting years for.

After all this time, Equestria's new ruler pays a visit to her most valuable prisoner to fully map out her failure. Years of deception, manipulation, and betrayals have led to this one moment, and she intends to savor every look that crosses the Princess of Friendship's face.

And after, when the alicorn truly understands how perfectly she was played, there will still be one final bit of business that needs to be settled...


My first new story since October 2017, and Day One of the Seventh Anniversary Story Bomb.

Chapters (1)