• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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During a magic experiment involving the Crystal Heart, an accident caused Sunburst to enter a parallel universe. In this reality, Sunburst is recently engaged to Princess Sparkle. As he works to return home, the situation causes the stallion to consider some of his choices and what he truly values in life.

Chapters (12)

After coming back from her adventure in the mirror world, Twilight is having trouble sleeping and is quickly approaching her breaking point.

Will contain spoilers for the movie. If you haven't seen it and are the type to be bothered by spoilers, do not venture further.

A little story that was supposed to be a oneshot, but was split in two. A bit of family fluff and comfort for Twilight after her adventure through the mirror.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight attempts to expand her repertoire of magic, she gets more than she bargained for when she ends up switching Spike and Princess Cadence's minds, with serious repercussions should anypony find out. Between helping the Crystal Empire, helping the Magic Of Friendship spread through Equestria, and keeping Shining Armour and Flurry Heart happy, and finding a way to reverse the spell, the trio has more to worry about than ever before thanks to Twilight's recklessness.

Wish them luck.

Chapters (12)

Twilight's gone. In her battle through time, she died, a victim of an alternate timeline. Starlight is defeated, but at what cost?

Spike's lost the pony that's always loved him, the one who acted as a mother, sister, teacher, and best friend. Now he's in pain... but he's not alone. Because Twilight's friends have vowed not to let him become an orphan. In place of one mother, five will now raise him.

AU in regards to The Cutie Re-Mark and Crusaders of the Lost Mark

Basic idea by Rated Ponystar

Chapters (7)

Twilight lives her life as The Princess Of Friendship, and whole heartily submits to her duties. Though she is grateful for all that she has, she still feels that something is missing. While Cadence plays match-maker for Twilight, Princess Celestia gives the young alicorn a special friendship task of her own. Twilight must find her passions and pursuit her dreams once more, and with the help of two strangers, what could possibly go wrong?

::Sex Tag For Suggested Content::

Edited Chapter(s) 1--5 by JadeCrossroads
Proofread Chapter(s) 6 Gapeagle

Chapters (10)

Twilight finds herself falling head over hooves for her old foal hood friend. But she is a princess and he decided to become a guard. She doesn’t know how to break the news to Celestia and her friends. She is afraid that they’ll take him away.

Ps: the AU tag is there because I changed a bit the original story’s class structure and the way they interact, also Luna and Celestia do not retire and I bent the cannon magic system juuuust a tiny bit in order to add a truly happy ending.

Chapters (11)

From the day of her birth, an unknown guardian has watch over Twilight Sparkle. He has secretly protected her, assisted her, and been there for almost every significant event in her life, watching from the shadows as she grew into the wonderful and loved Princess of Friendship.

And yet, trouble is brewing, and with Twilight's life is now in danger, her unknown guardian must come out of the shadows and do all that he can to protect her, even if it breaks both their hearts in the process.

But just who is this pony? Why does he have such an interest in the Princess of Friendship? Why does he seek to protect her even at the cost of her happiness and his own?

And what is the force that threatens the young mare's life?

This story was written in November 2017 as part of Writers Challenge put forth on EQD. It only took me until now to actually edit it fully and start publishing it, so enjoy :twilightsmile:

Cover art belongs to ShujiWakahisaa. Thank you for letting me use this art :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (11)

It seems that no amount of stalling, negotiation, or bargaining will stop the council.

Since Princess Twilight's coronation, the Royal Council have insisted that she be tied to a Canterlot noble, so as not to lose their hold over the lands south of Canterlot.

Tied in marriage, that is, and they've got just the pony in mind, whether he's got a say in it or not.

A commission for Dusk Raven. Cover art here.

Chapters (3)