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Department Memo:

Starting on Monday the 26th, our office company will be offering an optional "Pony Break" available daily to all employees for stress-related purposes. If interested, please leave your availability with new company employee Fluttershy at your earliest convenience.

Twenty-two to forty-four minute meetings available upon request.

Chapters (1)

A young, ten-year-old Twilight Sparkle spots a little boy playing all by himself in the morning. She’s seen this boy before, but this is the first time she’s truly noticed him. Unable to place her curious nature to the side, she proceeds to learn things about him that will break her heart.

However, at ten years old, what can she really do about it? What will her family do when she comes to them with questions that belie her age?

Co-wrote with Moonlit Sparkle :twilightsmile:

Sequel found here: A Spike of Remorse Written entirely by Moonlit and TwiDashForever.

Proof read/edited by: Twidashforever and Lunatone Thanks guys!

Featured the day it went up, 12/21! Thank you so all so much for everything. Moonlit and I were absolutely shocked!

Chapters (2)

Being a complete introvert, Octavia is very surprised when a strange looking girl in her music class calls her a peculiar nickname. Her name is Vinyl Scratch, and for some reason, she acts like Octavia is her best friend! Who in the world is this girl???

Edited and Proofread by the very talented Shutup868

This story is heavily inspired by my love of Dawnfade's Vinyl and Octavia: University Days and my endearing love of Japanese yuri manga.

Got featured a while back and somepony was nice enough to point that out.

Chapters (8)

Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren't real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that's what Rarity used to think.

She doesn't anymore.

Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

Now a physical book!!!
Based on an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (46)

Getting rejected by Sunset seems like a pretty good reason for Twilight to hole herself up in her room for three days. But when Rarity comes asking for help to develop a website for Carousel Boutique, Twilight can't ignore a friend.

Both of them may find they have something to learn about rejection, how to deal with it, and if a friendship really can become something more intimate.

An entry in Monochromatic's "Interwoven Colors" contest.
Cover art by Novel-Idea.

Chapters (1)

Transitioning was the best thing Caramel ever did for herself and her boyfriend was completely supportive... But since she transitioned, something feels off.

Gender roles are rough.

Chapters (1)

Juniper Montage and Wallflower Blush get together in the local park for a walk. That's all.

...okay, maybe Wallflower might have asked to see Juniper for a special reason. And maybe they both need to get their minds off of crippling past regrets and relationship uneasiness.

But for now? Just walking.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.
Cover art by Bevin Brand (lineart) and Shaxbert (colors).

Chapters (4)

There had to be a hundred different worries in Scootaloo's mind when it came to telling her friends about her sexuality. However, going to the pony she knew she could trust most in the world with this information leads to about a hundred different ways for her to break the news.

This was written as a part of the Pride and Positivity Event hosted by SigmasonicX as a way to spread positivity during Pride Month and donate to Black Lives Matter! Here is a link and another link to great places to donate, remember the fight isn't over and we're all in this together to help create a more just and equal world for everyone!

Chapters (1)

Diplomacy, foreign relations, cultural exchange, all important duties that Twilight needs to learn as a princess. Fortunately, this foray in to the unknown is made much easier when she meets a lovely foreign pony from the French Equestrian Kingdom who's willing to be friends with her.

Now, if only they could actually understand each other.

Series of oneshots set in a RariTwi AU based on the prompt, "Rarity and Twilight are princesses from different countries, smitten with each other despite being unable to communicate".

Beautiful cover art by foldawaywings !

Chapters (5)

A bad day and a rainy night. It’s enough to drive a mare to drink. Winding up in a dark bar on the streets of Canterlot, Rainbow Dash finds herself meeting up with a mare who is elegant, graceful, and totally gorgeous. All the qualities that Dash thinks she completely lacks. What the heck could they have in common?

On this particular night, far more than she might realize.

A collaborative effort between myself and TheLandgrave, told from two perspectives.

To see Fleur's side, click here.

Chapters (2)