• Member Since 11th Aug, 2018


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This story is a sequel to The Wandering Star

1002 years ago, Nightmare Moon and Commander Bolt lead Equestria into a year long war which ravaged the lands and spread nothing but fear and pain to the ponies of Equestria. now, Princess Luna has returned to her life of leisure and peace... however her commander now lives his life with self pity and regret. With the weight of the world on his shudders, he hides his identity, ability, and past under rumors and speculation, hoping that the world will assume him dead, and leave him to live in peace. This lonely commander now finds a new home and new friend that make him forget his troubled past.
However, an ancient evil will soon return from its prison too... only this time, it wont be so peaceful for the survivors, of his last rein of death and destruction more than two millenniums ago. Now... the commander must set aside his pride and his anger for the crown. to try all he can to protect his former love... and his friends. when even the Elements of Harmony arn't enough. But what will happen to this broken heart... when his world is once again torn apart, from death and destruction.
(The Sequel to Tears of a Fallen Star and The Wandering Bolt)

Chapters (26)

Nightmare Moon's return was not without incident and injury. Those that were chosen by the Elements suffered and were pained in the attempt to save Celestia's younger sister. While they succeeded, the trial left scars.

Princess Celestia sees this as everything going as planned and is ready to use the new Bearers for anything she needs taken care of.

Princess Luna thinks the group should be protected and only used when the situation is at it's most dire.

A compromise is made and Luna is allowed to form a team to deal with threats that do not require an orbital strike from a friendship canon. Provided she can find those willing.

With the memory of Nightmare Moon still fresh in every ponies mind, Luna is unable to find ponies who are willing to serve her readily.

So what is a Princess of the Night to do?

Not recruit ponies obviously.

[ Story has my usually Lewd jokes and comments but no sex and thus the warning is here. Story not affiliated with TGaP or SiS. It's just yet another idea i had. ]

Chapters (14)

It all started with a simple question: What if? What if Luna had ponies who noticed the beautiful nights she created. Would she have turned into Nightmare Moon? Would she and Celestia rule together for a thousand years? Would Twilight meet the rest of the bearers of the elements and become friends with them? Now, with the help of a new magic spell that she created, Twilight is going to find out!

Welcome to the Lunar Republic!

Featured 4/9/15

Chapters (73)

This story is a sequel to Tears of a Fallen Star

Story of a broken soul, Commander Star Bolt the commander of Nightmare Moon's armies and her right hoof in a rebellion that was thwarted over a thousand years ago, has returned to Equestria and faked his own death so that he can put away his life of sin and live peacefully as a wondering pony. however, with rumors of his survival thriving, he is forced to dodge Princess Celestia and her Royal Guards and live a life of secrecy rather then peace. but is this tethered soldier really the monster of The Nightmare Legion? or is the evil that describes him, as phony as his own death? listen closely, as the ponies who meet this so called monster tell the tail of his travels from their own point of views.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The Thousand Year Change

In the world of the Thousand Year Change, Lightning Dust was a member of the Lunar Guard. Her journey was full of laughs, friends, loses, and sacrifice. Her last act was one of selflessness, giving up her life in order to save the world.

However, that's not the same in cannon Equestria where she is a disgrace from the Wonderbolts. Where she hops from town to town, drowning her anger in root beer. It looks like things will never get better for her until a certain purple princess approaches her with an offer that will change her life.

Featured 12/8/17

Chapters (4)

Where the HELL am I? Last thing I knew me and my spotter were providing overwatch for a convoy but now I'm in a forest that was no where near my position. I know this because with all that green it would easily stand out in all the sand. Is there any possible way that I can get home or am I going to be stuck here with all these weird talking horse things?

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to The Cutters

Meet Star Bolt, a young pegasus who lost his memory after using an ability that was deemed legendary. As he grew up not only did he learn to control this ability, but it allowed him to join the Royal Guard and climb up the ranks to the position of Commander. However when war between the royal alicorn sisters casts Equestria into an eternal eclipse, he must take up his gift/curse and fight alongside his officers to not only defeat Princess Celestia in the name of the Nightmare Legion, but to find a way to bring back the Princess Luna that he knew, befriended and fell in love with. This story of love, regret, anger, war, and heartbreak is the path this Pegasus chose to travel, and even though it's viewed as a mistake by most, Commander Bolt will do whatever it takes and fight through any challeng to reach his goal, whatever it might be.

Chapters (22)

While providing support for the Elements of Harmony as they go up against a magical anomaly, Midnight Blossom and her team of thestrals find a strange stallion in the forest. His loud and proud ways are antithetical to their stealth mission, no matter how insistent he is that he knows the world-ending, all-powerful wizard they're hunting on a personal level.

This story takes place in the RGRE (Reversed Gender Roles Equestria) universe. I originally wrote it in greentext, but altered it to prose for FIMfiction. This version will be updated alongside its greentext counterpart.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Redemption

Sometimes, events occur that take us on a completely different, and unexpected path. This happened to Ryan Williams one chilly morning, who took a stroll as a broken man and returned home as a father. But no one, man or alicorn, can ever claim to be able to know where our paths will take us, or even when they will end.

*Cover art isn't great, but I can't commission anything like the last story, so you're stuck with it, suckers.*
**It's supposed to be a stained glass window**

Special Thanks to the following fantastic peoples;
Cosmic Rush
Prismatic Stetsons

12/3/21: Looks like it made the featured box. Nice :)

Chapters (2)

It's been three days since the Equestrian Railway Service incident, and things are finally calming down in the wake of the Dusk Guard's first mission. Three days since the team's first mission came to a successful conclusion. Three days since their first trial by fire. Three days since Sky Bolt, the team's engineer, had everything she'd created put to the test. And it all worked. Nothing went wrong.

So why can't she sleep?

First of the Side Stories to The Dusk Guard: Rise. Familiarity with Rise is not required, but recommended.
Side Stories so far:
Carry On
The Definition of Strength
Old Habits

The Saga has a TV Tropes page!
"This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library!"
Added to Twilight's Library 12/5/2013
Featured on Canterlot's Finest
Special Thanks to Sonorus, Jorlem, Sinister Voice, Templar22 and Bronze Aegis for their help pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (3)