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"Is anypony out there? Please, my name is Trixie! I need help! I think... I saw a cockatrice. I can't move, I can't see. Please, somepony, anypony.... Help me."

Laid low by circumstances beyond control, trapped in a cruel and unrelenting prison of flesh made stone, can anypony hold out hope to see the day once more? When their life rests in the hooves of one whom they tried to humiliate and belittle, can they trust in them and make it right? When they can only see through the eyes of another pony, when only one other can hear them, can they stay sane? When the only chance for their freedom is a fool's hope made incarnate, the impossible made improbable, can they beat the odds? Trixie is going to find out.

Pride can lay one low. Stubbornness can leave somepony friendless. Anger and Sorrow can turn others away. And yet, they can give strength. And Hope, in the darkest hours.

If you're afraid of Dark tones, or find them distasteful, or can get stabbed easily in the feels, I suggest reading on only with caution. This is not a happy tale.

Chapters (11)

Uneasy is the heart on which lies a crown of guilt. Luna, formerly known as Nightmare Moon, knows this better than most.

Apologies are in order, for the truth behind the thousand years' exile is at once more mundane and even less likely than the legends suggest. Nearing the threshold of a brighter future, Luna writes a simple letter - and in doing so, attempts to leave the shadows of her past behind.

Chapters (1)

Set in the Conversion Bureau universe, A young woman prepares for Conversion, but there is more she wants to change than merely her physical form.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (5)

The pocket universe of Equestria expands in the North Pacific of a dying future earth. Celestia offers escape to a better life - but survival has a price. 27 Ounces follows the dramatic transformations that arise from one single container of Ponification Serum.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (12)

Earth pony, pegasus pony, unicorn; a human entering a Conversion Bureau will end up as one of these three pony forms. But there is a secret provision, to which all Bureaus must adhere utterly, should one unlikely but intolerable transformation somehow occur. The absolute monarch of Equestria fears nothing from the human world. Nothing save this. Lillian Fogarty wanted only to be a simple pony in Equestria. Sought by the combined forces of Earth's corporate government and the might of Equestria itself she finds herself an abomination in both worlds, her survival almost certainly an impossibility.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (12)

A Newfoal Earth-Pony stallion writes from Equestria to tell his still-human best friend about his education there, and how Equestrians live and work.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (5)

The audio transcript of the P.E.R. attack on Worldcorp Distribution Office 83745, Northamerizone, where victim Arnie Neuvo is heard describing the terrorist ponification attack by the rogue group "Ponification for the Earth’s Rebirth".

This is a comedy piece taking a lighter look at the Conversion Bureau Universe, and the PER.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Melanie Zucker rides the maglev to the very last Conversion Bureau. No earthly possessions may be taken to Equestria. along the way, Melanie must find a way to shed the last things that hold her to human life, a task less simple than it first appears.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Set in the Conversion Bureau universe during the years after the last human is Converted, Newfoal Teacup faces the fact that however much she tries to fit in, the fact of once having been human must always set her apart.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (11)

A direct continuation of '27 Ounces: A Tale of Eight And One Half Ponies', the lives of a family of newfoals from their very first arrival in Equestria is followed. Join Caprice, Alexi, Pumpkin and Buttermilk in their day-to-day lives as they adapt not only to being humans-turned-Equestrian, but struggle to help found a new village in the ever expanding Exponential Lands. This is a story of courage, survival, and the process of bringing a new landscape under proper Equestrian dominion. Starting without weather, shelter, or any understanding, these brave newfoal pioneers face daunting odds.

Knowledge of the previous novel is not needed to enjoy this tale.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (32)