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As Princess Cadance and Shining Armor leave to spend their wedding night, Twilight Sparkle and her friends get to kick back and relax after a successful wedding. And just as she's getting comfortable, the conversation veers onto the subject of... sex. And before she knows it, Twilight faces the terrifying prospect of having to tell her friends about her first time. A special, magical, enchanted moment.

Some unicorn spells should have never been devised...

Chapters (1)

Time twists and loops, and it does not always play out again as it did before. In this eddy of time, one rainbow-maned pegasus has been cut out of the loop before she ever existed.

Chapters (1)

Early one morning, Twilight Sparkle gets up to make some tea.

Sometimes, a cup of tea is just a cup of tea. This is not one of those times.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do seeks a favor from her sister in Ponyville. Due to buried grudges, things quickly get out of hoof. She soon finds herself on her most perilous mission yet... with her biggest fan in the world. In the midst of truth and lies, loyalty and treachery, love and hate, one thing is clear ― some family situations are stranger than fiction.

The story extends in Through the Looking-glass and What Pinkie Found There and The Daughter Doo: Honorary Cutie Mark Crusader.

Many thanks to Honey Mead and statoose for their watchful and helpful pre-reading.

Ckat_Myla and statoose (CatNStat) have started an excellent reading of TSD.

Chapters (22)

An unfortunate event gives Princess Celestia a fresh view on her life by forcing her to see the world from a very different viewpoint. With Equestria changing around her, she is faced with a personal crisis... if she can ignore how cute a certain lavender unicorn suddenly looks to her.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
And some site about horse porn!
Liked this story? Read the sequel.
And the story this was a sort-of prequel to.

Chapters (1)

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. It's something new and you like discovering new things. Granted, Equestrians don't like new things, especially things that fundamentally alter their government. So maybe there is reason not to be happy after all.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Post Nuptials

In the wake of her failed assault on Canterlot, Chrysalis is left stuck in the desert to brood on her failures. Angry and bitter, she reflects back on the events that led to her becoming the Changeling Queen.

Takes place in the same universe as Post Nuptials, though you don't have to read it first. I promise none of my other fics are going to be this dark.

Reading by Doctor Cobra!

Another reading by Plagen Shiki!

Another reading by Alchemystudent

Chapters (1)

Everypony has one 'Longest Night', a night that just never seems to end, whether they want it to end or not. For Celestia, her Longest Night began on the first night she had to raise her sister's moon.

Heartbroken and filled with despair that she may never see her sister again, Celestia makes a wish upon a falling star to see her sister one more time. Little did she realise that the stars listen.

A one-shot story of two sisters, and one Faithful Student.

Side-quel: Myths and Birthrights

Partially inspired by Ponyphonics amazing song 'Lullaby for a Princess'.
Cover art used with permission by InuHoshi-to-DarkPen.
Special thanks to Honey Mead and Iroh for helping iron out some details.

Chapters (1)

When a dark affliction cuts the princesses tie to magic, the burden of the cosmos rests in Twilights hooves. Will she be to move the stars and restore balance between Sun and Moon? And will the other Elements of Harmony find a cure to such dark magic? Or will disorder and chaos rule over Equestria once more?

Note: This takes place between seasons 1 and 2

This is my first fic, so all comments will be greatly appreciated, questions promptly answered, and edits thoroughly made. I also don’t have any artwork to use, and am a horrible artist, so if anybody wants to draw something I would be more than happy to use it

Chapters (9)