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Ponies and humans have been happily writing letters back and forth for as long as anyone can remember - it's great fun! Neither can visit the other though, sadly. Just the rules, sorry!

Well, at least until Puddlejumper - cleverclogs that she is - figures out a way of visiting her human penpal Ben for fun, japes and general good-timesitude.

Only not. Because it does not work out like that.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia goes out on a whim for an ice cream cone and discovers just how shaky her own personal finances are, leading to a fiscal catastrophe that could threaten the status of the entire nation.
Featured on Equestria Daily with two stories by Bad Horse called Sisters

Now with readings from the Living Library Players and joehighlord.

Editing assistance by Bad Horse
And a review by Paul Asaran
And a Spanish translation by Kiwi.
And a Chinese translation by way of Nova Twinkle.

Chapters (1)

Night Flight was like any other bat pony: webbed wings, nice fangs, fluffy ears, and an extreme taste for mangoes.
Then the mango decides (as best as an inanimate object can) to retaliate somehow.
It would not go down without a fight.


Conceived at half-past 1 AM.
Hey, at least I finally wrote a bat pony story.

Cover art done by Snow Quill!

Chapters (1)

When Applejack delivers a package to the Kirin Village, Autumn Blaze meets a cardboard box for the first time.

Idea from ROBCakeran53's first PANIC fiction prompt, "A :yay:ing Cardboard Box," from the Quills and Sofa Speedwriting Competition.

A thank you to ROBCakeran53 and Syke Jr for proofreading before publishing.

Now with a sequel by TheDriderPony.

Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Now with a reading by me!

Chapters (1)

When Sweetie Belle is responsible for watching Carousel Boutique, a kirin comes in for a haircut. The customer is always right.

Another Entry in the Feghoot Competition because why not.

Reading by FireRain

Chapters (1)

Being the only human would have been a great perk, but not when they abolish you as some sort of alien. You overlook the time that you have been here and ponder your next move, only to be interrupted by Princess Luna who will show you a possible future caused by your actions.

Chapters (1)


Celestia deems humans un-worthy of living. As always, humans put up a fight. Follow Pvt. Kyle as he tries to tackle this threat with his fellow Marines, along with the Air Force, the Navy, England, and Russia. Humans almost fell to an alien species, but will they fall to another?

Note: This is my first story. Please leave advice in the comments. And if you like it, please favorite it! And if you favorite it, please like it!

Chapters (9)

A pony is stuck in a fence, and it's my job to get her out.


Cover art by silfoe. I've always loved this particular picture.

Inspired by the cover art and this video.

Originally wanted this to be in 2nd person, but I know that can turn people off to the whole thing. I get it, I used to be like that too.

Featured on March 2nd, 2020! Thanks so much guys!

Now has a live reading by StraightToThePointStudio.

Chapters (1)

Can you put a price on happiness? What are you willing to risk to find true love? What is that alien doing over there with all those pizza boxes?
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia doesn't like how humans deal with their problems, so she decides to do something about it. That something is an invasion attempt. She starts in what appears to be an old, abandoned town but soon learns this is the home of 2 deadly and ruthless human groups.

Chapters (2)