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The local human is not especially happy being stranded where he is, finding the natives too brightly coloured and too friendly and all-in-all a little daunting. He is rarely seen outside the house on the edge of town. They give him space.

One very early morning an especially loud, house-rattling sounds draws him outside though, and rather makes his day.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is just going about her business when she comes across Owen Jones, local human.

His circumstances contrive to make her day unusual and tiresome.

Chapters (1)

Laser Pointers are banned in Equestria, and if one is found its owner will not be getting a trial, parole, or a phone call. Why, well they kind of mind control bat ponies into acting like lemmings if it means catching that weird red dot.


Chapters (2)

Mood Wings - Observations on Pegasus Body Language.

When Twilight Sparkle finds this book, she discovers an entirely new field of research. The secrets of pegasus wings lie before her, and she insists on making her own observations on the matter.


Field research, of course.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia was sure that the day was going to be great. The Sun shone bright in the sky, the birds were singing, and nothing could possibly go wrong. That was, until she received some rather grim news concerning her sister.

She thought she'd been clear enough about things last time.

Polish translation by Dolar84.
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.
Audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia is very concerned about Equestrians’ lack of visits to their primary care physician, and Twilight and her friends are happy to help out on a public health campaign by filming a documentary about their visit to the doctor.

Thing is, they might not be the best ponies for a health campaign...

EDIT: Heyyyy, Featured #2 9/18! Thanks a bunch!
EDIT: Number one same day- glad you all enjoyed!
EDIT: Late Nite 9/20- lmao how is this still at #1
EDIT: Finally off number 1 but it took to 9/21. Actually means a bunch that everyone liked this silly little story :D

Chapters (1)

Staying in Twilight's Castle, you make the terrible error of flippantly calling her 'Hitler'. She demands a history lesson (for archiving purposes, of course) and you give her one that ends up being far more frustrating than you had anticipated.

EDIT: Featured 8/27/19!

Chapters (1)

After an unexpected spa day with Rarity, Rainbow Dash looks just so cute you just can't stand it. No, really, she's adorable! It's downright hard not to do something about it. You know, like booping her on the nose. Nothing bad could possibly come of doing that, right?

Warning: Contains Anon, contains violence.

Listen to a full narration of the story by Fire Rain HERE!

Chapters (1)

Some lifestyles are hard to change. For a human with no special talent, you had to stoop to a lowly position in society just to make ends meet. Tonight's customer is special. She's the only one who used to believe in you and thought you could stop.

Chapters (1)

Spitfire stops you during your walk to see Fluttershy one bright and beautiful morning. Though you can't tell what's going on, you can tell that she's not going to let you go until she gets something...but what? You quickly figure out, without a doubt, that nothing good can possibly come of this...

Chapters (1)