• Member Since 9th Nov, 2013

Brony MC

I love to write on free time and love to read fanfics. I also like video games and hanging with friends. I'm always up for anything. MY LITTLE PONY FOREVER!!!

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Fluttershy confesses to Rainbow Dash that she is a fillyfooler.
The night goes better than she had thought.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is coming home from the Wonderbolts Academy today, and all her friends are very excited. Of course none more so than Fluttershy, who hasn't seen her girlfriend in three long weeks. But wait a second, what did Pinkie just say? ...It's Rainbow's birthday too!? Now a frantic Fluttershy must scour Ponyville for the most perfect present bits can buy or face crushing disappointment!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, future Wonderbolt, fastest flier in all of Equestria, and not to mention pretty awesome, she's a bit full of herself. But that's attractive to most people, seeing as Rainbow Dash has no problems with lack of choices. But what does Rainbow Dash lack?
Romance, according to Applejack.
To prove her wrong Rainbow Dash has to sweep one special person off their feet. But of all people, why did it have to be Fluttershy?

Chapters (1)

During one of Applejack's sleepovers Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy decide to share a room, something happens that makes them both confused on their feelings for eachother.

Chapters (2)

It's that time of year again! The leaves on the trees are turning all sorts of warm wonderful colors and soon the ponies of Ponyville will take up their positions for the annuel Running of the Leaves. The competition has grown into quite the friendly competition between two ponies in particular: Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Yet for some reason this competiton seems to have had an odd effect on Fluttershy, who seems to have been rather down as of late.

Join Rainbow Dash as she attempts to cheer up her friend and get to the bottom of what's eating at the gentle yellow pegasus.

Chapters (1)

(this story takes place in the EQG world, so if you aren't a fan of EQG than this fic isn't for you.)

After Twilight returned home with Spike, the portal to the other world closed up. With no random pony princess to help get a crown for, life was returning back to normal.

Rainbow Dash, being captain of all the sports team, has a lot riding on her plate already. With soccer season coming up and a personal life, can she manage the addition of an unexpected romance?

Art by: iJab

Chapters (18)

Rainbow Dash has been married to Fluttershy for a while. They have gotten to know each other better and have been enjoying their life.

However, on her one day off, Rainbow Dash is coerced to spend her time with Fluttershy doing mundane things. Which brings the Rainbow Dash to wonder just why did she marry Fluttershy?

Proof Read and Edited by: SolidFire
Gift fic for: Rain Walker

Art by ~caramelpony

Chapters (1)

In the midst of the changeling attack on Canterlot Castle, the unthinkable happens. Rainbow Dash kisses Fluttershy! Now let's just sit back, relax and see what happens.

Chapters (1)