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This story is a sequel to Broken Blossom

Joyous Blossom, the unicorn daughter of Sweetie Belle, is spared from death by Princess Celestia, and is instead given therapy to deal with her problems. What they don't know is that she is far beyond therapy, and she becomes more dangerous than anypony thought possible.

Now it is a race to prevent her from becoming her aunt, a task that is no easy feat. For Blossom is literally built to be the deadliest serial killer that Equestria has ever known.

Spin-off story to Broken Blossom which is a threequel to The Secret Life of Rarity

Cover art by the amazing Viofriedsebe

Chapters (22)

No one ever wants to fight for the Rebels during reenactments of battles from the Equestrian Civil War; they're the bad guys, and they always lose. When Spike is placed on the Rebel side yet again so that Twilight can continue to win, he enlists the help of Starlight Glimmer and several thousand other ponies in launching a protracted reenactment conflict which will finally allow him to prove his worth and triumph over Twilight and the rest of his friends. This story is complete with enough Civil War humor to make Fredricksburg look like Sharpsburg.

A soft Teen rating for tobacco/alcohol use.

Inspired by a wallpaper commission I got from the very talented mourning-dreams (

UPDATE: Featured on front page of Fimfiction, 5/19/16! Thank you all so much!
UPDATE: 3k+ Views! Thanks so much, and remember to check out the sequel, General George S. Dragon!

Chapters (2)

Recursive fanfic of vdrake77’s “The Changeling of the Guard.” Following the trend started by “Idol Hooves at a Canterlot Wedding” by Airy Words. This is “Idol Hooves After a Canterlot Wedding,” in which Idol Hooves is out of town during the Changeling invasion, gets back about a week later, and then proceeds to freak everyone out with his reaction to the news.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Secret Life of Rarity

After the events of The Secret Life of Rarity, Sweetie Belle must find a way to cope in a world that she does not understand anymore.

There is a threequel too.

Now with a TVTropes page!!!

Cover art by the wonderful Viofriedsebe

Chapters (18)

Twilight is approached by Applejack with a strange request - to join her that night for a run, but all is not as it seems. Why is Applejack so nervous? What could this be about?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Culling of the Hives

It's been twelve years since Twilight awakened as a changeling. With Phoenix Roost's focus on economic and population growth, the hive has grown strong.

The rest of the changeling hives have been ravaged by war for years with Twilight's brood remaining aloof. Sphinx psyker immigrants have dispersed throughout not only Equestria but as far as the Griffin and Minotaur nations, eager for a new life away from the paranoia of their homeland.

Yet for all of Twilight's desire for leave the rest of the queens to their wars, the Home Guard's proclamation will force Twilight to return to the jungle of her rebirth.

Real cover art pending.

As always, big thanks to Boldish42 and A Bitter Pill for editing.

Chapters (31)

Twilight Sparkle is a happy pony. With the help of her friends she defeated Tirek. She has a shiny new castle, the kingdom is safe, and she knows the reason behind her ascension. What more could a young princess want?

She is happy, she tells herself as she digs through the ruins of her home. She is so happy she can barely smell the ashes any more.

But in those ashes she finds something unexpected: a small porcelain vase, and with it a decade's worth of unspoken questions. A mystery hiding beneath her hooves, waiting to be put to rest.

Winner of the November Writeoff event.

Chapters (1)

It had been nearly a year since you won that labor lottery. This job had quickly turned into the best thing that has ever happened to you and your family. From the Grestin checkpoint, you had seen it all; terrorist attacks, long-seperated lovers getting back together, people trying to smuggle drugs into the country...
None of that compares to the day a portal opens to an alternate dimension just outside the walls.
Which is bad, because inevitably that means more papers for you to check and double check.
But still, a job's a job. Might as well keep a straight face about it...
And remember:
Glory to Arstotzka.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Aegis of the Hive

Natural selection. It is the byword of every changeling queen who has ever lived. The chief resource that has always curbed the hives' growth used to be love. Now though, with Queen Twilight Sparkle's bloodline capable of producing love on their own, the old guard of changeling morality has seen fit to acquire this ability for the next generation before removing all of their future royal daughters' competitors.

Some queens are far closer to this goal than others.

Editor in Chief: A Bitter Pill, and Boldish42

Chapters (17)

Though the distance between Pinkie Pie and her five closest friends has grown in the half-century since they claimed their Elements, she does what she can to prevent the others from drifting away. It’s small things, mostly: tea with Rarity, a drink with Rainbow Dash, a few words with each of the others. The friendship still makes each day together magic, and she works as hard as ever to bring cheer to all of her friends. When the smiles come less frequently, that just makes each one that much more precious.

Chapters (1)