• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1562 stories
Found 1,557 stories in 84ms

Total Words: 40,415,929
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Harry the bear gives Fluttershy a fish as a thank you gift for helping him with his broken arm, and is insistent upon her eating it before it spoils. When Fluttershy reluctantly complies, she's forced to face a dark and disturbing revelation.

She loves it.

Chapters (7)

(Story based on a concept teased by Lauren Faust, written as an early birthday present for Madeline Peters and Ashliegh Ball. Proofread by Smity1038 on Deviant Art and proofread and edited by deadpansnarker on FiMFiction.)

Scootaloo is called home one day after school lets out because her parents have something important they need to tell her, they're going out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary.

Of course, that means Scootaloo will need a foalsitter for the evening, and her parents already have the perfect pony in mind for the job. But Scootaloo doesn't think she needs a foalsitter anymore and can take care of herself. When her parents insist otherwise, Scootaloo decides there's only one thing to do, run away from home before the foalsitter shows up!

Unfortunately, Scootaloo will quickly discover that it's not an easy task to hide from her parents OR her big sister, not in a town where all of Scootaloo's best hiding places are well known. Will Scootaloo figure out a way to outsmart the grown-ups?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess. But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects. Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is a mare of legend. Time and again, she has faced impossible threats, and with the help of her friends, she has always triumphed. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, Sunset Shimmer, and now Tirek have tried and failed to best her, and each trial has only made her stronger still.

But what of the oldest princesses? Luna and Celestia may be old beyond imagining, and they've seen things that would drive lesser beings mad. Before that, though, they are sisters. Sisters fight. Sisters get angry with each other.

Sisters forgive.

This is an experiment. Stories can be written without dialogue, to be sure, but can a story be told with nothing else? One chapter, no tags, nothing but two sisters talking.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to Judge Luna!
Princess Celestia allows a radio show to broadcast court cases from the Noon Day Court. At the same time, her baliff Noble Cause has... caught her eye. Dusting off one's courting skills and ruling a nation with a gentle hoof at the same time certainly won't be easy.

Chapters (14)

News of Princess Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship spreads across Equestria, and many young ponies want to be students. However, the high demand means not every one of them can get in. In order to see who would be idol students who'd benefit the most from such a school, all applicants are required to write an essay about themselves and why they want to go.

This story follows one of those young ponies, Sandbar, as he figures out what to write about in his essay and maybe discover why he wants to enrol in the school in the first place.

Entry for The Discovery.

Chapters (1)

Cookie goes to see Rarity after they have a fight and both unload some worries they've been holding for a very long time.

Chapters (1)

Silver Spoon has never been considered a fan favorite among the fans of My Little Pony, and with good reason. She isn't really that developed in the show aside from being a constant brat and bully towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders with Diamond Tiara, but why is she like this? Does she partake in such actions just for pleasure, or does she have some other, more tragic motive for being so crude?

When Apple Bloom and her friends discover that Apple Bloom is being paired up with Silver Spoon for a class project, they finally get an opportunity to discover Silver Spoon’s true nature. At first, the three crusaders begin to assume the worst and prepare themselves for the worst week of their lives. Apple Bloom is unsure whether she should trust the grey filly. She is eager to finish the assignment before Silver Spoon can deal out any more painful and bitter insults. However, as Silver Spoon begins to spend more time away from Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom begins to realize that Silver Spoon is a much more tolerable and pleasant pony to be around. Apple Bloom begins to trust Silver Spoon more and more over the course of the project as tragic secrets are revealed that were once hidden away from all to see. Is this all just some clever scheme; a facade put on by Silver Spoon to milk sympathy from others, or is life served with a silver spoon not as sweet as they were led to believe? And when she learns the truth of Silver Spoon's parents, can she really be mad at her for all she's done?

Harsh criticism welcomed.

Dramatic readings; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJrb-SK-hWg

Chapters (9)

Apple Bloom was making her way home one day, when she heard Silver Spoon crying behind a dumpster. Despite her distrust of Silver Spoon, Apple Bloom attempted to comfort her by asking her what is wrong. What she learns will make her realize that her arch enemy's life isn't prefect, and that she will comfort Silver Spoon in her darkest hour. But how will Apple Bloom be able to help Silver Spoon, when she doesn't understand what Silver Spoon is going through?

Took forever, but let's give a big shout out to my editors, and closest friends, A Dark Reminder, Picture Perfect Pony,
and Spike, some numbers..., thank you all so much.

Now with a dramatic read https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oilAf8V3ih2pWd7l0JvEuyfOFczcA7UqDkqejsVqf1g/edit

Dramatic reading in German!

Chapters (1)

They take… really long bubble baths.

An indirect sequel to “My Little Staring Contest: Alicorns can stare for a very long time.”

Chapters (25)