• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1560 stories
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Total Words: 40,387,722
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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At a certain age, fame loses most of its power as a motivational force. Cold, hard cash on the other hoof...

A pegasus attempts a dangerous record-breaking flight.

Chapters (1)

When Cadance and Shining Armor are out of town and a monster threatens the Crystal Empire, it's up to its citizens (and tourists!) to take matters into their own hooves.

Nurse Redheart must find somepony to hug to save the empire.

On an unrelated note, Kevin was having a very good day.

Written for the wonderful Admiral Biscuit for Jinglemas 2019. You are awesome!

Many thanks to wishcometrue for editing!

Edit: I've been made aware that Aragon has a story with a very similar hook and I swear to god I wasn't ripping him off lmfaooo

Chapters (1)

Sonata couldn't believe it. She wasn't smiling, she wasn't happy, and was clearly shattered. She could only think of one solution: Jump. Finish the job. Besides, who would care that she's dead? Nobody liked her anyways... except the ones that cared.

Editing by KillerShadow 15! Thanks, mate! And cover by SkycatcherEquestria!

Chapters (2)

Being the captain of Equestria's most renowned aerobatics team is a stressful, and sometimes thankless, job. Her joints ache; her muscles are taut; her mind reels from the sheer responsibility. But, like any professional, Spitfire takes it all in stride with a grin.

That is, until a certain rainbow-maned mare started mouthing off. Being accused of 'Camera Hogging' was the final straw. Spitfire finally lost her temper, dumping every ounce of that responsibility on an unwitting rookie and leaving for a single day of respite.

This story details her day of (mostly) relaxation.

(A/N: Spitfire's Day Off is a side-story to Blitz, taking place parallel to "A Very Long Day" chapter arc.)
(I was unable to locate the source of the cover image to give proper credits. Needless to say, it's not mine.)

Edit 03/07/2012: Changed format from triple-asterisk to Horizontal Rule and Sub-Chapter number. Looks much better, in my own opinion.

Chapters (1)

While walking home from work, through a thick blanket of snow you find a little filly name Luna laying in the snow. Would you take her home or leave her alone to freeze in the snow?

Note: The format is messed up on Monospace and Courier New

Chapters (6)

While strolling around town, Twilight Sparkle accidentally knocks out Derpy's contact lenses, revealing perfectly normal eyes hidden underneath.

So what else could Derpy be faking?

Chapters (1)

"Thanks, Mom." Two simple words said by a simple guard.

Not so simple when those words are accidentally addressed to Princess Celestia.

Chapters (2)

Set a week after the Canterlot Wedding fiasco, two agents from a secretive bureau investigate one of Canterlot’s households for stray changelings that are hiding around the city after the failure of Queen Chrysalis’s invasion.

The description sounds serious but the story isn’t.

Chapters (1)

Raising a family is hard. But what's harder is raising a family that has some peculiarities. Especially when these peculiarities are of the lycan kind, and has the potential to cause trouble on a massive scale among the local populace.

Mondegreen is a mother to such a family. There will be a full moon tonight, and it's up to her to prevent an event like that from happening...again.

Chapters (1)

Dinky has always known her mother was a little different from a lot of ponies she met. Her eyes went in different directions, but this never bothered the filly until class bully Diamond Tiara began to mock her mother, setting Dinky into a rage. Because of a misunderstanding both mother and daughter believe the other doesn't like them anymore, and they try to make amends towards each other. In doing so Derpy reveals her regrets from the past where a cruel stallion broke her heart and left her alone and pregnant.

Will Derpy be able to overcome the past to find happiness in the present?

Coverart taken from a comic by doubleWbrothers. http://doublewbrothers.deviantart.com/art/Normal-371395121

Chapters (20)