• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1562 stories
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Total Words: 40,415,929
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Now freed from Starlight's rule, Sugar Belle recalls to her new friends how and why she joined Starlight Glimmer's cause.

Cover art by DrLonePony

Chapters (1)

Everything has fallen apart for Scootaloo.

Her Cutie Mark will never come. The doctor said so. Her blood is just wrong.

As she stays in the Cutie Mark Crusader's Clubhouse, her friends show up. Now she has to explain that her crusade is over, and that there's even worse news.

Life as she knows it is over.

A/N: Kind of a sad story, with an upbeat ending. Listed as Slice-of-Life because it contains headcanon that makes some modicum of sense. Pretty light (Scoot's not even an orphan in this), and may have been done before, but this idea's been bothering me for too long, so here it is. Bonus points if you know what the title means. Avoid comments for massive spoilers, even if you do know what the title implies.

And yes, I do have some background in genetics, but I'm skimming it a bit for show feel.

Edit 28/7: Made the whole thing a little longer, and I think better in general. Hope you enjoy!

Watch out for the sequel, being worked on now.

Chapters (1)


I mean, um, hi, my name's Fluttershy. And I don't have a kitchen. But um… everypony seems to think I do… So here's my story about the day when everypony suddenly realized it… I don't know why it happened all on one day, but it did.

Chapters (2)

It’s time for another friendship mission. This time it’s for Ocellus and Yona to go to Canterlot. Twilight’s old friends, Minuette, Twinkleshine, & Lemon Hearts, have been interesting a stallion since the start of the new school year. Stranging, they all seem to be more interested in the same stallion rather than each other. The changeling and yak are suspicious about this and have the right to feel that way.

Chapters (3)

On the longest day of the thousandth year, only Twilight Sparkle really knew what she was getting into. That didn't stop five mares she'd met less than a day before from insisting on tagging along. They'd all go on to be heroes, but it's not like they knew that at the time. What went through their minds on that dark summer morning?

Chapters (1)

Silverstream looked forward to showing a potential new hippogriff student how fun the School of Friendship is, but those hopes were shot when a stallion showed up to a party they went to dressed as the Storm King. Now Silverstream finds things moving faster at the school than she can handle.

My first attempt at a dramatic story; not sure I'll try this again, haha.

Preread by Lofty Withers.

Entry for Secret Moon's Self Isolation contest.

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day arrives at the School of Friendship, and Head-mare Starlight decided that the school will celebrate the occasion with confessing to their friends about how their relationships mean to them.
Gallus, having a bit of romantic feelings for Silverstream, struggles to figure out a way to confess how he views their relationship . Will he make a good confession before it is too late?

I am rather neutral with Gallustream, just like I am neutral with most of the ships, but I still wish that it can become cannon alongside many opposite sex couples.

Chapters (5)

Twilight wants to play with her brother, but it's past her bedtime. What will Shining Armor do now?

Prereaders: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/246282/QueenChrysalisForever
Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/344085/RubyDubious

Inspired by: https://derpibooru.org/2296477

Chapters (1)

Quibble Pants just wasn't cut out for fatherhood. But now his relationship with Clear Sky is getting serious, he really hopes he can hit it off with her daughter Wind Sprint. But it's much more complicated than just a game of buckball.

This is a alternating POV story featuring Quibble Pants and Wind Sprint.

Somewhat related to the events in the episode Common Ground, but you don't have to have watched the episode to understand what's going on. Minimal spoilers.

Chapters (1)

My life's pretty normal.

Wake up and go to work three days a week, then come home and do whatever from Thursday to Sunday.

Never in my life did i think that could change so dramatically, but it did.

One, hot summer day, as i was walking home, i came across something I'd have never expected to find. a character from the My Little Pony Freindship is Magic show, Lyra Heartstrings and she's a filly.

that leaves just one question, What do i do now?

Major Spoiler: No, seriously, this will take away the mystery if you keep going. Just wait and you'll get quite the surprise, I swear it will be worth the wait. Fine, but I warned you. This fic is an unofficial sequel to A Spell For Lyra by Kolwynia with their blessing.

Chapters (8)